In life, we will find that truly smart people are often able to be humble and treat others humbly; while those who are ignorant often like to "act smart" and play their best.

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In life, we will find that truly smart people are often able to be humble and treat others humbly; while those who are ignorant often like to

Socrates said: "The only thing I know is that I know nothing." In life, we will find that truly smart people can often be humble and treat others humbly; while those who are ignorant often like "Being smart" and playing tricks.

In the end, they can only end up with the consequences of "playing with fire and self-immolation, and the gain outweighs the loss". Just because you don't say it doesn't mean you can't see it. Some people always like to take advantage of others.

They found that the other party had been fooled, but did not react. They thought that they were "smart" and the other party did not notice it. In fact, this may not be the case.

The reason why others remain silent may not be because they are unaware, but because they do not want to harm the relationship between the two parties, so they choose to "see through but not tell."

If you think the other person is stupid and deceive the other person over and over again to take advantage of the other person, then the original feelings will only be exhausted.

Loneliness is the normal state of life. Sometimes it is a state, sometimes it is a state of mind, sometimes it is melancholy and helplessness, and sometimes it is a person's loneliness.

Just as Zhang Ailing said: "We are all people who are used to loneliness." On the road of life, it is like wind, frost, rain and snow. It is a common occurrence and cannot be avoided. It is the scenery and the mood, and will always accompany us wherever we go. Live the spring, summer, autumn and winter of life. In a person's life, who doesn't come from loneliness and leave in loneliness?

Some people are restless because of loneliness, some people lose themselves and their lives because they cannot stand the loneliness, some people sink and degenerate because they cannot bear the loneliness, and some people go astray and lose themselves because they are unwilling to be lonely.

In life, no one is lonely, and no one can truly get rid of loneliness. A lonely life is empty, lonely and helpless. A lonely life can make people become impetuous and depressed. Sometimes, loneliness can also make people wiser and make them think deeply about life.

Smart people can endure loneliness. Baby Anne said: "I like lonely people because they are kind." In fact, loneliness sometimes makes people's spiritual connotations deeper. Only those who can endure loneliness can Stay calm in silence and keep your inner peace so as not to get confused.

Only by being able to endure loneliness can we resist temptation, stop being impetuous, concentrate on solving problems, be neither sad nor sad, do not belittle oneself, and maintain the power of strength and self-confidence.

People who can endure loneliness have a pure heart and find themselves in a unique realm. When you are lonely, you can find your true self. Facing the tranquil state of mind in loneliness, there is also the warmth of life in the desolation, and the charm of life and business are all in it.

Being able to endure loneliness is, for some people, a return to their mood and a joyful enjoyment. Even in the hustle and bustle, you can give yourself a quiet place, create a free space for yourself, and enjoy your own spiritual world.

Have a heart-to-heart talk with yourself in loneliness, be cautious in introspection, think quietly, silently soothe the inner trauma, and let yourself be relieved in relief.

Being able to endure loneliness is a lonely experience in life and a milestone in life's maturity. "Wherever your heart leads, you have always followed the past, and life is like a journey against the odds, a reed is used to navigate it ." Life is walking alone, walking in loneliness, knowing the ups and downs of life and the harshness of the world, so that you can correct your mistakes and correct your life direction.

I have a lot of bad luck, a lot of experiences in life, and a lot of loneliness. Loneliness is like snow, but it is a tempering of the mind and a rare wealth in life. Only when you can endure loneliness can you have prosperity.

Only those who have truly experienced loneliness will value their UF friends more. Because only if you can endure loneliness can you have a calm and calm state of mind and make rational judgments.

As Mr. Lu Xun said, "When I am silent, I feel fulfilled." Being able to endure loneliness is a kind of cultivation. To endure loneliness, you must have an indifferent heart.

Tranquility leads to distance, indifference leads to clear ambition. In life, loneliness can make people sober. It will not make people blind, nor will they become obsessed with money, nor will they become slaves to the secular world and fame and fortune. It can only make life richer and the soul purer.

A quiet life is in loneliness, but there is still hope. Bi Shumin said: "I am often very lonely in my heart, and speaking out is really lively without words.

The world is already noisy enough. All we need is to face our hearts quietly." Some things cannot be achieved only by seeing hope. To persevere, but to see hope in loneliness. Only by persevering can there be hope.

If you ask why I didn't succeed, I can only tell you that it is because you can't bear loneliness, are eager for success, and will not retreat and weave a web. The road of life is never smooth sailing. It is full of thorns and traps. People who cannot bear loneliness will not think deeply and cross a few ditches.

If you can't stand loneliness, you can't persevere. Only by persevering in loneliness can you overcome the idea of ​​shrinking and giving up. This is the secret of success.

