Editor's introduction: If a music product is simply used as a player, it will always be a supporting role behind the story and an empty shell that relies on copyright. Therefore, it is very important to build a music content community. The author of this article takes NetEase Clo

2024/05/2111:08:03 technology 1665

editor's introduction: If a music product is simply used as a player, it will always be a supporting role behind the story and an empty shell that relies on copyright, so it is very important to build a music content community. The author of this article uses NetEase Cloud Music as an example to analyze how to create a music content community. Let’s take a look.

Editor's introduction: If a music product is simply used as a player, it will always be a supporting role behind the story and an empty shell that relies on copyright. Therefore, it is very important to build a music content community. The author of this article takes NetEase Clo - DayDayNews

Using a mature product for DIY is one of the faster ways to learn. I tried to use NetEase Cloud Music to expand my ideas. Before building a cloud music content community, I observed Cloud Music objectively. His community content covers many categories such as film and television hybrids, 2D, comedy, life, emotions, etc. As a music community, it seems to be breaking out of the circle, but vertical music content is indeed unsystematic, and most users cannot find the content they want. , unable to feel the atmosphere and value of the music community.

From a brand point of view, the reason why Cloud Music is successful is entirely because the brand style of Cloud Music is higher than that of qq music . Users have a sense of pride and taste in using Cloud Music, but the current community content does make the brand tone better. Big discount.

I don’t know if you have this situation. After hearing a song you like, you will want to learn more about the song’s creation process, interviews with singers and other related information, or browse interesting covers of the same song by amateurs, re-creations , and reviews. content. However, there is no good connection page on the playback page to aggregate this content. I can only return to search to find the content very inefficiently. The search process has been separated from the emotional scene of listening to music. When I open the search, I may feel that is shaking. Sound search results will be better. This kind of consumption link leads users to still use cloud music as a player instead of a community platform that connects people, content and life through music. Therefore, music-related content is still limited to secondary comments, mv, and karaoke.

music is different from videos and text. It has no picture itself, so it gives users a lot of room for imagination. Users can combine music with imagination and memories to form a self-satisfied picture in their mind. As a music community, it should help users outline the picture, expand their imagination, and give them references for imagination (why novels are so sticky).

Listening to music is like making wine. Music is the raw material, content is fermentation, emotion is distillation, expression is blending, and the community is the vessel. The music itself evokes and amplifies emotions, but the player cannot release them. The outpouring of words, the resonance of the content, and the recognition of like-minded people can release explosive emotions. This is also the meaning of building a music community. If a music product is simply used as a player, it will always be a supporting role behind the story and an empty shell that relies on copyright.

will next talk about community value, atmosphere, content, user motivation and other aspects. For specific details, please see this article: How to build a content community

1. Find the value of a music community

Most users open cloud music for the clear purpose of listening to music. However, there are many motivations for listening to music (you can judge the motivation through time, location, and history). What a community needs to grasp is the side behaviors of users during the process of listening to music (such as likes, comments, and sharing).

Firstly, because these side behaviors indicate the matching level between the song and the user, the user's current mood or scene can be located through the tag of the song, so that content with the same tag can be pushed to echo the song, arousing strong user sentiment. Resonance, thus promoting deep interaction opportunities;

Second, listening to music is mainly an auditory behavior, and community is mainly a visual behavior. It is difficult for users to change their consumption behavior. In the early stage, it is necessary to control users’ only visual consumption behavior and guide users to change their habits. .

When users are used to: consuming the song and then consuming the link to the song content. The emotional fluctuations caused by stimulating users will be amplified, consumption memory will be enhanced, and the motivation of purely listening to music will subtly evolve into finding emotional solace. In the future, users will habitually look for this kind of "spiritual poison". Therefore, the value of the music community to users is not just about the player, but also about finding spiritual satisfaction in the process of listening to music.

