Growth is a process of slow enlightenment, and it is not an easy thing. The more you experience, the more you understand. Cherish the people who should be cherished, and there is no need to worry about the people who are drifting away.

2024/05/1723:12:32 article 1851

Growth is a process of slow enlightenment, and it is not an easy thing. The more you experience, the more you understand. Cherish the people who should be cherished, and there is no need to worry about the people who are drifting away. - DayDayNews

Growing up is a process of slow enlightenment, and it is not an easy thing. The more you experience, the more you understand. Cherish the people who should be cherished, and there is no need to worry about the people who are drifting away. On the way

grows, there will always be people approaching and people leaving. Don’t spend too much time feeling sad. The journey will still continue at the next stop. Others’ good or bad, hot or cold, are all temporary, because yours Life can only be fought through your own efforts. Whether others accompany you or not will not affect your life.

We don’t have the energy to please anyone at the moment, so we will be nice to whoever treats us well. We should not waste energy on maintaining relationships that make us tired. First, there is no time, and second, there is no need.

The world of adults is to learn to bear it alone in a quiet time, to wake up alone, and then slowly become silent about laughter and pain, and quietly change everything.

Growth is a process of slow enlightenment, and it is not an easy thing. The more you experience, the more you understand. Cherish the people who should be cherished, and there is no need to worry about the people who are drifting away. - DayDayNews

Adults get separated in silence.

Adult relationships are all delicate. Some people break up as they go along, and some people get acquainted with each other as they go along. This is the case with others, and it is the same with us. It is inevitable for everyone to have a few people who were once close to each other, but Friends who have gradually lost touch with each other, the older they grow, the more they understand that drifting apart is the normal state of life.

Therefore, there is no need to feel sad for those who have left, but be happy for those who are still there. A friendship and a love both require long-term care, regular contact, communication and interactions, comings and goings, questions and answers, in order to go further.

In the adult world, we leave quietly. You no longer contact me, and I no longer talk to you. We both know everything in our hearts, and we no longer talk about everything. Slowly, this love It just faded away, and we just forgot about each other in the world without deleting or talking about it.

Those who were once close gradually drifted apart, not even for many reasons. It was just the inevitable result of the change of time and their respective growth; some lost contact, but there are traces to follow, or they walked into different classes, or the hearts and minds of each other. There was a rift between them, and the distance naturally became farther and farther. No matter how good the relationship was, it was eventually defeated by the cruelty of reality.

The adult world is full of fickleness, and everyone is no exception.

In this world, long-term good friends are not easy to get, but friendship is easy to pass away. Many times, these things happen naturally. On the way forward in life, although we once walked together for a while, they will eventually drift apart.

In fact, getting together well and breaking up is a good ending; drifting apart may not be a bad thing. Many people are destined to only accompany us through a certain stage in this life.

Once upon a time we were close good friends, but for the rest of our lives we are familiar strangers. We go our separate ways, part ways, and enjoy each other's lives. We must know how to respect these real lives. There is no need to hold them back, let alone feel sad.

Growth is a process of slow enlightenment, and it is not an easy thing. The more you experience, the more you understand. Cherish the people who should be cherished, and there is no need to worry about the people who are drifting away. - DayDayNews

The collapse of adults is silent.

There are too many dilemmas in life. We must eventually learn to quietly fulfill ourselves. When we grow up, we will understand that we can only rely on ourselves for this path in life.

Life is hard, and there are many difficult moments that make us overwhelmed, but we must work hard and pretend to be happy. This is life.

When I grow up, I realize how difficult it is to put a smile on an adult's face, because you can't live with tears. Such moments are more reserved for the endless night, where one person quietly puts away too much Digest sadness and vent too much dissatisfaction.

Although life is difficult, you still have to live it with a smile every day. Sometimes, after enjoying the hardships, you still have to continue to be busy and run around, not daring to stop for a moment.

When there are many people and the scene is lively, the surface is calm and relaxed, and people are chatting and laughing. In fact, the pressure and depression in our hearts have submerged the whole body and mind, and we can only hide the bad emotions in places where others cannot see and release them, often when night falls. Being completely swallowed up by those negative emotions, often defeated by the scattered pain in the dead of night, venting all the accumulated emotions.

In this world of people, everyone has their own unhappiness.

No one is born strong, and no one should be strong. If we have accumulated too much fatigue and pain, sometimes we should allow ourselves to be vulnerable. Since it's difficult, don't wrong yourself emotionally anymore. Cry by yourself when you want to cry, and find a hidden place to vent your emotions that have no place to rest.

This is true for everyone, no exceptions.

This is not cowardice or hypocrisy, but choosing a quiet way to reconcile with yourself and shake hands with the tough world. Maybe the current situation is difficult, but we must try our best to live this ordinary life. Only in this way can we continue to work hard and bravely, overcome everything, and then usher in happiness and beauty.

Growth is a process of slow enlightenment, and it is not an easy thing. The more you experience, the more you understand. Cherish the people who should be cherished, and there is no need to worry about the people who are drifting away. - DayDayNews

Adults are strong and remain calm.

In the adult world, there is always collapse and strength at the same time.

Because when we understand that tears, help and prayers are all useless, the only thing we can do is to forget ourselves and let ourselves go. This is life. Even if we are crushed to pieces countless times, we must try our best to repair it. repair.

In this noisy and troubled world, no one can live a smooth life. There is no life that is not riddled with holes, weathered, and full of hardships. Every adult is carrying a heavy burden and moving forward. In a corner where others cannot see, I swallow the sweet and bitter alone and endure the wind, frost, rain and snow.

Living is nothing more than a state of mind.

In the adult world, there are not many people you can rely on, because you are the one your family relies on. Apart from working hard to make money, other stories are not important; adults do not have many choices, and many times we have to recognize the reality. , all the burdens have to be carried on one's own hands and shoulders, and one is not allowed to give up, let alone indulge.

We dare not reveal the collapse of our inner world easily, but heal the wounds silently and rebuild our lives alone. We are afraid that speaking out our emotions will cause trouble to others, lead to incomprehension, and be ridiculed.

As a person slowly grows up, matures slowly, and wakes up slowly, he finally understands that the real meaning of life is quiet. Those heartbreaking moments can only be experienced by oneself, and those cliffs can only be climbed by oneself.

The more difficult it is, the more we rely on ourselves, wipe away our tears, mute our cries, step over thorns, climb over mountains and ridges, and move forward all the way, because we know that the turning point in life is not far away.

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