Only when you can endure loneliness in life can you be prepared. Life is full of opportunities and challenges. Only by being able to endure loneliness can you calmly face the challenges, settle yourself in loneliness, and improve yourself.

Being able to endure loneliness is also a kind of self-cultivation. I remember Mr. Long Yingtai once said: "There is a kind of loneliness, and adding a person to talk to or a close dog around may be able to alleviate it. There is a kind of loneliness, which is boundless. Perhaps we can only face the boundlessness and sense of no place between heaven and earth, and practice without makeup. "

A busy person's heart is crowded, and he is afraid of loneliness, because his heart is too crowded. , loneliness becomes boredom. However, if you know how to enjoy loneliness, let the sunshine live in your heart, nourish your life with warmth, and precipitate a sense of tranquility. One day, a tired heart can be warmed by loneliness.

No matter how busy life is, we should give our soul some space and nourishment in the busyness, so that joy and peace can grow naturally. Therefore, I like Liu Zongyuan's "River Snow": "Thousands of mountains and birds have disappeared, and thousands of people have disappeared. A solitary boat and a man with a coir raincoat are fishing alone in the cold river snow."

The world between heaven and earth is so pure and pure. Silence, spotless, and soundless; the fisherman's loneliness is the simplicity of life. The fisherman's character is aloof, but he makes the loneliness poetic and picturesque.

Life is actually the loneliness of a person's soul, and the fragrance of life is brewed due to loneliness. Therefore, life needs a little lonely blank space, which is also the most beautiful line of poetry in life.

In fact, people are just a speck of dust in nature. Enjoying wandering, enjoying long journeys, and the wind, rain and sunshine along the way, flying and settling are all a lonely walk.

Because of loneliness, we can have deeper thinking, and then we can calm down, look through all the things in the world, and see the true nature of life. And because of loneliness in life, there will be a lot of time for us to think about life over and over again and consider it. Decision is used to avoid unnecessary troubles and failures.

When you encounter loneliness at the corner of life, only by letting it bloom in life like a tuberose , with a dark fragrance filling your sleeves, can life be calm.

In this world, we are all looking for the happiness and joy of life in loneliness, and at the same time we are looking for our own inner comfort in loneliness. At the same time, we are also looking for opportunities to succeed and meet the beautiful and true ourselves in our souls.

People live a tiring life. From the first cry of life, they are troubled by complicated matters such as schooling, employment, marriage and promotion, etc., and they cycle back and forth on the ancient track year after year.

Among them, many of the same kind are joking with you with their masterpieces, leaving you with no way to study, no way to find a job, no hope of marriage and no hope of promotion. Faced with these, what choice should you make? Maybe you will be far-sighted, change the world with your power, and spread the rain in the world, or maybe you will be hesitant and find yourself in jail.

people, don't let trivial matters influence our choices. Why not embrace nature, enjoy the spiritual energy, watch the rushing rivers, the quiet and majestic distant mountains, and feel the endless affection given by nature.

People are actually very fragile, just like a hollow reed . The bumps in life will make you realize the fragility and limitation of life.

We should make our mood as calm as a bright mirror, as still as still water, and let our mind be open-minded and indifferent.There is no intention to stay or leave, looking at the clouds in the sky and relaxing 's detachment is even more difficult to achieve this state.

But man is the masterpiece of the Creator. In his lovely life, he is pregnant with noble rationality and contains great power. He has angelic appearance and behavior.

breeds ideals and beliefs all the time. When you are shocked by the light of life, you should bravely raise your sails, cruise the sea, and explore the world.

Ordinary life cannot be spent in an ordinary way. Abandon the hustle and bustle, abandon the arrogance, and write the magnificence and glory of life with a calm heart.

In fact, life is the same. Many times, it seems that we have reached a situation where there is no hope of recovery. But how do we know that this predicament will not be the beginning of another life, another new realm of darkness and brightness?

friends, bite the bullet and get through it, there is another sunny day ahead. Many times, we don’t have the right to choose in many things. There are many people who choose to struggle on their journey of life!

The most important thing for people is to have self-knowledge, but not everyone can clearly understand themselves. They are either conceited with a high self-esteem, or have low self-esteem that is as low as dust. Such polarization is not much but not little.

No matter what kind of personality he is, he is actually not good. There are more or less problems, and it is difficult to survive better. Really powerful people can clearly understand themselves, work hard to improve themselves anytime and anywhere, and face the unknown in a better state.

Cherish every minute and second of life. I have heard a saying that makes sense: "There is no such thing as a wasted journey in life. Every step counts." It takes a day to play and a day to learn. No matter how you make a choice, you will ultimately be affected. Own.

All roads lead to Rome, it all depends on where you spend your time. A road that takes more time will naturally be "smoother" than one that takes less time, and prepared efforts will be better.

