Learning resources are attached at the bottom of the article. Is it difficult to learn embedded learning by yourself? Whenever I see similar questions, I can't help but shudder and immediately map this kind of question to myself. That was when I started learning embedded Linux de

2024/06/3002:54:32 technology 1226
Learning resources are attached below the

article. You can get

by yourself. Is it difficult to learn embedded ? Whenever I see similar questions, I can't help but shudder, and I immediately map this kind of question to myself. That's when I started learning embedded Linux development in 2009. What was my mind at the time? But these years have passed. What I feel is that nothing in learning is easy. If you can really figure it out at a glance, it will definitely not be enough room for your development.

The key to learning embedded is hands-on practice. Generally, most people can't see anything from reading books. They can only learn the general framework, understand the special terminology, and know what is what. But if you really want to do it well, you can You have to do it yourself. For self-study, it is very boring and easy to give up if you do not study systematically. Secondly, find a relevant job. You are your own best teacher at work, but you must be able to get in. However, I think few companies are willing to train you nowadays, unless you are from a prestigious school like 211 or 985. So training is a shortcut. You can get started quickly, and you gradually turn from a novice to a master at work!
and some people ask whether girls are suitable for learning embedded? Come on, what age are you still engaging in gender discrimination? But girls are programmers It is common for employees to stay up late and work overtime, so be careful! However, they are more popular than male programmers. Your future living environment will be surrounded by men! You will be very happy!

There are really many things to learn in the embedded Internet of Things, so don’t If you learn the wrong route and content, your salary will not go up!

will share an information package with you for free, which costs almost 150 gigabytes. The learning content, interviews, and projects are relatively new and comprehensive! It is estimated that buying a certain fish online will cost at least dozens of dollars.

Click here to find an assistant to receive 0 yuan: Learning resources are attached at the bottom of the article. Is it difficult to learn embedded learning by yourself? Whenever I see similar questions, I can't help but shudder and immediately map this kind of question to myself. That was when I started learning embedded Linux de - DayDayNews

Learning resources are attached at the bottom of the article. Is it difficult to learn embedded learning by yourself? Whenever I see similar questions, I can't help but shudder and immediately map this kind of question to myself. That was when I started learning embedded Linux de - DayDayNews

I recently saw a Huaqing Vision female student’s learning testimonials
In the blink of an eye, it has been two weeks since I came to Huaqing Vision training. Two weeks can’t be said quickly. It's fast, but it's also long. Many people say that software learning is not suitable for girls to learn
, but I came here by chance. I can’t say that I chose it because I particularly like software programming. In some ways, maybe it was fate that chose me to come here. here, but I am very lucky to be here, because it gives me an opportunity, an opportunity to control the direction of my future life.

A lot of things have happened to me in the past two weeks. The pressure of life and study has been on my shoulders at the same time. The two-week course progresses very quickly, and the learning pressure is very high. At the same time, this pressure is also the nourishment for our growth. If you don't want to walk through it, you can only stay where you are. Although I came a few days late and there is a gap between me and my classmates, I have been working hard because I believe that I can do what others can do and what others cannot do, as long as I have perseverance. When others are walking, what I hope I can do is run. Maybe I still have a lot that I have not learned well, but as long as I work hard, it is only a matter of time before I get it. I am very grateful to all the fate that made me choose to study this. I believe that it will bring me not only a job in the future, but also patience, persistence, not shrinking, and courage.

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