Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co

2024/06/2905:00:33 technology 1241

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the limelight on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter , which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, he has been revealed to have cheated on his own company. female executive even secretly gave birth to two children last year.

Although Musk did not respond directly to the rumors, he tweeted, "I am doing my best to help solve the underpopulation crisis." If this is indeed the case, Musk already has 9 children. Musk tweeted on Father’s Day that he loves all his children, but then his eldest son announced that he would sever all ties with Musk. And applied to change the name and gender.

So, as these news events pile up, how does Musk respond? What happened between him and his eldest son? Next, let me explore the story behind it together. If you like this article, you might as well like it or follow it to learn more. Without further ado, let’s get into the topic.

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co - DayDayNews


cheated on him and gave birth to a child?

Musk's full name is Elon Musk . He is not only the CEO of Tesla, but also the founder of the online content publishing software "Zip2" and electronic payments "" and "PayPal". He ranked first on the Hurun Global Rich List in 2021 and became the world's richest man.

According to foreign media reports on July 6, Musk and his company’s female executive Qilis have given birth to twins, and the female executive is not his girlfriend. After this incident was exposed It can be said that one stone stirred up a thousand waves on the Internet, especially when Musk responded with four consecutive tweets on Twitter, which pushed the matter to a climax.

He said that the biggest problem facing human civilization now is the plummeting birth rate, and his actions are in response to this crisis. He has always supported and called on people to have more children to increase the birth rate and cope with the crisis of underpopulation, and also published Trend chart of declining fertility rate.

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co - DayDayNews

"" and "PayPal"

There is also a court document showing that in April this year, Musk and Ziris submitted an application to Austin, the capital of Texas, to change the names of the twins. The new name to be changed by adds Musk's last name and puts Ziris's last name in the middle of the name.

This request was approved by the judge in May this year. However, just a few weeks after the birth of his twins with Ziris, Musk and his ex-girlfriend Grimes also gave birth to their second child through surrogacy. , that is to say, Musk had already cheated on Ziris when he was dating Grimes and gave birth to a child, and his real girlfriend had not yet started surrogacy when Ziris became pregnant.

Musk and Grimes were not officially married. The two gave birth to their first son in 2020. At the end of the same year, Musk sold his mansion in California and moved to Texas, while Grimes James continued to live in Los Angeles.

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co - DayDayNews

Musk and Grimes

By September 2021, Musk said in an interview with reporters that he and Grimes were already semi-separated. When their daughter was successfully born, Musk married the 34-year-old Grimes has officially split.

Musk claimed that after moving to Texas, he only lived in a mobile home, However, court documents show that in August last year, Ziris bought a luxury house in Austin worth $4 million, and Musk also used it. The same address probably means that the two of them lived together in this mansion.

"Fanatical Girl" Ziris

Compared with Grimes, who works in the entertainment industry, Ziris, who is engaged in the technology industry and works in a company owned by Musk, seems to have more in common with him on topics and languages, At the same time, Ziris Her achievements are not low either, and she is also known as a rising star in the Musk empire.

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co - DayDayNews

Musk and Ziris

She was born in Canada like Musk. She graduated from Yale University in 2008 and received a bachelor's degree in philosophy and economics., She likes sports very much and once served as a woman in college. The goalkeeper of the ice hockey team also often participates in extreme sports including zip lining, ice climbing and surfing.

She started her career at IBM, and then worked for the venture capital fund Bloomberg Beta, engaging in investment work in data and machine learning. Her work ability is outstanding. In 2015, there were only 20 "Forbes" elites under the age of 30 in 2015. Top of the list.

Over the past seven years, she has been following Musk, working for him at OpenAI, Tesla and Neurolink. Musk is the co-CEO of Neurolink. Ziris now serves as the director of business and special projects. After Musk said he would spend $44 billion to acquire Twitter, there were rumors that Ziris might join Twitter as a senior executive.

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co - DayDayNews


In 2017, Ziris also participated in an important conference held by the Canadian non-profit organization Innovation Disruption Lab, launched on smart markets and machine learning. The leaders discussed related topics about machine learning .

Zilis can be said to be Musk's loyal supporter and admirer. She agrees with many of Musk's imaginative ideas, including transportation, space travel, etc., especially the two of them in The AI ​​aspect has the same opinion.