In this world, some people value interests, while others value feelings. People who use their emotions to defraud others are stupid. What a person can deceive is often the person who trusts him. Using the priceless trust of others in oneself in exchange for a small profit is an indistinguishable behavior.

They got immediate benefits, but in the end, they became lonely. At this time, they want to deceive others again, but there is no chance. Confucius said: "A person cannot stand without trust." When facing the trust of others, you should cherish and be grateful;

If you use others' trust in you to hurt others, you will only lose your footing in the world. place. Not fighting does not mean cowardice. Some people say: "Let your people not be afraid of you." I think so. Some people, when faced with others' concessions, mistakenly interpret them as "weakness".

Therefore, when faced with the other party's tolerance, they showed no gratitude at all, and even arrogantly pushed further. However, human patience has its limits. If you press hard on others step by step, then you will only force the other party to "show your sword."

We often say: "Take a step back and the sky will be brighter." However, if "taking a step back" results in pressing harder and harder, then, Who would give in blindly? Some people may ask: "Since they are not afraid, why do they give in?"

Some people choose to give in because they feel that there is no need to "care about everything"; some people choose to give in out of kindness and are unwilling to hurt the other party for the sake of loss. . Many people often associate kindness with cowardice. In fact, there is a huge difference between the two.

Being kind means having a sword in hand, but you just retract the scabbard and will not hurt others easily; being cowardly means having no sword in hand, so you can only give in. People who regard kindness as cowardice will often pay a heavy price for their own cleverness. Ignorance is not scary, it is being smart.

In life, being shrewd is not as good as being kind. As the old saying goes: "When the terrain is good, a gentleman will carry it with virtue. If a person wants to achieve a career, he must have virtue as a foundation. Any trick will be like jumping off the beam in front of a great virtue." Like clowns, they are vulnerable.

We will find that those companies that work hard can often achieve steady and long-term success; while those companies that follow crooked ways often "will flourish quickly and die quickly."" Cai Gentan " said: "Blessings that are not part of the world, gains without reason, not the bait of creation, that is, the trap of opportunity in this world." ”

A shrewd person, when he sees the benefit, tries every means to seize it, regardless of whether it is moral or not. As a result, he falls into the trap of others. A kind person, even if he sees the benefit, will not blindly fight for it, but They will do their jobs properly and behave in a down-to-earth manner.

In the end, they will be safe and sound. I said: “Great wisdom is like foolishness. "Kind people seem to have no scheming, but in fact their biggest scheming is to "treat others sincerely and act with integrity."

" A Dream of Red Mansions " said: "The agency was too clever in calculating, but it cost your life." If a person is too smart, treats others as fools, and bullies them wantonly, then he will only have no way out in the end, and everyone will betray his relatives. . Kindness is the greatest shrewdness.

Silence is the monologue of life. People are silent through the vicissitudes of life. After understanding happiness, the heart is at peace. It is not afraid of people's words. It walks out of right and wrong. It is indifferent to gains and losses. It is easy to live life without impatience. It is a fleeting life without persistence and confusion.

Live your days with peace of mind, enjoy the ordinary life, live up to the long time, cook slowly for a long time, people are calm and full of heart, slowly savor the floating life, your heart is warm and peaceful, and you can enjoy the four seasons.

Have a beautiful heart, beauty everywhere, warm sunshine in the heart, spring like all seasons, hope in the heart, a promising future, a pure heart, a pure heart, a peaceful heart, a warm heart, no confusion, enjoy life, no attachment, look at the mortal world with a smile.

Don't hold on to a single thought, be undisturbed, don't admire glitz, keep to yourself, get rid of the complicated and keep the true, get rid of the false and keep the true, get out of the false, return to the true nature, walk calmly, neither arrogant nor arrogant, neither immodest nor pretentious.

behaves openly and behaves naturally. Go through the vicissitudes of life, get out of the glitz, get rid of troubles, transcend yourself, embrace beauty, protect happiness, and return to your true heart.

Let the heart return to zero, not stained by worldly dust, free from distracting thoughts, pure and inactive, and leisurely and contented. Live in the present, happiness is with you, love is in the present, warmth is always with you, cherish the present, and live up to the passing years.

Everyone will be tired, no one can bear all the sadness for you, people always have to learn to grow up on their own for a while. No one will be your safe haven in this life, only yourself is your last refuge.

Life is like this, no matter what choice you make, you will leave regrets. You are not qualified to take a step forward, and you are reluctant to take a step back, leaving only sadness and tears. Time has taken away the youthful frivolity of the past, and also accumulated all the self-knowledge of warmth and warmth.

We all have to pay for our youth and ignorance, but everyone’s lessons are different. Looking back, it’s all deserved. I don’t blame anyone, but I can’t forgive myself.

