Nowadays, low-carbon, green, environmentally friendly and sustainable lifestyles have become the choice of more and more people. In the comfortable home industry that is closely related to our lives, heating and hot water products and services are starting a new round of technolo

2024/05/2707:33:33 technology 1625

Nowadays, low-carbon, green, environmentally friendly and sustainable lifestyles have become the choice of more and more people. In the comfortable home industry that is closely related to our lives, heating and hot water products and services are starting a new round of technological changes, providing consumers with comfortable, environmentally friendly, and sustainable solutions. Recently, Ariston , an international heating and hot water family from Italy, launched a brand renewal plan and released the brand concept of "a home that is always warm, and a sustainable world starts at home". Zheng Zhaomin, president of

Ariston China, said that this move is a brand refresh measure proposed by Ariston based on its profound insights into the changes of the times and the upgrading of user needs, and in the context of global practice of sustainable development. "Our brand vision is to provide sustainable comfort for everyone, while protecting the environment, and to provide high-quality heating and hot water solutions to people in every corner of the world."

Then, in the renewed brand concept Under the guidance of the company, what upgrade experience will Ariston bring to the Chinese market and users? Faced with increasingly fierce competition, where will this brand, which has been focusing on the heating and hot water fields for nearly a century, aim to innovate? Taking this opportunity of brand renewal, we had an in-depth chat with Ms. Zheng Zhaomin, President of Ariston China.

Nowadays, low-carbon, green, environmentally friendly and sustainable lifestyles have become the choice of more and more people. In the comfortable home industry that is closely related to our lives, heating and hot water products and services are starting a new round of technolo - DayDayNews

Ms. Zheng Zhaomin, President of Ariston China

Practice sustainability and start from "home"

China's "dual carbon" strategy insists on giving priority to conservation, implements a comprehensive conservation strategy, continues to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions, and advocates simplicity, moderation, Green and low-carbon lifestyle. The "double carbon" goal also emphasizes the need to strengthen technological and institutional innovation, accelerate the green and low-carbon scientific and technological revolution, and deepen reforms in energy and related fields.

As a heating and hot water system solution provider with a history of nearly a century, Ariston decided to participate in the construction of a heating and hot water system solution with "home" as the core under the background of practicing sustainable development and implementing China's "double carbon" strategy. A carbon neutral and sustainable world.

"Ariston pays attention to nature and environmental protection. The lifestyle and life attitude of every person and every family are closely related to the promotion of sustainable development. Ariston provides system solutions that are safe, energy-saving, efficient and humanely designed. , reduce carbon emissions, improve household energy utilization, and enable a sustainable world to store energy at home,” said Zheng Zhaomin.

Energy conservation and emission reduction are not just goals and slogans, Ariston has been actively promoting them. Data shows that in 2021, 74% of Ariston Group’s sales came from its efficient and renewable energy solutions; since 2018, thanks to efficient and energy-saving technology, emissions equivalent to 2.1 million tons of carbon dioxide have been avoided quantity.

“We place energy efficiency at the heart of our sustainable growth strategy. Renewable and efficient products and solutions can make a decisive contribution to achieving the environmental goals of the construction industry and reducing energy consumption, without sacrificing comfort. "Zheng Zhaomin said that Ariston hopes to be a brand with attitude and provide warm products and services. It also hopes to use its renewed brand concept to establish a deeper emotional value link with users and jointly protect our homes and the earth.

Nowadays, low-carbon, green, environmentally friendly and sustainable lifestyles have become the choice of more and more people. In the comfortable home industry that is closely related to our lives, heating and hot water products and services are starting a new round of technolo - DayDayNews

has always focused on the field of heating and hot water, professionally guarding "a home that is always warm"

With the drive of consumption upgrades and the continuous improvement of living standards, people's demand for the quality of home products is also increasing day by day. Heating and hot water products, as indispensable comfort systems to improve the quality of family life, have attracted more and more attention. With the increase in consumer demand, there is a higher demand for the quality of wall-mounted boilers and water heaters, prompting HVAC Changes in the industry.