's ideal large music ecosystem:

users can consume music, and can also express emotions, tell stories and memories in any form when they resonate.For example, text turns into lyrics, voice sounds turn into soundtracks, and videos turn into story segments. Through diverse means, focusing on users rather than music, users can find a suitable way of expression for themselves, gain recognition and affirmation in the community, stimulate a sense of accomplishment, and proactively create and maintain music content to make the community more valuable.

It is necessary to meet spiritual needs, but it is also empty. Satisfaction not only comes from the spirit, but also needs to map the material world. Through opgc content (word scores, live performances, mv, magazines, etc.) and related peripherals (tickets, tutorials, merchandise, etc.), the authenticity of the product can be reflected to meet the material needs of users, allowing cloud music to Material life brings more value.

For Cloud Music, the value of content communities lies in enhancing brand value, increasing music exposure, and increasing musicians’ desire to create.

For users, the cloud music content community needs to be able to obtain enough valuable music content, be professionally recognized, have similar interests, and be a song-related encyclopedia.

2. The atmosphere of the music community

Finding the relationship between users and music is the key to establishing a community cultural atmosphere. Most people's memory of music is when a person wears wired headphones to study in the classroom, take the subway, or listen to music in a cafe in a daze. Music is companionship, healing, fantasy, and separation...

The most basic thing a community needs to be satisfied with is The positioning of music in the minds of users. Stories, scenes, and content with strong recall are the easiest content to convey this kind of atmosphere, and they complement the emo culture of cloud music. In recent years, movies recalling murderous emotions have continuously broken box office records, which shows that Chinese people are very fond of the emotional line. set.

Emotional content can amplify the atmosphere of cloud music, but too much content in a single category will lead to boring content and avoidance by users. You might as well put aside the existing atmosphere and create a different community atmosphere through different emotions conveyed by different music.

3. The content of the music community

1. The relationship between music, users and content

The positioning of the product determines the core content of community development. Focusing on the core can:

  • Protect community value
  • Empower the community Products
  • Shape the community cultural atmosphere
  • Improve the community The core of brand building

cloud music is music, and logically its content should revolve around music. However, if we observe users’ habits of browsing QQ Music and TikTok, we will find that content similarity brings about short-term consumption, while differences brings about long-term consumption. Therefore, pure music content cannot bring community stickiness, and the data will be poor due to the limited entertainment, consumption scenarios and audience of the content.

Users determine the value of content. When the content has a relationship with the user, the user will pay attention to the community. The relationship here is not just an interactive relationship, but also includes material and spiritual satisfaction. To create a relationship, we must consider what users mainly consume in cloud music at this stage. What do you want to consume in cloud music? Then it’s what you want users to consume, and what content will make the relationship closer. Most users instinctively think that in addition to listening to music, Cloud Music can also find OPGC content that is strongly related to music. In addition to OPGC, you can also find many music-related treasures ugc.

divides the content of the music community into OPGC and UGC development. As a carrier of community cultural atmosphere, OPGC mainly meets users' demands for hard content in the music community and ensures the professionalism of the platform. UGC carries users' emotional expressions and allows users to actively establish relationships with the community. The two complement each other and connect users and content through music, rather than connecting users and music through content like Douyin.

2. Suitable scene, suitable content

For example: Go to a barbecue restaurant to eat barbecue. The scene is a barbecue restaurant and the content is skewers. Is the barbecue restaurant only suitable for skewers? Beer and crayfish are also acceptable, but healthy meals are not suitable.

Doukuai users don’t know what content they will see before opening the app, but Doukuai often gives users content beyond their expectations. A large part of the reason is that they push content based on the user’s usage scenarios.At present, cloud music users have a clear positioning of cloud music, and the main consumption scenarios and purposes are clear. Therefore, what cloud music needs to do now is to accurately recommend music-related content to users when they hear music they like. That is to recommend appropriate content to potential users in the community in appropriate scenarios.