After experiencing the hardships in life and surviving the most difficult times, you learn to let yourself go and reconcile with your own heart. Such a profound and difficult journey is a different scenery in your life.

I once thought that I could be immune to all kinds of poisons. The passion of my youth, the passion that belongs to us, have been smoothed away by the hardships of life. This is life, sooner or later, everyone has to experience it.

What kind of ending is worthy of the displacement and grievances along the way? When you don’t expect anything, everything will go smoothly, be generous, live a good life, and good luck will definitely come your way.

No matter what you go through, remember to bring your kindness and gratitude to meet warmth and happiness. There is a road ahead and a promising future.

The original intention of How Much Hurt is After is to teach people to grow. I understand your intention, and you understand my sadness. Passion is hurt repeatedly, how soft the fingers are tempered into a heart as strong as iron.

There are some things that cannot be accomplished despite trying one's best, so one has to walk away, that is helplessness; some people have to wait so long that they have no choice but to leave, that is no fate; some love, one's love is unclear, so one has to let go, that is fruitless.

The future may not be long, and goodbye may not be possible. When the sun is right and the breeze is not dry, love whoever you want to love and see whoever you want to see, and don't change for the world.

is only for its own original intention. Fate allowed me to meet you at the most beautiful time. I don’t ask for results, just thinking about you is enough, and the feeling of heartache is also happy.

The road of life is a self-directed and self-acted play. Every scene does not require acting skills, it is a unique and unforgettable memory. If you take it lightly, you will understand that this is life, you are in the play, and you are in the play.

When you get through this pain, you will never allow anyone to hurt you from now on. How deep the love will hurt you! Time is the best verification of everything, and the same is true in life. Everything depends on the fate, and let go of what should be let go.

When you no longer bother with a person, your heart has actually been heartbreakingly painful countless times. Only those who have experienced this kind of pain will understand.

Giving in is a rational withdrawal, and it is also a rational avoidance. It leaves room for others and also leaves room for yourself. To let others go is to let yourself go.

No matter how generous your soul is, it will not be able to tolerate a grain of sand. Being with the person you love is the happiest thing in this life. People often misunderstand the past, overestimate the present, and lose sight of the future. What traps us is always ourselves.

Love can only be the result of two people giving sincerity, blending into each other, and integrating with each other. Otherwise, there will be no future in life, only pain and loneliness to accompany you. Life is not easy, but it is not easy to do it and cherish it.

I don’t understand too much in the first half of my life, and I don’t want to understand too much in the second half of my life. All the splendid moments will eventually be submerged by time. What really matters is not the years in life, but the life in the years.

is strong in his bones, educated in his words and deeds, tolerant in his interactions, and kind in his heart. Every storm in life will make you stronger.

The deepest love always goes through thick and thin, the strongest affection always comes through thick and thin, and the person who understands best is the warmest companion! The mind should be simple and the person should be confused. All things are our backer, and we are our own backer. Lower your expectations, reduce your dependence, and you will become better!

Right or wrong, success or failure turns into nothing. Many things in ancient and modern times are all laughed at. In the end, it is just the carefreeness of "happy encounters over a glass of wine". The most beautiful state of life is to be unfazed by favors and disgrace, to stay and go without care, and to enjoy the tranquility after the wind and rain.

No matter how big the ship is, it will always dock; no matter how strong the sun is, it will sink to the west. The stability on the shore and the sweetness of sinking are the true meaning of peace and tranquility in all things.

In life, only by finding the correct position in life can you be like a fish in water. People with impetuous minds cannot retain peace, and their lives will become a quagmire, sinking deeper and deeper into the quagmire. Impetuousness will not only not solve any problem, but will only add fuel to the fire, making the situation more chaotic.

A kind of person who relies on his talent and good looks but cannot achieve anything high or low. He wastes himself in self-admiration and puts his face and airs before self-reliance.

There is another kind of person who has nothing, but is broken and has no intention of making progress. He is always intoxicated by his ability to talk and talk. He only wants to talk but does not want to do anything, and has become an accessory to others.

Life is a practice, and the main thing to cultivate is our heart. The current life is too impetuous, and everyone has too many desires in their hearts. Life is impermanent, and things are unpredictable. People live forever, but they cannot control it. The changes and changes in the world.

Being too anxious or anxious will only affect our own mood, not others, but only increase our worries.

Growth is a process, and growth also comes with a price. People have joys and sorrows, the moon waxes and wanes, and there are always gaps in some things. People cannot be too perfect in this life, and only incompleteness is the best state.

In my growth path, I have experienced too many joys and sorrows, love and hate entanglements, and slowly transformed from an innocent-hearted girl into a calm-minded woman. As we grow older, what we think about is not the same.

The difficulty of life lies in not having money. People have to endure hardships, and even more so, they have to experience the pain of not having money. When there is no money, it is even more important to be firm on the path you are on.

