Reverse thinking: you can earn money by doing what you like, instead of doing what you like after earning money

2021/07/1521:35:43 article 2644

Which came first, the chicken or the egg, has plagued people for thousands of years?

The same is true for making money. Do you first make money against your will, suffering, tangled, and aggrieved, and then do what you like, or do you first do what you like to make money?

Alas~ Let’s change the topic lightly. For a delicious dish, do you eat the delicious food first or the unpalatable food first?

This stuff neither breaks the law nor violates public order and good customs, and it depends entirely on each person's own inner choice.

Of course, some people choose to eat the delicious food first, and they are safe;

Some people must save their favorite food for the last bite, so that they can have a sense of ritual and be satisfied;

Some people eat their favorite food first, because of this There is a reason, you can not eat the unpalatable leftovers;

Some people just want to not have leftovers, so they must save what they like to eat for the last;

Some people eat what they don’t like first, so that they can easily eat Enjoy the rest of the food with the burden;

Some people say that only children do multiple-choice questions. If they don’t like to eat, it’s fine not to eat it at all; Once I'm full, what should I do? What should I do if I eat the delicious food first, and I don't seem to want to eat the rest?

Haha, it's the same problem as the chicken or the egg.

From another angle, a box of fruit is good or bad. Do you eat the good first, or the bad one first?

Is it your parents' blood, or your parents' blood?

Reverse thinking: you can earn money by doing what you like, instead of doing what you like after earning money - DayDayNews

OK, the same is true for making money.

Knowledge and believers have asked many people, do you think you should do what you like first and then make money, or do you first make money and then do what you like?

Most people's answer is, make money before doing what you love.

Because of the pressure of life, in order to have enough to eat first, there is no other way but to make money first. Like it or not can only be secondary. After all, life should be the main thing. There is no right or wrong in

. Everyone's situation and conditions are different. How to choose is something that you can master, and you don't need others to decide for yourself.

If you dig a little deeper and ask yourself, what are you going to do when you make money?

The answer will gradually tend to be unified, that is, do what you like!

Some people say that if you don't break it, it's not enough to cause it. It must be broken, and it must be changed.

When you reverse your inherent thinking and change your habitual views, you will find...

In reality, among those who have made achievements in society, basically one is counted as one, and they are all stubbornly insisting on being themselves like things.

In the end, life comes back to doing what you love. There is only one difference between

. If

does something he doesn't like, he will only do it in a perfunctory manner. He will only be a monk who hits the clock for a day and completes the task. There is no emotion at all. Perhaps the only thing that can maintain the job is money;

does It doesn't matter what you like, even if you have money or not, money is hard to buy, I am willing!

The more people who want to make money, the less they can make money, and the more people who don't want to make money make money in the end, it's strange?

Like it or not, it's all an illusion, it's all appearance, it's all imagined in the heart.

Making money, making money is the truth and the essence.

Of course, every time someone talks about making money, some people feel uncomfortable, don't like to hear it, think that money is too vulgar, then change the word.

[result] is the truth!

Reverse thinking: you can earn money by doing what you like, instead of doing what you like after earning money - DayDayNews

No money is just an illusion, why do you say that?

has no money, it will not affect your study, it will not affect your academic performance;

has no money, it will not affect your hard work;

has no money, it will not affect your happiness in life...

How to live a better life, do not Deceiving yourself and being your true self is the truth!

How do you find someone you love?

You love her, she doesn't love you, there is only one way, love yourself first.

If you don't love yourself, how can others love you?

The biggest truth of life, from a certain point of view, is: money is hard to buy and I am willing.

is willing, maybe you are too familiar with it, and you don't think so, then change to a "high-end" term.

Willing force, force, thought force, source power!

When you are your true self and do what you like to do, you will find your own source of motivation.

This is also what the ancients said about "starting your mind". When you do what you like to do, you will burst out with incredible and powerful power. It really comes from the heart, and any interference from the external environment will not affect you in the slightest.

If the money is bigger than you, you will follow the money and go for the money;

If you are bigger than the money, the money will follow you, and whoever is bigger can control whoever.

's thinking is that "Tao" is the direction, how to do it and how to make money are all "arts".

Road Guide Technique!

Dao cannot be sought, art can be learned, acquired through practice, and can be bought with money.

No matter what you do, if you don't solve the problem of your own thinking frame first, let alone make money, you can't hit the clock well.

Some people say that life is a practice!

is right, but if you ask more deeply, what is spiritual practice, many people will not be able to answer it?

Some people say that practice is to make yourself better, haha, this is not an answer.

don't believe it?

ask again, what is better?

Reverse thinking: you can earn money by doing what you like, instead of doing what you like after earning money - DayDayNews

You give yourself a clear goal, not a virtual "feel"!

Take making money as an example: I want to make money, is that the goal?

yes and no.

Making money is a virtual feeling, what is the goal?

When and how much did you earn? is the clear goal.

For example: I earned "200,000 yuan" "this year", and I made "20,000 yuan" "a month", this is the goal.

did not do it, what should I do? How to fix, improve? Earned, how to keep, how to continue?

does it for money, praying for a salary, but can't pray for anything. When the environment changes, it will easily collapse because it is not yours;

does it for what you like, it doesn't matter if you make money or not;

even if, If you can't make money for the time being, you can also gain your inner relaxation and peace, accept your true self, and you will be self-sufficient and self-bright.

The things in the world are so wonderful!

The more you try to grab something, the more you can't catch it, the more you want to make money, the less you can make money.

When you turn the other way around, don't ask outward, but ask yourself and your heart.

I am willing to do anything, and I am happy in everything I do, not to mention making money, I can do anything.

The ancients also said that self-cultivation and family harmony will bring peace to the world.

Why should self-cultivation and self-cultivation be the first priority?

can't make money, but if you earn it, you will do it, if you earn it, repair it, and if you lose, you will win!

is still the same sentence, these are just a little bit of self-perception of the knowledgeable and believers, thinking, writing, logic confusion, it doesn't matter if you look at the uncomfortable comment area and scold me a few words, you'll be fine.

No matter what, don't deceive yourself, don't deceive yourself, and be your truest self.

Do what you love and make money wherever you go!

Knowing and Faithful Traveler will finally send you an e-book, which can effectively improve your ability to deduce reverse thinking. This high-value e-book will give you more insight into the subversion of human nature. Pay attention to those who know and believe, and send you a private message [e-book].

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