In 2017, Liu Qiangdong said in a financial interview that in the future express delivery industry, only JD and SF will survive after competition. As for Cainiao, Liu Qiangdong believes that Cainiao can only be regarded as a data platform. It now seems that Liu Qiangdong was still

In 2017, Liu Qiangdong said in a financial interview that in the future express delivery industry, only , JD, and SF will survive after competition. As for rookie, Liu Qiangdong believes that and rookie can only be regarded as a data platform.

Now it seems that Liu Qiangdong still underestimated the enemy a little. Back then, he said that only JD and SF would be left in the express delivery industry in the future. It is precisely because these two companies can provide home delivery services. But Cainiao is currently also investing heavily in building its own logistics. At the same time, it provides a variety of door-to-door services. The current rookie has caused quite a stir in the industry, both in terms of logistics timeliness and optional door-to-door services.

Why do you say this? Because compared to the three links and one link, as well as the low-price strategy of a rabbit, Cainiao has always insisted on being free to users. Whether it is collection, storage, or door-to-door service, consumers do not need it. It costs a penny more. Compared with JD and SF, Rookie can also provide high-quality services.

In addition to providing door-to-door delivery, Cainiao also provides home delivery, integrated delivery and installation services for some household appliances, home decoration , etc. For ice cream, beef and mutton, etc., in addition to door-to-door delivery, Cainiao can also rely on its own cold chain to provide "defrost and compensate" services.

's own e-commerce platform's abundant products complement Cainiao's mature logistics and high-quality terminal services and are indispensable. That’s why Cainiao is able to offer free door-to-door delivery. This advantage is not possessed by other e-commerce platforms. Free and high-quality services will also force the entire industry to make changes.

It is worth mentioning that Cainiao Station is also one of the first related companies to obtain an express delivery terminal license issued by the Post Office in 2022. At the same time, Cainiao has also registered its sites with postal management departments in various places. In the future express logistics industry, Cainiao is bound to become a strong competitor to the leader.