They have posted AI puns on Twitter, and they have also mentioned the cryptocurrency that Musk is most interested in. As time went by, Ziris became more and more protective of Musk, and once publicly spoke for Musk. In 2020, Musk ignored the epidemic prevention measures promulgated by Alameda County in the Bay Area, forcing the Tesla factory to resume production, and planned to evacuate Tesla from California.

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co - DayDayNews

The actions and behavior of Ziris, who serves as the goalkeeper, aroused dissatisfaction among Californians. California Congressman Fletcher angrily rebuked Musk on the Internet and cursed. Ziris responded to the congressman's words. publicly stated that such words made her feel very sad, because she had never seen anyone endure so much suffering and still fight for a better future for mankind. Of course, everyone can express their own opinions, but she felt that there was no People make her respect Musk more than she does.

This year she also forwarded a picture of Musk with the text "The history and future of mankind are condensed in one photo", and the picture shows the staff of SpaceX connecting an starship with its super The heavy booster is put together.

Musk once emphasized that the original purpose of establishing his empire was to protect mankind from the greatest threats, including runaway AI, weather crises, and the issues he once raised such as underpopulation. Since 2017, he has begun to post on the Internet about the threat that the declining birth rate poses to humanity. In May of this year, , he expressed his opinion that "unless changes occur so that the birth rate exceeds the death rate, Japan will eventually cease to exist." "

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co - DayDayNews

Musk's Twitter post

Musk and his first wife

Musk has always put his ideas into practice and gave birth to nine children in total. His first child with his first wife unfortunately died in infancy. He gave birth to five children through surrogacy. He has been married and divorced three times, and two of them were with the same woman.

He also tweeted on Father's Day this year that he loved all his children, but he was slapped in the face not long after. His eldest son publicly announced that he would cut off all contact with him. The sudden information was not only beyond Musk's expectation, but People all over the world didn’t expect it either.

After all, as the world's richest man, Musk has more money and resources than we can imagine. It is indeed unimaginable that someone would avoid him, and even change his name to sever all ties. The eldest son was once named Xavier · Alexander Musk , later applied to change his mother’s surname and his gender to female, which shows his determination.

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co - DayDayNews

Musk and Justin

He later changed his name to Vivian Jenner Wilson and claimed to be a transgender woman (to express respect, this article will refer to "she" in the following), the court filed her application Approval was given and a new birth certificate was issued, but Wilson was not acting impulsively.

Musk’s life is no exaggeration and can be described as a legend. He is not only the chairman of Tesla, but also the first person to usher in the era of private space transportation. There is a rumor among the people that he has mastered the technology of spacecraft launch and recovery. There are only four of them, namely the United States, Russia, and China, and the last one is Elon Musk. His ability is evident.

In addition to his career, he also has rich experience in his love life. His first wife is a science fiction writer named Justin. Their acquaintance and love began when Musk fell in love with her at first sight. At that time, Justin With beautiful appearance and high intelligence, the two established a relationship under Musk's tireless pursuit.

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co - DayDayNews

Musk and Justin

had a very harmonious relationship as a newly married couple. They soon gave birth to their first child, but it only lasted for more than two months. He died of suffocation because he accidentally covered his head with a quilt. The parents failed to discover in time, and the sudden bad news brought great pain to the warm family.

In order to ease the grief of losing their beloved son, they later adopted artificial insemination. First, they gave birth to a pair of twin sons, and then gave birth to triplets. The twins who just said that Musk wanted to cut off the relationship were the twins. One of them has just turned 18 this year.

But even though they gave birth to five fresh lives together, it still failed to prevent the cracks in the family from continuing to expand. The personality differences between the two gradually emerged. Justin had his own job when he was not married as a wife. and already formed thoughts, but Musk asked Justin to give priority to his needs after marriage.

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co - DayDayNews


Whether out or at home, everything is decided by Musk alone. This is undoubtedly a source of pain for the competitive Justine. In her opinion, she can only become a vase at home. , and at the same time, she could not accept that her husband only thought about rockets and engines every day.

