The text has a total of 831 words / estimated reading time: 3 minutes. A wonderful day starts with reading the newspaper. July 2nd, the fourth day of June in the Renyin year, is Saturday. Have a happy weekend and a happy life.

2024/05/1116:23:32 technology 1270

The text has a total of 831 words / estimated reading time: 3 minutes. A wonderful day starts with reading the newspaper. July 2nd, the fourth day of June in the Renyin year, is Saturday. Have a happy weekend and a happy life. - DayDayNews

The text has a total of 831 words / Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

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A wonderful day, starting from reading the newspaper, July 2, the fourth day of June in Renyin year, Saturday, have a happy weekend, happy life

1, Chinese women's volleyball team advanced to the World League finals in advance;
2, Xueersi published The article contained prohibited content and was fined 5,000 yuan by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism;
3, South Korea became the first country in the world to open third-party payment for Apple applications;
4, Tencent conference application market was officially launched;
5, clearly marked prices and prohibiting price fraud Implementation of regulations: Operators should clearly mark the price of goods they sell;
6, the first in the country! Ningbo legislates public chopsticks;
7. Due to the depreciation of the yen, Apple raised the price of iPhones in Japan, iPhone13 rose 19%;
8, Lei Jun : Xiaomi R&D investment in the next five years is expected to exceed 100 billion;
9, Mercedes-Benz supports paid unlocking of rear-wheel steering: 4998 yuan/year;
10, VUE VLOG, a short video platform acquired by Tencent , announced that it has ceased operations, with more than 10 million users;
11, this year my country has officially entered the peak period of retirement, and has entered a deep stage Aging society;
12, National Health Commission : During the quarantine period, entry personnel are also screened for monkeypox virus;

[Whisper from the Heart] Everything extraordinary in the world will eventually return to ordinary, and ordinary life will be used to measure it. value.
Greatness, brilliance, and success are nothing. Only by truly living ordinary life well can life be complete.
- Zhou Guoping


According to relevant probability statistics, the probability of winning the jackpot when you buy a lottery ticket is higher than the probability of being hit by a car on the way to buy lottery tickets!

[Tips in life]

[From "hand" Look at health] 1. Feeling hot: Mainly due to heart and kidney yin deficiency. Symptoms: excessive heat, insomnia, excessive dreams; 2. Cold feeling: mainly due to spleen and kidney yang deficiency. Symptoms: weak body, sensitive to cold, poor digestion and absorption capacity; 3. Sticky touch: mainly due to endocrine disorders, diabetes. 4. Wet touch: mainly due to heart and spleen deficiency. Symptoms: excessive heart fire, psychological stress, nervousness, and easy fatigue; 5. Warm and moist feeling: the five internal organs are harmonized and the body is healthy. ​​

[Today in History]

626 - The second son of Emperor Li Yuan of the Tang Dynasty of China Li Shimin launched a coup, killing his eldest brother and crown prince Li Jiancheng and his fourth brother Li Yuanji, known in history as " Xuanwu Gate Changes ".
1901 - The first airship designed by the German Zeppelin made its maiden voyage successfully.
2002 - The opening ceremony of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project was held.
2009-The Gaoling of Cao Cao, King Wu of Wei, was discovered.

The text has a total of 831 words / estimated reading time: 3 minutes. A wonderful day starts with reading the newspaper. July 2nd, the fourth day of June in the Renyin year, is Saturday. Have a happy weekend and a happy life. - DayDayNews

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