With the rapid development of network technology, the interaction between products and users has become increasingly complex, and new functions are constantly emerging. However, traffic has always been the goal pursued by merchants. While everyone is grabbing public domain traffi

With the rapid development of network technology, the interaction between products and users has become increasingly complex, and new functions are constantly emerging, but traffic has always been the goal pursued by merchants. While everyone is grabbing public domain traffic, the mini program has taken a different approach, specializing in " private domain traffic". Since its launch, it has become a powerful tool for many merchants to upgrade and transform. Quansu has revised and upgraded the Siemens home appliances applet. uses "cognition → praise → purchase → life" as its core strategy to help Siemens home appliances achieve online private domain traffic growth and continue to rejuvenate the brand.

The COVID-19 epidemic is prompting various industries to accelerate their transformation to online. The home appliance industry is a low-frequency consumption item, which requires physical merchants to devote themselves to generating online private traffic. The applet is used in the field of home appliances to broaden marketing coverage, improve services, achieve closed loops, and accumulate exclusive private domain traffic. Therefore, how to convert the users of the private domain traffic pool into existing users through mini program revision and continue to purchase has become an urgent problem to be solved.

After analyzing the industry trends, we also analyzed the user groups. Since home appliances are functional products and durable consumer goods, the purchase interval is long and the price is high. Users will also be cautious when placing orders, resulting in a small number of visits to the mini program and a single reason for the visit. The consumer group in the home appliance market is those born in the 1980s and 1990s, who are the main group of online shoppers. When purchasing home appliances, they focus on the combination of technology, fashion and lifestyle, pay attention to product cost-effectiveness, and pay attention to diversified life pursuits. They have high personalization requirements and pay attention to the quality of life. Based on the above reasons and the excellent product quality of Siemens home appliances, we decided to achieve the purpose of continuously converting existing users through a cyclic process of "cognition → praise → purchase → life → recognition".

After sorting out the framework structure of the Siemens home appliance applet and the four applets installed in it, and conducting a page walkthrough, we gave solutions and established design goals based on the current problems of the applet.

. Mini program function integration and simplicity

. Strengthen users’ awareness of the brand

. Purchase conversion of existing users

Emphasize the sense of privateness of the mini program, promote users to develop a sense of identity, encourage users to trust the operation content, and be willing to stay in the mini program , ultimately leading to purchase conversion.

"Home" page display

"Mall" page display

"Service" page display

"My" page display

Currently, the Siemens Home Appliances applet is also constantly being revised and updated. Interested friends are welcome to search for "Siemens Home Appliances" to enter. Mini program experience. It is hoped that through the revision of the mini program, it can bring continuous conversion of existing users of Siemens home appliances, and also bring users a better browsing, shopping and service experience.

Project Responsible for

Interaction and UI Design: User Experience Design Department

The pictures and copyright information in the article belong to Siemens

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