Although Musk's family fortune is getting stronger and stronger, it is still not attractive to Justine. She knows that many of the views of the two parties are not consistent, and they can only divorce through negotiation. It is worth mentioning that because The two had signed a prenuptial property agreement, so Justin only received $2 million and a house in the divorce.

Married twice to the same person

Musk’s second wife is a British actress named Dalula Riley. Although she is not very popular in her acting career, she has He has a very high academic qualification and is a Ph.D. in quantum physics from the California Institute of Technology. He is an alumnus of celebrities such as Hawking and Einstein.

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co - DayDayNews

The Musk family

But this marriage did not last long before it declined. The divorce was officially announced just two years later, and there was no childbirth during this period. Interestingly, a few years after the divorce, Musk was about She felt that falling in love with others was not interesting, so she turned to pursue Dalula.

There were no surprises. They entered the palace of marriage for the second time. In fact, many couples who remarry for the second time in society will get divorced for the second time. Musk and Dalula are no exception. They The couple's relationship lasted for three years, but it ended.

During the marriage, he was even revealed to have cheated on her. After this incident was exposed, it attracted great attention on the Internet. Dalula chose to divorce him and received a compensation of 20 million US dollars. From then on From several marriages, we can see that Musk has always been in conflict and cannot extricate himself.

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co - DayDayNews

Musk and Dalula

First of all, most of the women he likes are highly educated, work independently, and have their own opinions and thoughts. However, after getting married, he hopes that the other party will listen to his opinions on everything and make various decisions. They are all arbitrary and self-contradictory, no wonder their love life has not been smooth.

After the divorce, Musk also had several relationships, but none of them lasted long. He always liked women of the new era who were thoughtful and decisive. Later, he conceived a life with the singer Grimes, but he did not officially marry her. Establish the relationship between husband and wife.

The root of the severing of relationships

Musk has never felt what is called fatherly love since he was a child. His father, Errol Musk, has also become his psychological shadow. In social situations, he hardly takes the initiative to mention anything related to his father. Even if I have to mention it, I just mean that my father is a very evil and terrifying person who can do all the bad things people can imagine.

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co - DayDayNews

Errol Musk

During Musk's mother's pregnancy, her husband often behaved violently. She was asked by her husband to help with work when she was about to give birth. At that time, contractions were in unbearable pain, and she had to Slowed down, but was called lazy by her husband. Even after Musk was born, this situation did not alleviate, but became more and more serious.

beat Musk's mother many times. The long-term domestic violence made his mother despair, and finally decided to divorce her. After Musk's father divorced, had three marriages in succession. The most incredible thing is Is she the daughter of his fourth wife or his second wife? In terms of seniority, she is actually his stepdaughter.

Such a situation is difficult for Musk to accept. You know, this fourth wife was only 4 years old when she followed her mother to Musk's house. Unexpectedly, one day, the sister he had called for several years would transform into himself. His "little mother" even gave birth to a little sister for him.

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co - DayDayNews

Errol Musk

grew up in such a family. Musk has always hated his father and decided to be a good father who was completely different from his father. So after raising his own children, he has always I am making experiments, often taking my children to the playground, and setting up a special school for them.

He once said, "All my time when I am not working is spent with my children. They are the love of my life." But in the end, he still ended up being resented by his children and even preferred to sever ties rather than have any contact with him. the result of.

Such results are inseparable from his strong personality. Everyone knows Musk’s strong personality at work. For example, during the epidemic, many large companies allowed employees to work from home to reduce the risk of infection. But Musk did not It still insists that every employee must work 40 hours a week. If you don't comply, you will only receive a dismissal letter.

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co - DayDayNews

Musk's personality and style can sometimes be counterproductive at work, not to mention being criticized by him. Used in dealing with family relationships, He has hated his father's strength and domineering since he was a child, but he was unknowingly affected and became a person like his father. How much influence a father has on his children may be that no matter how much you hate him, you will inevitably become him in the end.

In addition, there is another understanding of the reasons for severing relationships on the Internet. LGBT, as a new era of sexual minority groups, has received support and solidarity from many people in the United States, including Wei who changed her name. Vianne and Musk's ex-girlfriend Grimes.

