Conversation archiving is a function that many companies need to use when using Enterprise WeChat. The following is what Zhima Weike Enterprise WeChat Assistant summarizes for you. Turning on the conversation archiving function can save the chat records of corporate employees and

2024/07/0108:46:33 technology 1056

Conversation archiving is a function that many companies need to use when using Enterprise WeChat. The following is what Zhima Weike Enterprise WeChat Assistant summarizes for you. Turning on the conversation archiving function can save the chat records of corporate employees and - DayDayNews

session archiving is a function that many companies need to use when using Enterprise WeChat . The following is summarized for you by Zhima Weike Enterprise WeChat Assistant.

What is the function of session archiving?

Turning on the session archiving function can save the chat records of corporate employees and customers. The conversation archived data can be obtained in real time and saved permanently. The types of chat records that can be saved in conversation archives include: text, pictures, withdrawal messages, consent conversation chat content, voice, video, business cards, location, emoticons, files, links, mini program messages, etc. These can all be archived.

Problems that can be solved

1. Prevent employees from taking away customer resources

2. When employees have disputes with customers, check the backed up chat records to resolve them

3. Improve employee communication compliance

4. Use third-party corporate micro-sensitive word reminders, in When employees perform illegal operations, promptly remind administrators.

5. Customer chat record backups, export and analyze at any time.

6. Chat record backups in various formats, including withdrawn messages.

. The conversation archiving function can be tried for free for 30 days.

is enabled in the official backend of Qiwei. Sessions are archived and each business gets a free 30-day trial.

Conversation archiving is a function that many companies need to use when using Enterprise WeChat. The following is what Zhima Weike Enterprise WeChat Assistant summarizes for you. Turning on the conversation archiving function can save the chat records of corporate employees and - DayDayNews

Zhima Weike ( an enterprise WeChat scrm tool, an authorized service provider of Qiwei, providing third-party functions of Qiwei, such as Qiwei mass messaging, channel live code, automatic tagging, and session archiving , chat quality inspection, customer fission, order live code and other functions can be tried for free.

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