"It's not what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing, that makes you happy or unhappy. It's what you think." - Dale Carnegie What is your happiest memory? In my thirties, I suddenly became very happy. Everything seems brighter and better than ever. I l

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"It's not what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing, that makes you happy or unhappy. It's what you think about." - Dale Carnegie

What is your happiest memory ?

When I was in my thirties, I suddenly became very happy. Everything seems brighter and better than ever.

I like the singing of birds, the growth of flowers, the blue sky and the joy of being alive. I had an amazing natural orgasm. Nothing about

bothers me. Simple life is exciting.

Maybe you think I'm in love, but the opposite is true.

We have ended a relationship.

After years of unhappiness and physical and emotional abuse, I finally found the courage to walk out.

I'm happy to be alive. I knew this natural high wouldn't last forever, but I was determined that my new life would be better.

I am determined to be happy and live a happy life.

I have. Thirty years later, as the joy of that time slowly fades, the lessons I learned about happiness continue to carry forward.

From what I have learned, all happy people know some secrets. Some of these may surprise you.


1. It’s okay to be sad

You don’t have to be happy all the time, or even every day. Happy people know that it's okay to be unhappy some days. It is important to process whatever we are feeling, be it sadness, anger, frustration or surprise.

When bad things happen, like they do to all of us, be gentle on yourself. Don't go overboard with your fake smile.

Contrasts of negative emotions can be beneficial because they remind us how wonderful happiness can be.

2. Happiness takes effort

There are things we can do to increase our daily happiness, but they require some effort. Things like eating well, exercising and getting enough rest help keep our bodies healthy.

Find people and entertainment that make you laugh or feel good, that nourish your soul.

Making the effort to eat right and surround yourself with good people pays off. Your core feels good.

3. Self-appreciation is a must

You need to learn to love and appreciate yourself, just like you yourself. You are just as interesting, unique and remarkable as anyone else.

Sometimes it's hard to see the best qualities in ourselves. Or if we see them, we don't always value them.

So make a list of your favorite things and remind yourself of these qualities regularly.

4. People First

We all need to feel loved and appreciated, and spending time with those closest to us can cultivate warm feelings. Humans have always been beasts of burden—we need to connect with people.

As we just hang out and enjoy each other's company, we are sending and receiving subtle messages of love and appreciation.

Strong relationships help us get through the hard times and celebrate the good times.

5. Comparison is in vain

Comparing yourself with others will always end in tears. It doesn't matter if you compare body size, bank balance, or boyfriend.

No matter the size, there is always someone in front of you and behind you. The only person you need to satisfy is yourself.

Try to think about the things that people might be jealous of you for, so that you can cherish those things too.

6. Sometimes memories surface

Everyone has some unpleasant memories. They are a part of life and trying to suppress them is futile.

When we work through pain and learn to accept the past, we can gently close the doors to those "rooms" in our minds.We can choose to visit these rooms if we wish. But we can also gently close them so we can grow and heal.

Your memories are a part of you, so carry them with grace.

7. Over-analysis is your enemy

We all have the ability to analyze situations to death. Wondering if other people's actions have a deeper meaning than theirs, or endlessly turning over in our minds.

It's good to consider the situation and determine what you can learn from it. But sometimes our minds can become a little obsessed and stir things up over and over in an endless, self-flagellating cycle.

When this happens, think about it before moving on to something else.

8. Attitude can be chosen

Choosing your attitude is easier said than done. I never believed this was possible before. But it is. The key to

is to change from to . Whenever you find yourself thinking that you can't do something, it's important to stop and force yourself to think about what you can do.

Try to think, ‘If someone could solve this problem, what would they do? Keeping your distance from problems in this way will open up new ideas, and soon you'll be able to do just about anything.

9. Life happens in the present

Don’t delay life. We tell ourselves we'll be happy when the kids grow up, or when we get the next raise, or when we get a new job.

But when we get these things, we postpone happiness until we achieve the next great milestone.

Happy people live now. They feel now. They now love. That doesn’t mean they don’t have goals, but they appreciate what they have now.

No one knows how many tomorrows they will have, so they must live today.

10. Happiness Doesn’t Sell

Sometimes we don’t realize that all those little “rewards” we buy for ourselves are actually a way of compensating for a lack of satisfaction in certain aspects of our lives.

If you're living for the next holiday or wondering why the latest tech toy isn't making you happy, it might be time to dig a little deeper.

Maybe you want to buy yourself some happiness instead of solving a major problem in your life. Maybe - only you will know.

Be happy now

Wouldn’t it be great if happiness were a gift that we could go out and buy for ourselves or give to others?

Imagine opening a gift of happiness and letting it flow through you. Everything is warm, comfortable and pleasant.

Imagine giving this gift to someone you love. Watch them relax into gentle contentment.

Guess what? Happiness is truly a gift you can give yourself.

The really great thing about this gift is that while making yourself happy, it also makes those around you happy.

So, let’s grab some little happiness today and share it with everyone.

You just need to think about good ideas. Not false happy thoughts, just good thoughts.

focuses on enjoying what you have. Practice choosing a positive attitude. Motivate yourself to live in the moment.

Soon you will be much happier, and so will the people around you.

What better gift could there be?

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