When I am truly willing to open the lock in my heart, and I am willing to open myself, I feel enlightened at that moment. The awareness and awakening in my heart, how many shouts are roaring in my heart, as if just to wait for people like me, Can arouse strong resonance.

A person will be trapped by things, defeated by life, and after experiencing various bad things, he may become more and more decadent, but he must learn to be fearless and learn to stride forward bravely.

A truly strong person must learn to control his emotions instead of being tied down by them. I used to be an extreme and negative person, but now I have changed a lot, because I have come from a dark world. Come out, ready to face the light.

Even if I become very decadent and frustrated, I can't change anything, so I don't seek change, I just seek to be myself. If there are not too many distracting thoughts in life, you will find that your head is empty and your heart is empty. You are just looking for goals for yourself, pursuing that goal, and continuing to move forward.

Don’t panic when it’s urgent, don’t be afraid of big things, don’t get angry about small things, and don’t dwell on trivial things. Life requires an attitude, and an attitude can usher in new changes. People need to understand. What really needs to be settled is the heart, so don’t panic. , not anxious, not angry, not thinking.

Mark Vine said: "As long as you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to stop and reflect. Most people today, in order to live a secure and stable life, seem to be close to the "public" intentionally or unintentionally ", blending into various circles.

Then, in this lively and pyrotechnic "community", they constantly dabble in new things and absorb so-called new knowledge.

These people are afraid of being left behind in life. , left behind by the group and the times, so they are anxious, anxious, and confused.

In fact, the more people one-sidedly absorb the so-called knowledge of success and growth in a group environment, the more they fall into a kind of In the midst of endless anxiety and pressure.

This is like having a dish or a bowl of rice in your daily meal, your stomach is just full, and your life is just fine, but one day you suddenly find that you have to be like those "salesmen." "Same, there are ten dishes and one bowl of rice in one meal.

The amount of food has not changed, but there are more dishes, so you eat too much every meal, your belly gets bigger and bigger, you gain more and more fat, and your body becomes more and more unhealthy. It's becoming increasingly unhealthy.

You blindly follow the crowd and follow the crowd. You don't even think about the definitions and standards set by others. As a result, your body and mind begin to become confused.

Your heart becomes confused. It's a mess. Not only do you not know how to reflect on it, but you don't examine what part went wrong. Instead, you continue to discuss the solution with the original initiator. Then you fall into an endless loop and can never get out of it.

is in "Banshan Anthology". I saw this passage: "The millstone of life is very heavy. You think it is crushing you, but in fact it is teaching you delicacy and helping you present the details of life to prevent you from living this life too roughly. "

A person with real wisdom is that when faced with the same encounters and difficulties, he sees a turning point and a challenge that can be faced.

And people who lack cognitive ability, once they encounter difficulties , first of all, I am afraid, anxious, and then anxious. I never stop, calm down and reflect.

We can think about why some people become stronger and stronger, and why some people live their lives more and more. Is it worse because strong people eat one more bowl of rice per meal and sleep one more hour every day than weak people?

In fact, the difference between the strong and the weak is that one uses his body to replace his thinking. Use thinking to look forward to the future. In the course of life, most people will experience such things as starting a family and starting a business. Some people are defeated and defeated.

And some people not only manage their families very well, At the same time, it can gradually lead your life to glory. If the beauty of life has become a pressure to survive on you, you should not complain about this society, but should reflect on yourself in time.

If complaining is useful, this society will be better. There will not be so many people who live like zombies. Therefore, when a wise person encounters a problem, he solves it. When a wise person encounters a problem, he reflects on it.

Hugo said: "Being unmasked is a problem." A kind of failure, taking off the mask yourself is a kind of victory. "So, it's up to you whether you want real life to take off your unbearable mask, or whether you want to bravely take off the mask yourself and live out your own strength.

Any trouble, pain, pressure and despair in life are actually reminding you that it is time to reflect and make changes. You will find that the moment you start to take the initiative to reflect on yourself, nothing seems to have changed, and everything seems to have changed again.

I really like what Heine said: "Reflection is a mirror. It can clearly show our mistakes and give us the opportunity to correct them."

As a human being, you must not have "hidden diseases and avoid treatment" Although there is clearly a problem with the idea, he still tries his best to defend himself and says that there is no problem, and even always favors his own vulnerability and self-esteem.

In the face of the greatest principle of strengthening oneself, all small thoughts and ideas should not come out to deny anything, but should be guided by strength.

Only in this way can we reflect on our own mistakes, then correct them, improve ourselves, change ourselves, and create ourselves. Xi Juan wrote in "Lost": "Only when you have suffered deeply can you understand the pain of others, so it is difficult to reflect on yourself."

