Buffett’s life advice to his children: 3. Knowledge is for use, not for showing off. 1. There may be false modesty, but there is no false pride. 2. There is always a group of people whose purpose in studying is not to learn real knowledge. Skills are just for a dazzling academic

2024/05/2410:39:32 article 1927

Buffett Life advice to children

Advice 3 Knowledge is for use rather than showing off

1. There may be false modesty, but there is no false pride

2. There is always a group of people whose purpose of studying is not to learn. They did not learn real skills from books, but learned to show off and show off.

3, People There are no more than two things that can establish a self-founded foundation in a person's life: one is to be a human being, and the other is to do things.

4. The difficulty of being a human being is to stabilize one's mentality from restless emotions and desires; the difficulty of doing things is to overcome the chaotic contradictions and Find out the clues from the intertwining of interests

5, Schopenhauer said: "Vanity people are despised by wise men, conquered by fools, worshiped by flatterers, and are enslaved by their own vanity."

6. Knowledge becomes ability. Useful, knowledge is powerful when ability acts on it.

7. Doing things and being a person are two sides of the coin. Those who do things with a high profile must pursue the harmony of interpersonal relationships at the same time; those who do things with a low profile must also learn not to avoid resentment and do things with a high profile.

Buffett’s life advice to his children: 3. Knowledge is for use, not for showing off. 1. There may be false modesty, but there is no false pride. 2. There is always a group of people whose purpose in studying is not to learn real knowledge. Skills are just for a dazzling academic  - DayDayNews

Advice 4: Friendship is An indispensable condiment in life

1. You cannot walk alone in life. You must have your own group of friends, a confidant in life who can not only guide you at critical moments, but also cheer for you when you are proud. Pat you on the shoulder when you are frustrated and share your worries

2. The most important thing in making friends is heart-to-heart communication and character. Don't make friends with fair-weather friends, don't make friends with snobs, don't make friends with those who are arrogant and disobedient, don't make friends with those who are rich and unkind, don't make friends with those who rely on power and power, don't make friends with those who bully the old and evil, don't make friends with those who are duplicitous, don't make friends with those who have no faith and virtue, and don't make friends with those who bully the weak. Don't hand over

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