Average age of Internet employees

2021/10/0623:57:10 technology 661

is a new generation of Internet companies represented by TMD ( bytebeat, Meituan, Didi). Almost half of the companies whose average age is under 30 (including 30 years old), bytebeat The average age of Hepinduoduo employees is relatively the lowest, with an average age of only 27 years old. It is a veritable "back wave". Didi Travel has the highest average age of 33 employees, which may be different from the nature of the business of Internet companies.

A few days ago, the Maimai Data Research Institute released a survey that ranked the average age of employees of large Chinese Internet companies. The results of showed that the average age of employees of these companies ranges from 27 to 33 years old.

As one of the most popular industries at the moment, the Internet industry has gathered a large number of young and high-income groups with an average age of only 20 or 30 years old, which is very “sunrise”.

In addition, Xiaomi, NetEase, the average age of employees is 29 years old, Huawei is 31 years old, and the old Internet companies Sohu Sina and also maintain a high level of change. The average age of employees is only 30 or 31 years old.

In the old BAT, the age difference of the three companies is only one year old. Alibaba has an average age of 31 employees; Baidu has an average age of 30 employees.Tencent is the youngest, with an average employee of 29 years old.

According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the average weekly working hours reached the peak of 16 to 19 years old, 20 to 34 years old, and the weekly working hours were 45 hours per week, and began to decrease after 35 years old. The average employee Working hours will decrease with age, which is also an important reason why a few companies are recruiting at 35 years old.

Average age of Internet employees - DayDayNews

It is worth mentioning that found from the above analysis that the average age of employees in large Internet companies is not more than 35 years old. After the age of 35, most people need to be filial parents, teach their children, and even more need to balance work and life.


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