But now, this once most useful browser may be in decline. According to domestic media reports, Japan’s NHK announced that its video platform NHK+ will officially stop supporting the Firefox browser after May 23.

2024/07/0303:22:32 technology 1149

Speaking of the best browser today, it is probably Google ’s Chrome browser.

Chrome gives the public the impression that it is fast, simple and powerful, and its user reputation is quite good.

Speaking of which, the best thing about Chrome is its extension store, which has many interesting and fun plug-ins, which greatly improves the user experience.

But as we all know, the Chrome extension store in China cannot be used normally and displays a 404 status.

Chrome without extensions is like a bird with broken wings.

But now, this once most useful browser may be in decline. According to domestic media reports, Japan’s NHK announced that its video platform NHK+ will officially stop supporting the Firefox browser after May 23. - DayDayNews

This has led many users to invest in other browsers. Among them, the reputation of Firefox browser is second to none.

But now, this once most useful browser may be in decline.

According to domestic media reports, Japan’s NHK announced that its video platform NHK+ will officially stop supporting the Firefox browser after May 23.

But now, this once most useful browser may be in decline. According to domestic media reports, Japan’s NHK announced that its video platform NHK+ will officially stop supporting the Firefox browser after May 23. - DayDayNews

Coincidentally, recently a business website of apple also excluded Firefox from the scope of support. When opened with Firefox, a prompt saying "Your browser is not supported" will pop up.

But now, this once most useful browser may be in decline. According to domestic media reports, Japan’s NHK announced that its video platform NHK+ will officially stop supporting the Firefox browser after May 23. - DayDayNews

The recommendations given by these platforms are that users are recommended to use the latest version of other browsers such as Chrome, Edge or Safari.

As the most powerful browser with the best reputation in the past, why has Firefox reached this point?

First, let’s talk about how Firefox rose.

As we all know, a few years ago, IE browser was the only one in the world.

But the shortcomings of IE are also obvious. It often pops up various advertising windows, has simple functions, and the user experience is not good.

But now, this once most useful browser may be in decline. According to domestic media reports, Japan’s NHK announced that its video platform NHK+ will officially stop supporting the Firefox browser after May 23. - DayDayNews

During this period, in 2004, Firefox was officially born. With its speed, security and open source standards, it won the favor of users and developers.

First of all, the first feature is that compared to IE, Firefox has a variety of extensions. At that time, you could create a browser that was more suitable for you than IE.

It can be said that Firefox has truly achieved the incredible service of "customization on demand".

Another feature of Firefox is that the memory management of and is very good and fast. Even if you open multiple tabs at the same time, you will not feel stuck.

But now, this once most useful browser may be in decline. According to domestic media reports, Japan’s NHK announced that its video platform NHK+ will officially stop supporting the Firefox browser after May 23. - DayDayNews

In short, Firefox could have all the functions that other browsers had at that time, and it had more and better features.

The fundamental reason for the rise of Firefox is just two words - easy to use.

But times have changed, and with the rise of powerful competitor Chrome, Firefox is now in a very difficult situation.

According to data from the survey agency Statcounte, the market share of the once popular Firefox browser has dropped from 30% at its peak to 4%.

You must know that in 2018, Firefox browser still had 244 million monthly active users worldwide, and by 2021 this number has dropped to 196 million.

But now, this once most useful browser may be in decline. According to domestic media reports, Japan’s NHK announced that its video platform NHK+ will officially stop supporting the Firefox browser after May 23. - DayDayNews

lost 48 million users in just three years.

Then why did Firefox go from glory to desolation?

First of all, it is the squeeze from mainstream browsers such as Chrome, Safari, and Edge.

You must know that Chrome is backed by Google, Safari is backed by Apple, and Edge is backed by and Microsoft . These three major browsers have their own platforms.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the single Firefox browser was squeezed out of the market.

But now, this once most useful browser may be in decline. According to domestic media reports, Japan’s NHK announced that its video platform NHK+ will officially stop supporting the Firefox browser after May 23. - DayDayNews

Secondly, it is the change of user habits.

The previous Internet era was a world of web pages and PCs. When people went online, they usually turned on their computers and interacted with the world through browsers.

But now, the mobile Internet has become fully popular, and most people’s Internet habits have shifted from PC to mobile phones.

What follows is the popularity of various mobile browsers and apps.

People can easily search for the information they want by using various apps, which is much more convenient than using a computer.

But now, this once most useful browser may be in decline. According to domestic media reports, Japan’s NHK announced that its video platform NHK+ will officially stop supporting the Firefox browser after May 23. - DayDayNews

In the final analysis, it is still the changes of the times.

There is a saying that goes well. A person's destiny depends not only on personal struggle, but also on the process of history.

And Firefox has indeed been slowly abandoned by the times.

But for now, Firefox is really easy to use, but I don’t know if it will be useful in the future.

After all, more and more websites no longer support Firefox.

If this phenomenon continues, it is foreseeable that the experience of Firefox in the future will be greatly reduced compared to before.

I have to say it is a pity.

But now, this once most useful browser may be in decline. According to domestic media reports, Japan’s NHK announced that its video platform NHK+ will officially stop supporting the Firefox browser after May 23. - DayDayNews

Finally, classmate Guo gave everyone some cool knowledge that many students may not know.

As we all know, the English name of Firefox is FireFox. Although there is Fox, don’t forget that there is Fire in front of it.

Therefore, unlike what everyone thinks, the Firefox browser actually has nothing to do with fox. It refers to " firefox".

In Chinese, "fire fox" is another name for the red panda.

Yes, it is the one below, and the Firefox logo is not a fox, it is also a red panda Red Panda. How about

But now, this once most useful browser may be in decline. According to domestic media reports, Japan’s NHK announced that its video platform NHK+ will officially stop supporting the Firefox browser after May 23. - DayDayNews

? Have you been surprised?

If you want to know more about the usage skills and industry information of digital products, you can follow my WeChat public account: qiguojiang001 (Qijiang001).

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