At the age of 33, I finally reached the age when no one cares about me. I have no phone, no earth, no social interaction, no ambiguity, and no melancholy. When I am alone, I have a glass of wine and two side dishes. It is beautiful. I don’t want to socialize or make friends. I ha

2024/06/2909:46:32 article 1086

33 years old, I have finally reached the age where no one cares about me. I have no phone, no earth, no social interaction, no ambiguity, and no melancholy. When I am alone, I have a glass of wine and two side dishes. It is beautiful. I don’t want to socialize or make friends. I have no beauty. A close friend, I don’t hesitate to break off any relationship that feels a little tiring. I don’t want to please anyone, and I don’t want to curry favor with anyone. When I am in my thirties, I can’t talk about being noble or sober. I just live for myself.

I want to work until I can’t move, just to have a spiritual sustenance so that I won’t go to the park to kill time, won’t compete with young people for basketball courts and square dances, won’t compete for seats on buses, won’t compete for discounted food in supermarkets, and won’t I wait for dawn every day, and wait for dawn and dusk. My godfather and godmother are 76 years old and retired military officers. They go to work every day in suits, ties, and shiny leather shoes. They have a nanny at home and a driver when they go out. The two of them can’t even spend all their retirement salary. But they keep working, both of them are in good health and rarely need to take time off. They are my role models.

I also hate being disturbed by others. I also have the financial means to be alone, but I am relatively lazy. I still have to pay people to do many chores. In this way, I cannot completely get rid of the troubles of ordinary people, so being healthy and able to do things is a prerequisite. When you are really old and no one is there to help you, it will be difficult even to execute your will, so no matter what, you are not afraid of not having relatives, you still need to have a few close friends.

At the age of 33, I finally reached the age when no one cares about me. I have no phone, no earth, no social interaction, no ambiguity, and no melancholy. When I am alone, I have a glass of wine and two side dishes. It is beautiful. I don’t want to socialize or make friends. I ha - DayDayNews

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