As an Italian heating and hot water company, Ariston proposes to create a “home that is always warm” for users at the right time in this context.

Zheng Zhaomin said that Ariston’s new brand concept has both inheritance and innovation.First of all, as a brand in the field of heating and hot water, it must provide professional solutions to help users create a warm home; at the same time, through professional pre-sales consulting design solutions and system installation, thoughtful after-sales service and care, and Users establish emotional connections and create a "home that is always warm" for users.

"We are a very dedicated manufacturer that has been working in the field of heating and hot water, with unique professional perspectives and innovative technologies. Ariston has always been at the forefront of the industry in energy-saving technology innovation, and is committed to providing users with more energy-saving, A more comfortable solution." Zheng Zhaomin said that consumers now attach great importance to energy saving and environmental protection when choosing products, and Ariston's condensing furnace is very popular in the market.

Zheng Zhaomin also emphasized that under the background of consumption upgrading, consumers' demand for heating and hot water no longer focuses on a single product experience, but on the design capabilities of the entire system, thereby achieving more efficient, energy-saving, comfortable and environmentally friendly. Therefore, Ariston has developed multiple sets of high-efficiency and energy-saving solutions for different house types and needs of different families. They are reasonably matched with the whole house design and combined with users' living needs to provide users with customized and personalized solutions. For example, the innovative adaptive solution of "large-liter water heater + wall-mounted boiler with adapted power" uses a wall-mounted boiler with adapted power and a water heater, so that the whole family can have a warm heating space and abundant hot water experience, making the winter more enjoyable. Both hot water and heating can exert their respective advantages. Turn off the wall-mounted boiler in summer to save energy consumption; at the same time, it can ensure that users enjoy convenient and abundant domestic hot water, truly forming the "1+12" effect and creating a "home that is always warm" , achieving sustainable warmth and comfort in your home. In the future, Ariston will continue to invest in overall heating and hot water solutions, including heat pump systems, and transform from a product provider to a solution provider.

Nowadays, low-carbon, green, environmentally friendly and sustainable lifestyles have become the choice of more and more people. In the comfortable home industry that is closely related to our lives, heating and hot water products and services are starting a new round of technolo - DayDayNews

takes the lead in laying out digitalization and intelligence, and communicates with users warmly.

In the traditional comfortable home industry, communication between consumers and brands mainly focuses on offline consultation or experience. Nowadays, digital and intelligent changes have penetrated into the comfortable home industry, making communication between consumers and brands more convenient. Ariston is also one of the first brands in the industry to implement digital layout. Partners and users can use digital tools to conduct online consultation and choose solutions that meet their needs.

"We hope that the entire purchase process of users can be integrated online and offline through digitalization, so that brands and users can form seamless contact and friendly interactions." Zheng Zhaomin said, "Through digitalization, we can solve the problem of communication between channels and users. From user demand perception and demand guidance, to product consultation, solution design, to later installation and maintenance services, and even user reputation fission, we can achieve full-cycle, multi-dimensional user contact and communication interaction, and can target different customer groups. We provide personalized, diversified, and experience-focused solutions and services through different channels. "

" Our products have different combinations and can provide customized products and solutions based on the different needs of users. Do it. In addition, we also hope to realize remote monitoring and remote diagnosis through intelligence and digitalization for follow-up services and maintenance after installation. In the future, we will continue to upgrade our services. The after-sales service of the heating system is very important. Ariston is committed to providing users with worry-free services throughout the entire process." Zheng Zhaomin emphasized that the future market structure will be "users are king", and Ariston will focus on every aspect of the consumer purchase journey through warm communication. experience.

Nowadays, low-carbon, green, environmentally friendly and sustainable lifestyles have become the choice of more and more people. In the comfortable home industry that is closely related to our lives, heating and hot water products and services are starting a new round of technolo - DayDayNews

Promote systematic and integrated services and build an ecosystem to achieve value sharing

As consumers continue to upgrade their requirements for living environment and life health standards, single and fragmented comfort system products can no longer meet the needs. Systematization and integration will bring more possibilities to the comfortable home industry. The future trend is not only the integration of products, but also the integration of design integration, service integration and management model. Overall comfortable home solutions and diversified choices will be the new high ground for future development of the market.

