As we all know, the reason why Huawei has become one of the top mobile phone brands in the world is because of the blessing of self-developed Kirin chips, so it can differentiate itself from other domestic mobile phones.

2024/07/0103:45:32 technology 1753

As one of the world’s strongest 5G companies, Huawei has been severely sanctioned by the United States. Preventing European and American companies from cooperating with Huawei in 5G is not enough to satisfy the "ambition" of Laos and the United States, so Lao America has also spread its "anger" to the semiconductor field, revised the chip ban, and restricted Huawei's chip supply and manufacturing.

As we all know, the reason why Huawei has become one of the top mobile phone brands in the world is because of the blessing of self-developed Kirin chips, so it can differentiate itself from other domestic mobile phones. - DayDayNews

As we all know, the reason why Huawei has become one of the world's top mobile phone brands is because of the support of its self-developed Kirin chip , which enables it to differentiate itself from other domestic mobile phones. However, due to the restriction of the chip ban, the Kirin chips designed by Huawei HiSilicon will not be manufactured, which directly "empties" Huawei HiSilicon.

As we all know, the reason why Huawei has become one of the top mobile phone brands in the world is because of the blessing of self-developed Kirin chips, so it can differentiate itself from other domestic mobile phones. - DayDayNews

When Huawei was at its lowest point, many people in the industry predicted that Huawei would give up its mobile phone business and disband the Huawei HiSilicon R&D team. After all, Huawei spends billions of research and development expenses on HiSilicon every year. If the chips designed by Huawei HiSilicon can only stay on "juice drawing paper", what is the meaning of existence?

As we all know, the reason why Huawei has become one of the top mobile phone brands in the world is because of the blessing of self-developed Kirin chips, so it can differentiate itself from other domestic mobile phones. - DayDayNews

However, what is surprising is that not only has Huawei HiSilicon not been "abandoned", Huawei has also continued to increase its investment in HiSilicon. Ren Zhengfei publicly stated that will not give up HiSilicon. As long as Huawei HiSilicon can continue to make progress, when Huawei regains its freedom, Huawei HiSilicon's chip design capabilities will still be among the best. It is worth mentioning that Huawei HiSilicon not only was not despised, but was adjusted from a second-level department to a first-level department, which is equivalent to a "slap in the face" for the United States.

As we all know, the reason why Huawei has become one of the top mobile phone brands in the world is because of the blessing of self-developed Kirin chips, so it can differentiate itself from other domestic mobile phones. - DayDayNews

Recently, Huawei HiSilicon released a new recruitment announcement. There are as many as 50 positions recruited this time, and the recruitment period ends on December 31, 2023. The main recruitment targets are fresh doctoral students. The job areas being recruited include chips, systems, hardware, research and software. Among them, there are as many as 31 job openings in the chip field, accounting for 62%! There is no doubt that chips are still the main direction of Huawei HiSilicon, which also shows Huawei's determination to break through the "stuck neck" of chips.

As we all know, the reason why Huawei has become one of the top mobile phone brands in the world is because of the blessing of self-developed Kirin chips, so it can differentiate itself from other domestic mobile phones. - DayDayNews

In addition to increasing the introduction of talents, Huawei’s Qingpu R&D center, which invested 16 billion yuan, has also been confirmed and is expected to be delivered by the end of 2023. Once the Qingpu R&D Center is completed and delivered, it will become Huawei's largest R&D center in the world. This large-scale recruitment of R&D talents is likely to prepare for the delivery of the Qingpu R&D center. According to , the Qingpu R&D Center can accommodate 30,000-40,000 R&D talents. In the future, the main focus of the R&D center will be in the fields of chips, software, Internet of Things, information services, and Internet of Vehicles.

As we all know, the reason why Huawei has become one of the top mobile phone brands in the world is because of the blessing of self-developed Kirin chips, so it can differentiate itself from other domestic mobile phones. - DayDayNews

Although in the past three years, Huawei has indeed encountered its "darkest moment" and lost a lot of high-end mobile phone market share and 5G market share, resulting in heavy losses. But Huawei did not admit defeat or compromise. Even though it is moving slowly, Huawei is still working hard to move forward. In order to make up for its shortcomings as soon as possible, Huawei has carried out a diversified layout. Although the road to chip research and development is difficult, Huawei has never given up. This spirit is worth learning from other Chinese technology companies.

As we all know, the reason why Huawei has become one of the top mobile phone brands in the world is because of the blessing of self-developed Kirin chips, so it can differentiate itself from other domestic mobile phones. - DayDayNews

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Academician Ni Guangnan said that core technology cannot be bought. The lie that "it's better to buy than to build" is self-evident. With the precedent of Huawei being cut off from supplying by , who dares to rely on US companies? This is true in any field. In the end, you have to rely on yourself. Only when you have the core technology in your own hands can you have the right to speak. Keep working hard! What do you think about this? Welcome to leave comments and messages!

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