Text / Lotus in the Heart of a Leaf - Midsummer, with green mountains and clear waters, pleasant scenery, warm sun, butterflies in the garden, birds singing duet on the branches, and the wind lingering in the willow alleys. I like the warmth and freshness of midsummer, the charm

2024/06/1007:40:33 article 1002

Text / Lotus in the Heart of a Leaf - Midsummer, with green mountains and clear waters, pleasant scenery, warm sun, butterflies in the garden, birds singing duet on the branches, and the wind lingering in the willow alleys. I like the warmth and freshness of midsummer, the charm  - DayDayNews

Text/Yiye Xinhe


In midsummer, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the scenery is pleasant, the sun is hot, the butterflies love the flowers in the garden, the birds sing duets on the branches, and the wind is lingering in the smokey willow alleys.

likes the warmth and refreshingness of midsummer, the charm and romance of blooming flowers, and the beauty and style of thin blouses and embroidered skirts. It was a dream of longing for the mountains and rivers.

I walk by dreams, rest on my pillow, indulge in the romantic feelings of midsummer, and use my imagination to outline the best appearance of love.

As time goes by, my love grows long. I only hope that your heart will be like mine, and I will live up to my love.

Just this, under the flowers are your resounding vows to each other, and my infatuated and unchanging love. There is your gentle affection for gently picking a flower and quietly putting it on my hair, and there is my shy and delicate look that is full of love and speechless.

I lean on the door lintel in midsummer, frowning, looking through the autumn water, hoping to wait until the beloved who loves me to the core and loves me to the bone comes to touch my heart.

In the dusty purple streets, as spring passes and summer comes, I wear a white dress and flutter in your heart. I am pure and beautiful, and I will be the white butterfly you like. Love forever, true love.

In the world of mortals and the vicissitudes of life, you are still as beautiful as a horse, full of pride and unswervingly loyal. Be the horse boy in my heart, and let me follow you to the end of the world.

Text / Lotus in the Heart of a Leaf - Midsummer, with green mountains and clear waters, pleasant scenery, warm sun, butterflies in the garden, birds singing duet on the branches, and the wind lingering in the willow alleys. I like the warmth and freshness of midsummer, the charm  - DayDayNews

No matter how time flies, no matter how many years change, the love between you and me remains unchanged, as time goes by; the love that never grows old, we depend on each other to accompany the morning bells and evening drums, holding hands in the sunset and sunset. Hold your son's hand and grow old together.

It continues to be wonderful like this, and it makes the dream freeze into a deep love between you and me in the years. I would like to devote my whole life to tenderness and meet you through thousands of rivers. I would like to bring a lifetime of joy and spend time with you. I would like to copy a long love picture with a plain pen in hand.

I would like to bring the simplicity and purity of midsummer, the bright colors and the fragrance of flowers, and lay this romantic feeling with time. Carrying a light dream, walking through mountains and rivers and overcoming thousands of sorrows, there are still dreams to chase and branches to rely on; there are feelings to look forward to, there is love in the heart, there are years to look back on, and we will grow old together with deep love.

In the silent summer night, a simple and pure heart is immersed in the light dream of midsummer and does not want to wake up. I just want this warmth and romance to last throughout my life. For the rest of my life, I will no longer be alone in admiring myself, no longer daydreaming, no longer walking around alone.

Yes, no one likes to be lonely, but life is always lonely. Some dreams still wake up, leaving only a place of sadness. Some roads were still blocked even as we walked, so we had to turn back. Some people keep thinking about it and get far away from it, and have to let it go.

Life is just so long, you must have a beautiful dream to decorate your life and dilute the bitterness of life. There must be some expectations to push forward the burden of life, and there must be some fantasies to create interest in life. It is necessary to make some private space for the soul to hold dreams and love. Even if it is false, it will comfort the soul. I believe that a touch of romantic feelings is also another direction of life, and I believe that there is no distance that cannot be reached in life.

Text / Lotus in the Heart of a Leaf - Midsummer, with green mountains and clear waters, pleasant scenery, warm sun, butterflies in the garden, birds singing duet on the branches, and the wind lingering in the willow alleys. I like the warmth and freshness of midsummer, the charm  - DayDayNews

The green leaves set off the red flowers , the blue sky embraces the white clouds, the river is deeply in love with the fish, and the summer sun is attached to the breeze. The beautiful scenery; the wonderful artistic conception always makes people feel a lot of emotions and thoughts; ordinary days, There is an extra layer of poetry and romance, and there is an extra layer of longing and longing.

How wonderful it would be if we could turn back time and return to the original place, if we could meet a close person and spend this romantic time with us.

At the right time, at the right age, we are attracted to each other, and we will never leave each other for a thousand years. In the middle of summer, I make wine with green plums and drink with you. In front of the flowers and under the moon, I tell my heart to you. Let's soak up the sunshine with you in the green willow smoke alley.

The water is full of greenery. I made an appointment with the green mountain bird to visit diligently. I only care about this person and think about this person.

I only wish to walk slowly on a long road, drink strong wine, taste carefully, have deep feelings, and think lightly.

The rhyme of time is clear and shallow, the pictures of memory are long and short, the mountains and rivers are flowing, and time is wandering. I follow you from one side of the years to the other side, from youth to old age, from immaturity to maturity.

The time is gentle and the heart is warm.Faint longings pass through the dust, there is always a throbbing hidden deep in the heart, there is always a desire to form a cocoon deep in the years.

Text / Lotus in the Heart of a Leaf - Midsummer, with green mountains and clear waters, pleasant scenery, warm sun, butterflies in the garden, birds singing duet on the branches, and the wind lingering in the willow alleys. I like the warmth and freshness of midsummer, the charm  - DayDayNews

After so many years, the dusty emotions and cooled hearts seem to be gradually ignited by the hot midsummer. Send a touch of romantic feelings, let the midsummer time be painted with sweet colors, let the long-lost feelings ripple, let the love lock Between the eyebrows, a smile spread out.

Even if you are speechless, even if you have fantasies, you can open your heart and implant the beauty of midsummer into your heart, let the fragrance of flowers fill the path and embed it into the picture frame of life, let the weeping willows curl into graceful figures, and let the rhythm of little fantasies become life. music.

is ethereal and distant, like the sound of nature that shocks the soul, and like the playing of a pipa, playing a soul-stirring song of alluring love.

I fall asleep under the moon, return to the water town in my dream, and be an innocent girl again. I pick up the pink memories and send a romantic thought to the young man on the bank of the willow.

Spring goes and spring comes back again, summer flowers bloom brilliantly, in this midsummer season, I send a touch of romantic feelings from afar, be intoxicated by the wind and moon, and warm my life.

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