When people walk through the world, they will more or less experience the so-called bitterness and bitterness. , sorrow and sorrow, it is precisely because of experiencing the pain that one can understand the pain of others.

Although Mr. Lu Xun once said that the joys and sorrows between people are not connected, although this is the reality, it does not mean that the emotional communication between people is completely blocked.

People are animals with feelings. Many times, when we have more introspection, we have more tolerance in our hearts. Having more tolerance in our hearts also means that there is love living in our hearts. A person's upbringing that goes deep into his bones is that he has an extra sense of independence in his heart.

A cautious person is self-disciplined in doing things and conscious in being a person. And a person's deeper education lies in being "cautious of others". That is to say, whether you are alone or in a group of people, you can be strict with yourself and reflect on everything.

It is certainly difficult for a person to be self-reflective and cautious when he is independent, but it is even more difficult to continue to be self-reflective and self-reflective in a chaotic group, and it is even more difficult to be "cautious of others".

However, if a person perceives the wisdom of self-confidence, and can also use this wisdom from the process of self-practice, and finally get a steady stream of positive feedback from it.

Then, we can say that these people have a clear understanding of life and life. The famous philosopher Socrates said: An unexamined life is not worth living. Really powerful people will seriously reflect on their lives, work and relationships.

Everything that is related to themselves, or even has nothing to do with them, they will think about it, settle down, enrich themselves, and plan their lives.

French poet Lucquette once said: "There cannot be two lives, but many people are not good at spending them even once." The saddest thing in life is this, so as long as you don't want to live your life, It became a tragedy.

Then, you must allow yourself to be in the process of examining yourself, reflecting on life, and introspecting your life. Find shortcomings, correct pain points, reject internal friction, focus on growth, and then build a blue sky for life, create a wonderful life, and enjoy every beautiful moment.

The road of life is one step deep and one step shallow. Sadness is on the road, and hope is also on the way; fatigue is on the road, and joy is also on the way.

No one’s life will be smooth and prosperous, and the sun and moon will always accompany you; and no one’s life will be accompanied by laughter and laughter forever. There will always be some difficulties, some pain, and some troubles that we need to endure and bear. Along the way,

has gone through ups and downs, and people have gradually understood the truth that living life simply and openly is the most important thing in life.

Confucius has a saying: A gentleman is magnanimous, while a villain is always worried. This means: A gentleman should have a broad mind and an open mind, be able to tolerate all kinds of things, and should not care too much about personal gains and losses.

Villains are narrow-minded, care about everything, and are good at playing tricks.The result of this is that you will be in trouble with others and yourself, which will often make you sad and uncomfortable.

However, it is not easy for everyone in the world to be open-minded and live a simple life. Because everyone is in a different environment and has different perceptions of things, their mentality will also be different.

Our lives are often complicated. On the road of life, there are temptations of fame and wealth; there is greed with its own delusions, and you will get involved if you are not careful.

If people can live openly, then they will be able to clear away the demonic obstacles in their hearts and get rid of their delusions in their consciousness, and life will probably be simple and simple.

can avoid all kinds of fetters caused by the world's chaos, not be tilted by greed, not swayed by likes and dislikes, not carried away by joy, and can live a peaceful life.

Patriarch Bodhidharma said: "Don't look for the future, don't worry about the future, and don't love the present." If a person is at peace in his heart, he will be unfazed by favors and humiliations in the world full of temptations.

From one day to a year, from one year to a lifetime, I feel peaceful and tranquil every second. Living in the most truth, goodness and beauty is the best happiness in life.

In fact, in life, each of us is walking with heavy luggage on our backs. The longer the time, the heavier the luggage on our bodies becomes.

If you have a big bag, there are many things that can be abandoned, such as those secular prejudices, the restlessness of material desires, the fatigue of chasing, and the worries of choice. When you are blindly attached to something, you will often worry about gains and losses, and troubles will come one after another. If you have no worries in your heart and can look away from everything and take everything lightly, all troubles will be far away.

has such a good saying: live a clear and simple life, simply follow the fate. Life is a mixture of misfortunes and blessings; life is a mixture of joys and sorrows.

Only by facing the world calmly can we go through life safely. Only by accepting everything calmly can we reduce the worry about gains and losses. If you live a simple life, you will be at ease; if you live a magnanimous life, you will naturally have less worries.

What we want in life is to enjoy ourselves, whether it is predestined or not, let everything go as it happens. If we look down upon it, we will be relaxed; if we look down upon it, we will be at ease; if we look down upon it, we will be happy; if we look at it lightly, we will be open-minded; if we see it through, we will become mature; If you understand it, it will be simple.

There is no need to be deliberate when you act casually. Don't expect too much when you are at peace with the situation. If you are calm and calm, you will have fewer worries. Life is inherently impermanent, and people's hearts are even more fickle. Why bother worrying about right and wrong? If you take it lightly and let it go, the success or failure you encounter will be just that.