Generally, users who consume with purpose have higher requirements for the sophistication of content. Coupled with the high-quality brand image of Cloud Music, users will have higher taste and requirements for content. In order to ensure the basic quality of each music content, music-based content such as MVs, music scenes, interviews and high-quality second creations are the most suitable and most needed. They can protect the community brand and user consumption experience. However, this kind of content needs to be mined by the platform, and has high requirements for content quality. It needs to support top users to jointly maintain it, or guide singers to release it to reduce operating costs. The existing emo content culture of the

cloud music community can promote the development of UGC content in the community. First of all, cloud music communities without social tendencies have no dopamine value for users, so cloud music’s UGC tends to be more spiritually satisfying for users. It can provide spiritual satisfaction and increase recognition and stickiness of the community by improving the quality of community content, content resonance, and content interaction rate.

Take Douyin content as an example. The positioning in Douyin store has always been a tool. The powerful video processing capabilities ensure the fun and interaction rate of the content. This also leads to the community vitality relying too much on innovative gameplay, and the value of the content is not high and cannot be accumulated. However, the latest data shows that Douyin’s average daily video searches have exceeded 400 million, indicating that its content has become more and more valuable to users on the basis of entertainment.

analyzed the development of the Douyin community. It first fills users' trivial time with short video content that is entertaining, interactive, and highly disseminating, helping users consume time at a low cost. When there is a sufficient content foundation, it will then increase the exposure of valuable content. It reduces users' guilt for wasting time by using Douyin, allows users to gain something while consuming, and gradually cultivates users' minds to find solutions to problems on Douyin, ensuring that professionalism and entertainment coexist in the community.

Since Cloud Music itself is a professional vertical product first, it should be contrary to Douyin’s content model. It can first solve users’ instinctive demands through value content, drive community activity to change users’ consumption habits, and then guide users to interact with each other.

3. Content flow design based on user purpose

For example, I want to buy bags. The purpose is to buy bags, and the content flow is a showcase. The design of the display cabinet affects the exposure of the bag and determines whether the customer will stay or leave.

  • The user's consumption purpose determines the design of the content flow
  • Users' past experience will have certain psychological expectations for content performance
  • Find the optimal form of expression for each content
  • Highlight the core content, simplify auxiliary information, and help users judge and Filter
  • to ensure the uniformity of content in the stream and highlight differences
  • to meet user purposes and business purposes

4. Content exposure

The biggest difficulty in building a cloud music community is the change in consumption patterns from listening to watching to . If you want to change user habits, you must first change the user's definition of product content, including not only songs but also other interesting content.

finds content exposure opportunities from users' main behaviors. First of all, it is clear that users will not look at their mobile phones most of the time while listening to music. They will only look at their mobile phones when they have side behaviors. This opportunity needs to be used to expose content to attract users and guide users to achieve behavioral and The motivation changes from listening to a good song and liking it to listening to a good song and watching the content of the song. Therefore, it is necessary to expose the content on vinyl pages and guide users to change their consumption habits.

5. Content source

There are many ways to promote production. For cloud music, it should be the lowest cost to transform the comment area where content production is currently the most active.You can try to gradually transform the comment area into a single aggregation page, and package music reviews as sharing music life. Pure text comments limit development, so add pictures, texts, audio, video and other comment forms, and add more points in addition to the existing foundation. Like, reply, share, quote, comment and other interesting interactive methods.

6. content operation

reasonable and strong operation, manual intervention in content exposure, maintenance of community atmosphere, pursuit of hot spots, and creation of hot spots.

4. Conclusion

Coordinate the different values ​​of the community to users and business, and develop it step by step. The wrong direction of community development will damage the main business of Cloud Music and erode users' brand trust. The basic community does not need to be entertaining, but it must be professional. Leave the rest to the value-added community. I believe that the music of Cloud Music can break the ice between people and content.

Author: Mengjia; Public account: Mengjia Design Thinking

This article was originally published by @ Mengjia on Everyone is a product manager. Reprinting without permission is prohibited.

The title picture comes from Unsplash, based on the CC0 agreement

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