On July 15, many netizens reported that they had received internal testing news of a new feature in WeChat Moments, which would add a “shared memories” function. According to screenshots taken by netizens, when writing the page for publishing Moments in the internal beta version

2024/07/0219:43:32 technology 1967

7On July 15, many netizens reported that they had received internal testing news of a new function in WeChat Moments, which would add a "shared memories" function.

On July 15, many netizens reported that they had received internal testing news of a new feature in WeChat Moments, which would add a “shared memories” function. According to screenshots taken by netizens, when writing the page for publishing Moments in the internal beta version  - DayDayNews

According to the screenshots of netizens, when writing the page for publishing the circle of friends in the internal beta version of WeChat, a new option of "with whom" was added among the original options. When the circle of friends is released, the selected friends will receive a notification reminder, and then the circle of friends will be saved in the "Shared Memories" in the upper right corner of the circle of friends.

It is said that this new function reduces the content of the circle of friends to the size of two people. Only selected friends can see the published content. It is different from ordinary updates and is presented in the new category of "shared memories".

On July 15, many netizens reported that they had received internal testing news of a new feature in WeChat Moments, which would add a “shared memories” function. According to screenshots taken by netizens, when writing the page for publishing Moments in the internal beta version  - DayDayNews

However, some netizens said that this function is a bit useless. If more people cannot be opened to "with whom", then it is meaningless. If only two people can "remember together", why not just chat privately? Is this function only for lovers?

As a universal social software, WeChat’s functions are constantly updated, but many netizens do not buy into the new functions. They feel that WeChat has not listened to the general feedback from users, and it is better to improve the quality of the pictures and videos it publishes, and The re-editing function of the circle of friends, the function of pulling the voice bar, etc.

On July 15, many netizens reported that they had received internal testing news of a new feature in WeChat Moments, which would add a “shared memories” function. According to screenshots taken by netizens, when writing the page for publishing Moments in the internal beta version  - DayDayNews

It can be seen that when WeChat launches new features, it should still conduct research and listen to the opinions of more users, so as to solve the pain points of more users in a targeted manner.

On July 15, many netizens reported that they had received internal testing news of a new feature in WeChat Moments, which would add a “shared memories” function. According to screenshots taken by netizens, when writing the page for publishing Moments in the internal beta version  - DayDayNews

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