It is quite common for people who are engaged in cross-border e-commerce and foreign trade to use the official channel of WhatsApp to send bulk messages. As we all know, WhatsApp can send messages to strangers and make voice calls and video calls to strangers. This is why WhatsAp

2024/06/2214:40:32 technology 1878

It is quite common for people who are engaged in cross-border e-commerce and foreign trade to use the official channel of WhatsApp to send bulk messages. As we all know, WhatsApp can send messages to strangers and make voice calls and video calls to strangers. This is why WhatsApp brings A large number of users also ensures the rapid expansion of WhatsApp users, but you still need to pay attention to mass messaging, otherwise you will lose many customers. Here I will share with you the precautions for mass messaging on the official WhatsApp channel, and the copywriting skills for mass messaging on WhatsApp.

It is quite common for people who are engaged in cross-border e-commerce and foreign trade to use the official channel of WhatsApp to send bulk messages. As we all know, WhatsApp can send messages to strangers and make voice calls and video calls to strangers. This is why WhatsAp - DayDayNews

  1. Bulk advertising language localization: Use the language of whichever country you place your bulk advertising in. uses Russian when advertising in Russia, English can be used when advertising in India, and Portuguese is used in Brazil . Language localization is definitely required. Satisfaction first.
  2. The copywriting must be distinctive: uses various emoticons to attract users' attention, uses good sentence patterns to express the characteristics of its products, and operates the activities for a certain period, creating a certain sense of urgency and increasing the user's order rate. .
  3. provides users with preferential benefits: the so-called long-term goal is to catch the big fish. is set according to a certain activity mechanism, allowing users to participate in activities and giving them certain benefits to make them trust the brand.
  4. Brand display builds trust: Always display the brand effect . The most important thing for mass messaging is to show the brand value. The brand is directly exposed at the beginning of the mass messaging copy, which will build a certain amount of trust with the target audience.
  5. Multiple delivery optimization: When we deliver, we need to repeat the arrival of different copywriting to the same user multiple times, so that it will be more effective.

It is quite common for people who are engaged in cross-border e-commerce and foreign trade to use the official channel of WhatsApp to send bulk messages. As we all know, WhatsApp can send messages to strangers and make voice calls and video calls to strangers. This is why WhatsAp - DayDayNews

It is quite common for people who are engaged in cross-border e-commerce and foreign trade to use the official channel of WhatsApp to send bulk messages. As we all know, WhatsApp can send messages to strangers and make voice calls and video calls to strangers. This is why WhatsAp - DayDayNews

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