Original text: https://suncle.zhubai.love/posts/2114096491819589632 This is the first issue of Suncle Lab. I will update blockchain, technology, finance, and travel-related content here. Each issue will be published simultaneously on my blog. You are welcome to subscribe by email

2024/06/0611:50:33 technology 1637

Original text: https://suncle.zhubai.love/posts/2114096491819589632

This is the first issue of Suncle Lab. I will update blockchain, technology, finance, and travel-related content here. Each issue will be published simultaneously on my blog. You are welcome to subscribe by email so that you can receive updates as soon as possible.

I have an independent blog (which may require scientific access to the Internet). It has been maintained for five years, but the frequency of updates is not high. However, people are still reading it one after another, and the number of reads is also slowly increasing. This blog is mainly used for recording. Technical knowledge points, and occasionally some thoughts.

For myself, I also read some independent blogs, and I also subscribe to the RSS of high-quality blogs, such as Mr. La’s blog and Ziyue’s blog. In addition to blogs, I usually visit and get , Geek Time and other paid-for-knowledge apps to learn professional knowledge and increase my knowledge.

has been obsessed with blockchain and digital currency in the past year, and has also found a lot of high-quality content on the distributed content creation platform mirror. Gradually, I came into contact with the knowledge sharing method of newletter, which is very popular overseas.

What is a newletter? First excerpt some definitions of Wikipedia

Newsletter (e-newsletter) is an electronic communication publication sent by a community or business to its relevant objects based on a mailing list.

For me, a Newsletter is a letter that arrives on time and is based on my interests and hobbies.

started writing newletter

I wrote some content on the WeChat public account one after another, and often stopped updating for half a year, or even for a year. It’s not that I don’t want to update, it’s just that every time I write an article, I need to think deeply and thoroughly, then refine my opinions, search for information, and quote scriptures like writing a paper. The result of this is that a lot of time is spent, and the knowledge written has been completely internalized. It is difficult for oneself to grow, and in the end it is difficult to persist.

When I came into contact with newsletter, I was shocked. It turns out that there is such a primitive and effective way of exporting knowledge in the world. I no longer need to write just one central idea per article. I can write about what I learned, watched, and listened to this week, and then extract a core point from my life during the week, which is more real and timely.

It is enough to divide your time in units of one week, summarize your own growth in units of one week, and attract people of the same frequency.

compared a large number of newsletter platforms, and finally I chose a domestic product, Bamboo White, which does not require scientific Internet access and supports email and WeChat subscriptions. I still prefer everyone to use email subscription. If the centralized Zhubai and WeChat are down one day, I can still use the most decentralized email to send you messages.

Let me introduce my newletter positioning. Only write content that interests you and can be updated in the long term, such as blockchain, technology, finance, and travel . It is updated every week and published on Friday. Each article will share links to some articles I read in the past week and links to the podcasts I listened to.

Today is March 11, 2022. I resigned from hago. My newsletter was born from today. Everyone is welcome to subscribe.

The first article will be based on an article I read in the past few days and write about the reasons for my endless frustration.

The whole world is my home

I forced myself to leave the United States. Getting out of my comfort zone. I considered looking for new perspectives within the United States, living in Texas , Louisiana , South Carolina, New Mexico, and Alaska .

But why are the boundaries drawn artificially?

why not turkey , nigeria , finland , indonesia, israel, china and brazil ? I wanted to understand these different ways of living. I want them to feel like home, too.So I set out to the world with this goal in mind.

Move to a strange place until it feels like home. Keep learning and growing. And then do it again, pursuing uncomfortable places until the whole world is my home.

This passage is taken from an article Why I left America by Derek Siversd, an author I just read this week. When reading this article, I thought a lot.

I am very glad that I chose the computer industry when I applied for the college entrance examination and worked for five years. Although I am far from getting rich, in the past five years, thanks to the higher income in the IT industry, my working-class peers have been struggling to make a living. When I was worried about saving money, I traveled to most places in China.

Many people will say that if you just go out for a fancy trip, how much knowledge can you gain? It is better to save the money and save it for buying a house, a car, a wife, and staying at your residence on weekends to play games. This includes my parents.

Colleagues who graduated in the same year and entered tax friends together have not traveled far in more than five years. I think their knowledge and vision should be somewhat limited.

Many elders have the same thoughts as HR, and advise you not to change jobs after only two or three years. Think about it from another perspective, if you plan to work for others for the rest of your life, then find a stable position to stay.

And I only have one idea, find an industry with high added value that interests me and go deep into it. Please read the sentence

carefully again word for word. Looking for is not a simple matter of submitting a resume, it requires continuous trial and error and continuous practice. being interested in does not mean just finding a big factory to retire, but that you want to create something for the world. High added value means that you will have a bright future if you continue to work in this industry. Even if you leave a specific company, as long as you are still in the industry, it is obvious that Zaihui and Hago's industry does not meet this criterion. . Deep cultivation of is not just a superficial taste but specialization and depth.

Five years after graduation, I traveled from Xi'an to Hangzhou, then to Shanghai, and then to Guangzhou. The next part of my journey is Dubai. Moving to a strange place feels like home.

When I entered a planet membership group half a year ago (September 5, 2021), I sent a self-introduction and set a short-term goal for myself: to enter the blockchain industry. It came true half a year later.

Original text: https://suncle.zhubai.love/posts/2114096491819589632 This is the first issue of Suncle Lab. I will update blockchain, technology, finance, and travel-related content here. Each issue will be published simultaneously on my blog. You are welcome to subscribe by email - DayDayNews

It has been more than five years since you graduated. Where is your future? Are you still confused? Where should you go?

Original text: https://suncle.zhubai.love/posts/2114096491819589632 This is the first issue of Suncle Lab. I will update blockchain, technology, finance, and travel-related content here. Each issue will be published simultaneously on my blog. You are welcome to subscribe by email - DayDayNews

This picture comes from the movie "Big Fish". At the beginning of the protagonist's journey, he found a paradise. Everyone begged him to stay, but he said: "I'm sorry, I may never be able to find such a beautiful place again." , but I need to get out into the world and have adventures.”)

What have you read recently?

  • Write plain text files- Use plain text as productivity software. There are many note-taking software now, and there are many problems. Why not return to the most primitive way?
  • Destroying technology | Prophet Weekly #160- A turbulent world , crypto is indestructible
  • What is zero-knowledge proof (ZKP)? - The role of zero-knowledge proof in web3
  • Web3 Social thinking
  • How to be an early user of Web3? - What can you do in the world of web3
  • A normie's guide to rollups- I have been talking about Ethereum rollup expansion, what is rollup?
  • Why does the Internet make us more and more unhappy? - An Internet that makes the world better, unusual entrepreneurial ideas
  • 2022 Predictions- Judy Hevenley's 2022 Forecast
  • Nothing is cheaper than PoW - does it cost electricity? Save electricity

I will end this article by borrowing this description from Fang Kecheng:

They always arrive on time and lie quietly in my inbox without making headlines. , does not insert emoticons that affect reading, and only delivers the content I need in the simplest way. In this era of information overload and garbage flooding, the oldest email has become the best refuge.

Hope Suncle. Lab can become one of your thousands of newsletters.

This is Suncle’s newsletter. You are welcome to subscribe. If you find this article useful, you can share it with your friends

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