You are not afraid that your mobile phone will be "indifferent" to you, but you are afraid that it will be too "enthusiastic" to you. In the hot summer, playing with mobile phones is really painful! Thanks to the fact that my phone has been burning for too long, I have summarized

2024/06/2301:03:33 technology 1867

is not afraid that the mobile phone will be "indifferent" to you, but is afraid that it will be too "enthusiastic" for you. In the hot summer, playing with mobile phones is really painful! Thanks to the fact that my phone has been burning for too long, I have summarized a few reasons why my phone is overheating and a few tips to alleviate it. If you are interested, you can read on below!

Reason 1: Climate and environmental problems lead to fever
In summer, the temperature reaches more than 30° every day. Even the cicadas scream from the heat, not to mention the mobile phone? If you are still in a sultry environment at this time, it will only be a matter of time before your phone gets hot! If you encounter this situation, you can try the following operations!

Method ①: Place the mobile phone in a well-ventilated or cool place (such as an air-conditioned room, etc.)
Due to the season and ambient temperature, it is easy to get hot when using the mobile phone in a high temperature and stuffy environment. The most correct operation is to try not to use the phone or place the phone in a cool place; it should also be noted that the pocket is not ventilated, so it is not recommended to put the phone in the pocket in a stuffy environment (if you want to If you burn your thigh)

You are not afraid that your mobile phone will be

Method ②: Choose a protective case with better heat dissipation
If the phone is already affected by the temperature, it’s okay. After all, today’s mobile phones more or less self-dissipate heat, but some friends will Putting on some thicker protective cases will affect the normal heat dissipation of the mobile phone, which is not worth the gain, so it is recommended to choose some protective cases with high heat dissipation in summer!

You are not afraid that your mobile phone will be

Reason 2: Daily use causes fever
The weather is getting hotter and hotter, so that we can easily cause fever with casual use. In addition to the weather, it actually has something to do with our daily phone usage habits! So if you want your mobile phone to be less likely to "fever", you must remember these good habits in summer!

Method ③: Timely clean up the background and memory garbage of the mobile phone
We should try to avoid multiple applications running at the same time, and frequently clean up the background applications and system memory garbage. This can not only reduce the load of CPU, reduce heat generation, but also improve battery life!

You are not afraid that your mobile phone will be

Method ④: Turn off infrequently used functions
We can turn off function switches that are not used temporarily or are not commonly used (such as WLAN, GPS, Bluetooth , automatic synchronization, etc.). If these functions are turned on, they will be in the background. Working continuously causes power consumption and temperature to rise rapidly.

You are not afraid that your mobile phone will be

Therefore, in order to reduce the burden when using the mobile phone, it is necessary to clean up the background in time and close system functions that are no longer used.

Method ⑤: Check and turn off the automatic startup and associated startup of some applications at any time
Many friends may ask, why is the phone getting hot before I start using it? That’s because some apps will secretly start and associate with you without your knowledge, thus putting a lot of burden on your phone. In order to prevent apps from frequently waking up (each other) in the background, we have to develop a habit of checking frequently. Good practice for self (or associated) application startup!

You are not afraid that your mobile phone will be

Method ⑥: Try not to play with the phone while charging
If you play while charging, the phone must be charged and discharged at the same time. Charging itself will cause the phone to heat up. In addition, the weather is hot in summer and the phone will be hot. It's normal though.

You are not afraid that your mobile phone will be

I also want to remind everyone here: OPPO mobile phone charging is already very fast. Maybe you make a cup of tea and squint for a while. In a few minutes, the phone will restore 20 to 30% of the power, so if It’s not necessary. Try not to play with your phone while charging, so that you and your phone can take a break together!
Reason 3: The game process causes fever
As we all know, when playing games in winter, the mobile phone is like a hand warmer; while when playing games in summer, the mobile phone is like a "hot" hand warmer. Due to external weather conditions and the long-term operation of the mobile phone processor (and various electronic components), playing games all the time will definitely cause the phone to become seriously hot.

You are not afraid that your mobile phone will be

Generally speaking, we can play games in an air-conditioned room, so we don’t have to worry about getting hot. But if such environmental conditions are lacking, how should we alleviate this problem?

Method ⑦: Appropriately reduce the game configuration
You can first adjust the game mode of the game assistant and adjust the screen brightness according to the actual situation, and then appropriately reduce the special effects/resolution/ frame rate etc. during the game in the game settings to reduce the performance. While reducing energy consumption, it can also reduce fever.

You are not afraid that your mobile phone will be

Method ⑧: Use a cooling back clip

If you have friends who particularly like playing games and are unwilling to sacrifice a high-quality gaming experience, you can consider equipping your favorite phone with a cooling back clip.

You are not afraid that your mobile phone will be

The cooling back clip is usually installed on the back of the phone close to the processor. When turned on, it can quickly cool down to achieve the effect of cooling down the phone, so that you can play games for a long time!

The above is the editor’s summary of the causes and solutions to the overheating of mobile phones. If you have other good methods, you can reply and add them in the comment area!

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