Li Bai wrote in the poem " Dreaming about Heavenly Mother's Song and Leaving Farewell ": "The world's pleasures are also like this. From ancient times, everything flows eastward. When will you return when you leave? Let's put the white deer among the green cliffs and ride to the famous mountains as soon as possible. An Neng is able to bend his eyebrows and bend his waist to serve the powerful, which makes me unhappy. "

His heart is as light as water, and he is free and unrestrained. This is the magnanimous spirit and mind of "Poetic Immortal". I think that by living life simply and magnanimously, you can be happy in life. This is a great wisdom in life, and it is also a good way for us to always keep a happy face in life.

Mai Jia wrote in the book "Life Haihai": A person always has to experience many things in his life. Some things are like air, drifting away with the wind, leaving no trace; some things are like watermarks, which can stay for a while. It doesn't last long; but some things are like wood carvings, once carved, they never disappear.

This life of a person is just an experience, the ups and downs, the joys and sorrows, once you have tasted it, your life will be complete. The truth of life is actually very simple. The difficulties and hard times we have experienced will ultimately shape us.

Everything we experience and every person we meet may have its meaning. Accept what has happened, understand the meaning of life from it, and change what you don't like. If you can't change it, then slowly stay away from it.

Every bad experience teaches us to grow. Every good lifestyle will reward you at some point. When you live seriously, happiness and happiness will meet you unexpectedly.

Life is like drinking water. You know whether you are warm or cold. Only you know whether you are living a happy life or not. Only you know whether you are living a happy life or not. Never envy other people's lives. What others like may not be what you like. What suits others may not suit you.

Every persistence is the accumulation of success. As long as you believe in yourself, you will always encounter surprises; every life has its own trajectory. Remember to believe in yourself and don’t give up easily; every morning is The beginning of hope.

Everyone has a difficult time, don't be afraid, hope that in the days of silence, there will be a good turn. The best way for a person to live is actually to be able to choose the lifestyle that best suits him or her, without letting others' likes and dislikes influence one's thoughts, and without others' evaluations affecting one's mood.

The adult world always revolves around life and parents, like a spinning spiral that never ends. In addition to running around, there is also fatigue, because the shoulders of adults carry a family of children and a variety of life experiences.

Life is not easy. We are tired from running around day after day. Only lying in bed before going to bed can relieve the fatigue of the day. But the most frightening thing is not physical fatigue, but mental fatigue. Because you can rest if you are physically tired, but if you are mentally tired, a person's fighting spirit and energy will be gone.

has a saying: "I used to think that when you are sad, you will shed a lot of tears; but it turns out that when you are truly sad, you will not shed a single tear." Once a person's heart is bound, no matter how happy the time is, it will be boring and unbearable, and no matter how beautiful things are, they will become numb and indifferent.

A real master is a good person among good people and a bad person among bad people. To treat good people, follow Confucianism and treat them better than they treat you; to treat bad people, follow Legalism and be more resourceful than they are. Bodhisattva's heart and thunderous means are both indispensable!

If you pay attention to others from the bottom of your heart, you can make many friends in less than two months; if you just want to win the attention of others, you can't make friends even if it takes two years.

If you want to make enemies, be better than your friends; if you want to make friends, let your friends be better than you. Mentally strong people don’t run away from change. Rather than complaining, look for the positives in changes and find ways to respond flexibly to situations.

They recognize that change is inevitable and must adapt to it. Why do you want everything without working hard? Please remember this sentence. Whatever kind of life you want, you have to work hard on your own. If you want to get it, you must pay first.

slowly realized that we need to have different ways of getting along with different people, stand in different positions, and adopt different attitudes, because this is not tact, but the most basic ability.

People only have one life. In fact, there is no need to be too demanding or extravagant about anything. Just have your own happy home, do what you want, love what you want, and work hard to live every day.

Living in this world, even ordinary people hope that they can have a brilliant future, and that they can keep going uphill and have a smooth life.

A seed has been planted in our hearts since childhood, hoping that through our own efforts we can change the outcome of our lives, and that we can be successful and successful when we grow up.

Some people have indeed been working hard towards their goal, and finally achieved their vision through unremitting efforts, while most people have fallen on the way forward. The initial ambitions were annihilated by reality, and in the end they were lost to everyone.

Whether a person will be successful or not can already be seen. Of course, it does not refer to birth. Many people will associate birth with future fortune. However, there are many people in life who obviously have a high starting point, but If you don't work hard, you will eventually succeed in driving away your good luck, and your life will continue to go downhill from now on.

It is usually a person's attitude towards life and some of his own characteristics that determine a person's future outcome.

