Teacher Ma, who once said in an interview with the outside world with a serious face that he had never touched money and had no interest in money, was recently photographed driving a 1.2 billion luxury yacht on a small island in Spain. play golf. Jack Ma, who has been ridiculed b

2024/07/0216:49:33 technology 1375

Teacher Ma, who once said in an interview with the outside world with a serious face that he had never touched money and had no interest in money, was recently photographed driving a 1.2 billion luxury car on a small island in Spain. Yacht golf. This Jack Ma , who was ridiculed by many netizens as "not interested in money", could not escape the "law of true fragrance" after all.

However, although Mr. Ma did not do it, a richer man who is more famous than him, Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft , recently announced that he would donate all his assets one after another, giving us a wave of realized versions. "Not interested in money"! According to local media reports, Bill Gates publicly announced on Wednesday that he would donate "almost all" of his property to the management of the foundation he founded with his ex-wife Melinda Gates.

Teacher Ma, who once said in an interview with the outside world with a serious face that he had never touched money and had no interest in money, was recently photographed driving a 1.2 billion luxury yacht on a small island in Spain. play golf. Jack Ma, who has been ridiculed b - DayDayNews

According to statistics from "Forbes", although Bill Gates is no longer the richest man in the world, he still ranks fourth in the world with a net worth of US$129 billion. In addition, he is also the largest farmland landowner in the United States, owning more than 260,000 acres of agricultural land. This announcement of successive donations of property will gradually lower his ranking until he falls out of the ranks of the rich.

Regarding the reason for the donation, Bill Gates explained on his personal social platform that it is because in the past few years, the large-scale changes in the global situation and several major setbacks have not only caused bad emotions to many people, but also caused I doubt the situation will get worse in the future.

It was also under the influence of this environment that Bill Gates decided to donate his property, hoping to alleviate people's confusion about the future through this method that would have a greater impact on the world.

Teacher Ma, who once said in an interview with the outside world with a serious face that he had never touched money and had no interest in money, was recently photographed driving a 1.2 billion luxury yacht on a small island in Spain. play golf. Jack Ma, who has been ridiculed b - DayDayNews

In this regard, Gates said that as a wealthy class with huge wealth and privileges, he has the obligation to feedback his property to the society. At the same time, he also hopes that more wealthy people like him will stand up at this critical moment. , do your bit for the world.

Just after Bill Gates announced the donation, a sum of 20 billion funds has been transferred to the foundation he founded with his ex-wife Melinda Gates. In fact, donations are not uncommon in the circle of wealthy people, but few are as pure as Gates. There are even a small number of wealthy people who hope to achieve some of their own goals through donations.

Teacher Ma, who once said in an interview with the outside world with a serious face that he had never touched money and had no interest in money, was recently photographed driving a 1.2 billion luxury yacht on a small island in Spain. play golf. Jack Ma, who has been ridiculed b - DayDayNews

For example, Pan, a well-known domestic real estate tycoon in the past few years, after frantically selling off domestic assets and cashing out 20 billion, went to the United States to start a "buy, buy, buy" model. Later, it was spread to Harvard , Yale , etc. News that world-renowned universities donated 600 million. When asked in an interview by the media why she donated abroad instead of domestically, Pan explained that she wanted to donate to the Chinese students studying in these two schools.

But Pan’s explanation was obviously an attempt to cover up the truth. As expected, it was soon revealed that his donation was actually just to buy “tickets” for his two sons to attend a prestigious school. And because of this donation, he himself came into contact with Harvard's "WLife" life technology, which was still in the experimental stage at the time. Later, he posted pictures on his social account to show off, praising the unique effects of this technology.

Teacher Ma, who once said in an interview with the outside world with a serious face that he had never touched money and had no interest in money, was recently photographed driving a 1.2 billion luxury yacht on a small island in Spain. play golf. Jack Ma, who has been ridiculed b - DayDayNews

But at that time, he could not have imagined that just a few years later, with the help of many cutting-edge institutions, including domestic Qingbei , Mayo Laboratory, Kyoto University , this kind of cell energy-activating, After in-depth exploration of the "WLife" life technology that maintains the youthfulness of the human body and positively intervenes in the aging process, this technology can be quickly realized.

The "WLife" name, which is currently popular on international trade platforms such as Jingdong and Tmall, is an iterative product introduced by biotech company Bios. It not only has better effects, but also costs only four digits. number. What Bippan came into contact with was only the initial experimental version. Later, someone joked that this was really "embarrassing and sending it abroad"! Looking back at Pan's purposeful donation, and then looking at Bill Gates' current actions, let's make a judgment!

Teacher Ma, who once said in an interview with the outside world with a serious face that he had never touched money and had no interest in money, was recently photographed driving a 1.2 billion luxury yacht on a small island in Spain. play golf. Jack Ma, who has been ridiculed b - DayDayNews

Bill Gates once said that he will not leave his property to his children, but will let them succeed themselves. As for how to deal with your huge assets, donating them is undoubtedly the best way.In fact, Gates has always done this. Such a huge donation may be a big deal to others, but it is actually not news when it happens to Gates. From the beginning, Gates has continuously made it clear to the outside world that he is willing to give up his wealth in order to solve the global climate problem.

The current global trends are complex, and people in many parts of the world are still experiencing suffering and torture. Although countries are working hard to solve this phenomenon, the power is still far from enough. Perhaps Bill Gates's move is to use his influence to call on more wealthy people to join the ranks of charity.

To be honest, even if Gates donates all his wealth, it may not achieve immediate results, but he still does it, and no matter what the purpose of his behavior is, it is worthy of our deep thinking!

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