WeChat is about to launch a new feature, the shared memory function in Moments. To put it simply, when you post in Moments, you can choose the option: with whom. After posting the update with the person you selected "with whom", the other party will You will receive a message rem

2024/07/0100:10:33 technology 1937

WeChat is about to launch a new feature, the shared memory function in the circle of friends. To put it simply, when you post in the circle of friends, you can choose the option: with whom, after posting the update with the person you selected "with whom", The other party will receive a message reminder, and the update will be saved in the shared memories album.

WeChat is about to launch a new feature, the shared memory function in Moments. To put it simply, when you post in Moments, you can choose the option: with whom. After posting the update with the person you selected

Some netizens said, isn’t this the function of reminding who is watching? The editor thinks this is more like reminding who to view + Moments permissions + a collection of Moments albums. To be honest, this function is very suitable for couples in love. It is equivalent to setting up your own couple photo album, which is pretty good.

Some netizens said that they crazily reminisce when they are in love and crazily delete memories after a breakup. I just don’t know if this shared memory is still there after deleting the friend. If it is still there, then it is not a shared memory, it may be a shared cry!

WeChat is about to launch a new feature, the shared memory function in Moments. To put it simply, when you post in Moments, you can choose the option: with whom. After posting the update with the person you selected

Although this function has been criticized by many people and is not very practical, it can be regarded as adding a little fun. Recently, WeChat is testing and updating many functions: the function of sharing memories in the circle of friends, chatting and sending up to 99 pictures, and then on the same mobile phone The account can be registered with two WeChat accounts, as well as the already launched function of translating while writing, extracting text from chat pictures, voice pause playback, text message voice reading, WeChat deep cleaning and other functions. We look forward to more practical functions. Bar!

WeChat is about to launch a new feature, the shared memory function in Moments. To put it simply, when you post in Moments, you can choose the option: with whom. After posting the update with the person you selected

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