Those who have great potential usually have such characteristics. has far-sightedness and is not limited to the one-third of an acre of land in front of it. Whether a person has vision usually determines how far he can go and how high he stands.

Let’s look at those people who really have great potential. They usually have farsightedness, will not stick to the small circle in front of them, will not be short-sighted, but can broaden their horizons and have ambitious goals.

saw a story about three people building a wall at a construction site, and someone asked them what they were doing.

The first worker said "I am building a wall", the second worker said "I am building a building", and the third worker said "I am building a beautiful city".

Several years later, the first worker was still building a wall, the second worker became the captain of the construction team, and the third worker became the real estate owner.

Many people are the first type of people. They think that just doing the things in front of them is enough, and other things are not their own concerns. Such people will never have a big future in their lives, and they will only guard the one-third of an acre of land in front of them. , work diligently all your life.

Only those who have vision and structure, whose world is not just the small circle in front of them, but who have the stars and the sea in their hearts, and who can grasp the pulse of the times, will have a great future.

" Human World " Shui Ziliu and Luo Shibin are visionary people. Putting aside their character, in that era, it was already a great achievement to have the courage to go to the south to work hard and to grasp the pulse of the times. pattern, and finally achieved considerable success.

People with great potential have a broad vision and are far-sighted. They are not limited to the immediate situation and can look at the vast world. is decisive, strong in execution, and not sloppy.

It is difficult for an indecisive person to achieve great success. Even if they have ideas in mind, they often dare not implement them and will continue to delay them for various reasons. In the end, no matter how good the idea is, it will be shelved for a long time. It's already cold.

Those who are really promising people are often decisive, have very strong execution ability, and are not sloppy at all. As long as an idea comes up in their hearts, they will do it regardless and will not put it aside at all.

Success has always belonged to those who insist on execution. A lazy person can only follow others and pick up what others have left. He is always observing others and dare not implement ideas when he has them. Doing it in batches and then implementing it will avoid risks, but it will not achieve great results.

Life is running at a high speed, and everyone is working hard to move forward. We cannot control whether a person's ability is high or low, but we can control the strength of execution. Those lazy people , destined to live a mediocre life. Only those who are extremely self-disciplined and have strong execution ability are more likely to be blessed by good luck.

Look at the flowers blooming and falling in front of the court from a close distance, and look at the clouds rolling in the sky from a distance. You can look at everything indifferently, get rid of distracting thoughts in your heart, and cultivate the pure land of your soul.

Happiness and anger cannot be expressed in color, and likes and dislikes cannot be expressed in words. Being punctual, humble and low-key has the bottom line. As long as communicating with others is not particularly important, I would rather lose than compete to win.

When you encounter a vicious dog blocking your way, even if you kill it, it won't make up for the pain of being bitten by it. Always say what others want to hear first, then what you want to say.

must dare to break the rules without violating the rules in order to get results faster. The most effective way to make life happy is to get rid of things that are ‘unnecessary, inappropriate, and uncomfortable’.

Some people always think that God owes them, and they always feel that God has not given enough or good enough, and greed has long replaced gratitude.

Properly listening to other people's opinions is a sign of respect for others, and it is also a matter of learning from others' strengths and being inclusive, but you must have your own opinions and not easily change what you are sure of because of others. Know how to look at other people's faces when speaking, and don't always pick up which pot you don't want to drink.

If you talk to people and talk to ghosts, you can have both sides and avoid a lot of trouble. If you don’t make progress, you will regress. Nothing is permanent. The times iterate too fast. When it is eliminated, it will not have time to say goodbye to you. If you don't want to be a hunter, you may become someone else's prey.

Plato said, "The constant goal of all human activities is happiness." Those who are intentional are tired, and those who are unintentional are indifferent. Whatever you encounter in life, don't think about it if you can't figure it out, let it go slowly if you can't hold it back, and learn to let go of what you can't get.

Life is precious. Instead of consuming energy in endless thoughts, it is better to be kind to yourself and live a more free and unrestrained life. After all, birds and fish have different paths. People around you come and go, but you are the only one in the world.

Taking yourself seriously is the truth. When your body is tired, remember to stop and take a rest; when your heart is tired, don’t forget to take off your burden and breathe a sigh of relief.

This time, let go of the past freely; leave the future to time. In the next days of your life, I hope you will love yourself more. No matter how difficult the road ahead is, you will have the courage to face the future and live a generous life, like the sunshine!

Mr. Yang Jiang once said: "We look forward to the recognition of the outside world, but in the end we realize that life is our own and has nothing to do with others.

The best way for a person to live is not to live how others expect, but to live as others expect. Be your true self. For the rest of your life, keep a good heart, walk the right path, live your life well, cherish the truest feelings, enjoy the most beautiful mood, and savor all the beauty in life!

author; Qingmiao

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