"This article is original, plagiarism is prohibited, and offenders will be prosecuted." As the world's largest wafer foundry, TSMC accounts for as much as 56% of the global chip foundry market. In today's context of "global core shortage", it can be said that it has attracted the

2024/06/3008:31:33 technology 1884

"This article is original, plagiarism is prohibited, and offenders will be prosecuted"

As the world's largest wafer foundry, TSMC accounts for 56% of the global chip foundry market. In today's context of "global core shortage", it can be said that it has attracted the attention of many parties. After all, as regions seek chip production capacity, TSMC is undoubtedly the most powerful and most likely foundry to meet supply needs.

Not only in terms of production capacity, TSMC's chip manufacturing technology is also among the best. Today, only Samsung Electronics is the only global chip manufacturer that can keep up with TSMC's process.

For this reason, many well-known companies around the world are seeking TSMC's foundry services, such as Qualcomm , Huawei , Intel and so on.

TSMC said that the loss of production capacity from orders from Chinese companies will not be affected

However, as the United States has revised its "chip rules", TSMC will no longer be able to freely ship to Chinese companies such as Huawei. The incidents of Huawei and other Chinese companies have also sounded the alarm to other domestic companies. Major domestic companies have stepped up their breakthroughs in self-developed chip technology, gradually reduced their reliance on American chips, and began to use domestic chips instead of overseas chips. .

Although TSMC has been actively fighting for freedom of shipment, it has not been able to obtain shipment permission until now. As TSMC's former largest customer, Huawei contributed more than US$30 billion in revenue to TSMC every year. Losing orders from Huawei will be a huge loss for TSMC.

In addition, Huawei's chips have always been self-developed. If problems arise, they can communicate with TSMC in a timely manner. TSMC's manufacturing process has progressed so fast, and Huawei also has part of the credit.

However, after losing customers such as Huawei, TSMC said that its revenue will not be affected. It can be seen from the financial report information disclosed by TSMC that TSMC’s revenue has indeed increased instead of falling. The reason is that customers from the United States have filled orders vacated by Huawei. After losing Huawei as its largest customer, Apple became TSMC’s largest customer.

At a time when Sino-US trade is heating up, TSMC has also agreed to the invitation of the United States to build factories in the United States. From this point of view, production capacity is also biased towards the US market.

TSMC has a showdown, and its production capacity is biased towards Chinese companies

But now the situation is beginning to change. It is reported that TSMC is increasing its capacity release efforts to meet the chip production capacity needs of domestic manufacturers.

This was confirmed by domestic chip manufacturer Situ Weixin. Situ Weixin said: In order to meet customer needs, it hopes that TSMC can provide more production capacity, and TSMC agreed.

TSMC has always given priority to orders from Meixin, and only a small amount of production capacity can be allocated to customers in the mainland market and other regions. Especially in the past two years, under the "special care" of Laos and the United States, the share of the mainland market has further shrunk.

Previously, Nordic Semiconductor, a well-known European chip company, also sought more production capacity from TSMC, but TSMC refused, and Nordic Semiconductor transferred the order to other foundries.

As we all know, when production capacity is limited, it is usually given priority to large customers. TSMC obviously knew that Nordic Semiconductor would transfer orders after rejection, but it still did so. It can be seen from this that TSMC is equivalent to a showdown, and the focus of production capacity is tilted towards Chinese companies.

Why has TSMC’s attitude changed?

According to media reports in the United States, American Chip currently has a large inventory of chips. The analog chip giant in the United States has even reduced the price of its products by 90% and has a sale. However, the situation has not improved yet. Many American companies are selling Implying hope that Chinese companies can help consume them.

The chip inventory process of Meixin Enterprises has also caused their order volume to TSMC to also drop significantly. Many of TSMC's major customers are cutting orders, and the amount of orders cut in the past year has exceeded 10 million. Among them, Apple, as the largest customer, has reduced its order volume by about 10%. Nvidia's order reduction is expected to be about 15%. AMD has also reduced its 7nm and 6nm process orders by about 20,000 pieces.

The significant order cuts by Meixin customers are likely to be the main reason for TSMC’s change in attitude.After all, the US chip market is unreliable, and TSMC has to retain the Chinese market.

The main reason for this situation is that under the restrictions on chip shipments in the United States, many companies have increased their presence in the semiconductor industry and abandoned the misconception that "making is worse than buying." Last year, my country's industrial and commercial registration of semiconductor companies There were 46,000 households, a year-on-year increase of 107%. By this year, the number of new chip companies in our country will reach more than 60,000.

For this reason, my country's chip imports are gradually decreasing. According to data from the General Administration of Customs, the number of chips imported into my country in the first five months of this year decreased by 28.3 billion compared with last year.

55% of the chips in the United States are exported to my country. The reduction in my country's chip imports means that the export volume of Meixin companies will decrease. The result of this series of chain reactions is that the chip inventory of Meixin companies has accumulated.

Compared with the already sluggish semiconductor market in the United States, my country, as the world's largest chip consumer market, has a vast market that is obviously more conducive to development. If you have any thoughts on this, please leave a message in the comment area, like, follow and share.

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