Musk, however, has made many public remarks on the Internet about indirectly attacking the transgender community, and even once ridiculed job seekers who stated that they were transgender on their resumes. Such acts of resistance and discrimination have aroused great public response on the Internet.

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co - DayDayNews

Musk and his son

Supporters of the LGBT community began to reprimand Musk and asked him to publicly apologize. Vivian, who was only sixteen years old at the time, also hoped that her father would seriously apologize for his inappropriate remarks, Then Only then did he publicly sever ties with Musk, not only changing his name but also his gender.

After she made this decision, her special identity caused a storm of public opinion. For this reason, her mother, Musk’s first wife, even took the initiative to post on Twitter, writing, "I feel for you. Proud” openly supports his children’s decision.

Musk’s legendary fortune

Finally, let’s take a brief look at Musk’s legendary life. His biological father has been mentioned above. Growing up in such a gloomy family, Musk’s heart was extremely insecure. He was introverted and not good at talking, so he was often bullied by his classmates at school, and was often beaten severely by his father when he returned home.

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co - DayDayNews

Musk and his mother

In this environment, Musk could only hope to learn. Then he continued to learn knowledge while using his spare time to write game code. also made his first pot of gold when he was 22 years old. , received a bachelor's degree in economics and physics from the University of Pennsylvania.

even got a PhD in from the world-renowned Stanford University at the age of 24. During this period, he never stopped working to accumulate experience. While in college, he also seized the opportunity to enter a game company in Silicon Valley I participated in an internship and became an programmer . I also participated in the development of a game called "Cadillac and Dinosaurs".

is the predecessor of the very famous street game "Dinosaur Kombat" in later generations. Time came to 1995, Musk and his younger brother jointly founded Zip2 company. Generally speaking, it is a combination of Amap, and Dianping. For example, "When users search for pizza, they can find the pizza shop closest to them." "

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co - DayDayNews

"Dinosaur Kombat"

The two brothers have a clear division of labor. Musk is responsible for software development, while his younger brother is responsible for sales. After a long period of entrepreneurial hardship, the company finally began to rise and attracted the attention of business people. Note, In 1999, a company acquired the Zip2 company at a sky-high price, and Musk also successfully started a business and earned more than 20 million US dollars.

After that, Musk chose to start a business again. He was sensitive to the future potential of Internet services and co-founded the online banking company It's very strange in the eyes.

Musk also used a lot of market management methods during this period, expanding the number of users to 200,000 in one fell swoop. The company became famous for a while. At that time, there was a similar company called Confinity. Although the development of this software Although the company was stronger, it failed to use marketing well and was overpowered by Musk.

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co - DayDayNews

The Musk brothers founded PayPal

In order to apply stable technology to their company's software, in March 2000, acquired Confinity. This merger gave birth to a company that could change the world. This is the United States. Version Alipay PayPal. With its strong marketing and software capabilities, PayPal has more and more users.

However, Musk became the losing party in the company's infighting and was eventually kicked out. However, because he owned the company's shares and was a major shareholder, after PayPal was acquired, he received hundreds of millions of dollars and truly became a Rich.

After that, he founded SpaceX with hundreds of millions of his own funds. He has had a space dream since he was a child. Now that he has financial support, he thinks he can realize his previous dream. Because buying Russia's intercontinental ballistic missile failed, he Only then did he decide to start a company of his own to manufacture cheap and high-quality rockets, namely SpaceX. This company was also the first private company to complete docking with the International Space Station.

Recently, Tesla CEO Musk has been stealing the show on the Internet. The acquisition of Twitter, which has attracted much attention in the market, has fallen into a serious crisis. In terms of relationships, it has been revealed that he cheated on a female executive of his own co - DayDayNews

Space La, trying to commercialize Tesla, and then succeeded in creating the later Tesla Roadster.

I have to admit that Musk’s insight and sensitivity in the business field can be achieved by very few people. He is indeed forward-looking. He was able to invent Internet service software in 1995, which can be said to be decisive and executive. All extremely powerful talents.

He also once said a famous saying: "If the road ahead is full of shit, then eat the shit." From this sentence, we can also see his determination to achieve his goal. All the content ends here. Thank you for your patience in reading. If you like it, don’t forget to like, comment and follow. See you in the next issue!

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