In this regard, Zheng Zhaomin said that Ariston has insight into this industry trend and has opened up the entire industry chain through digitalization. Through cooperation with channel partners, it has truly provided services and improved service quality. Furthermore, this year, Ariston plans to fully launch the "Total Solution" in the Chinese market, which can work with partners to provide users with one-stop systematic services, including preliminary design, construction and after-sales maintenance services. Realize a closed loop of services in the entire ecosystem.

"Ariston has always emphasized gathering energy with partners. Each of them focuses on its core competitiveness in its own areas of expertise, and achieves upgrades in operations and services through digital integration. In addition to making operations more efficient, it ultimately makes The connection between pre-sales, sales and after-sales is more seamless, and we are committed to bringing users better, more comfortable and more energy-saving overall solutions, forming a true energy gathering. This is also the development strategy that Ariston adheres to - and. Partners build a benign and efficient ecosystem, keep users in the ecosystem, and realize value creation and sharing in the ecosystem," Zheng Zhaomin shared.

Nowadays, low-carbon, green, environmentally friendly and sustainable lifestyles have become the choice of more and more people. In the comfortable home industry that is closely related to our lives, heating and hot water products and services are starting a new round of technolo - DayDayNews

is optimistic about the long-term Chinese market, and there are many opportunities.

Looking at the industry, the comfortable home industry is developing rapidly in the direction of intelligent, integrated, and systematic overall solutions. In the long term, the Chinese market has good room for growth.

Zheng Zhaomin also said that Ariston still has many good opportunities in the future: "First, under the background of the country's promotion of the 'double carbon' goal, it will accelerate the growth of condensing furnaces in the overall market. We predict that condensing furnaces will The furnace will continue to maintain double-digit growth in the next five years. Ariston will also continue to promote the advantageous product of condensing furnace. Second, the replacement market is revitalized, and the replacement is mainly concentrated in northern, northwest and some eastern China cities. It is estimated that the cumulative number of users in the replacement market will exceed 2 million in the next five years, which is also a huge business opportunity. Third, consumption upgrades, users are moving from single product orientation to more energy-saving and comfortable overall system solutions, and more valuable services and experiences. This brings new opportunities to the brand. "

Zheng Zhaomin revealed that Ariston China will focus on four key tasks this year. First, further enhance user experience through customized and systematic overall solutions and one-stop services; second, continue to deepen digitalization and intelligence, connect people, goods, and sites to achieve full-link operational efficiency and effectiveness; third, continue to deepen channels, gather high-quality and loyal partners, and build a full-link efficient ecosystem, including marketing innovation and service upgrades; fourth, convey Italian quality of life, deepen Italian fashion design, life taste and Warm care, focus on user needs, and improve user services.

Zheng Zhaomin emphasized that Ariston wants to give users a warmer experience. Ariston will also have more emotional interactions with users in marketing. "The temperature we talk about is not only the temperature reflected in the numbers of technology, but also the temperature that brand concepts and services make users feel in their hearts, including the warmth between people. At the same time, we hope to be more innovative in fashion design, life taste and Quality life can give users a better and more upgraded experience. This is where Italian companies have great advantages. This will be reflected in our subsequent market activities and communication with users, not only with users, but also with our employees. Partners. We hope that everyone will work together and work towards the same goal, by providing users with safe, energy-saving, efficient and humanely designed solutions to create a 'home that always has warmth' for every family."

Nowadays, low-carbon, green, environmentally friendly and sustainable lifestyles have become the choice of more and more people. In the comfortable home industry that is closely related to our lives, heating and hot water products and services are starting a new round of technolo - DayDayNews

Zheng Zhaomin also revealed that Ariston headquarters pays great attention to the Chinese market and has given strong support to the Chinese region. "We will follow our strategic priorities step by step. Ariston will definitely perform better in the domestic market in the next 3-5 years."

Editor-in-Chief: Mao Weijing

Proofreader: Zhang Yan

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