Ali vice president Ye Jun: to B is facing a problem! How are 17 million organizations digitizing?

2021/07/1521:39:47 technology 1444
Ali vice president Ye Jun: to B is facing a problem! How are 17 million organizations digitizing? - DayDayNews

At the Alibaba Cloud Summit two months ago, the new head of Dingding, Boundless (Ye Jun), made his debut. Who is

Endless? How will Dingding develop under its rule?

Geek Park founder Zhang Peng had a conversation with Buqiong.

Chaos 3 million high-cognitive alumni have always been very concerned about the topics of digitalization and to B, so Chaos has always paid more attention to DingTalk. Two months ago, Chaos Academy " exclusive" published a manuscript about Dingding "Dialogue with Ye Jun, Vice President of Ali: You have misunderstood TO B, the underlying logic of Dingding". In this in-depth interview of

, Chaos has also studied carefully, and the amount of information is very large. In the dialogue,

introduced in detail how DingTalk evolved from an office application to a digital management tool for enterprises and organizations in the to B field, and then to a platform that opens up digital capabilities to all organizations in a joint ecosystem.

BuQian believes that digitalization can make organizations more transparent in the future and unleash the creativity of each individual, which is essentially "anti-involution". At the same time, the digitization of enterprises must go hand in hand, and the upstream and downstream must be carried out together. The digitization of a single enterprise will only form a "digital island".

DingTalk's friends found Chaos Lord, and hope Chaos Academy can recommend this article to Chaos students.

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Q=Zhang PengFounder of Geek Park

A=Ye JunVice President of Alibaba Group , Head of Alibaba DingTalk Business Unit (flower name: Boundless)

Text | Jingyu

Source | You have deleted and modified

Ali vice president Ye Jun: to B is facing a problem! How are 17 million organizations digitizing? - DayDayNewsAli vice president Ye Jun: to B is facing a problem! How are 17 million organizations digitizing? - DayDayNews

It will take 5 years to change from "one star" to "five stars".

"Now it is better than before, it has 2.4 stars, and it has risen back a little, but it will take some time to go up to four or five stars. It may take four or five years."

A: Hello friends on the line, I am Ye Jun from Alibaba Group.

Q: is very welcome. About a year ago, Dingding entered the education field and encountered a "one-star event", and some users gave the app one star. How do you recap, how do you view this decision at that time?

A: It was during the COVID-19 outbreak in February last year. Suddenly, more than 100 million students came to DingTalk, and more than 100 million students, parents, and teachers came every day. At that time, Dingding was not ready, because it was not designed for classes. There is another part of the reason for

. At that time, no students liked to be arranged by the teacher. We have all experienced this. My children are also like this, and they are very disgusted. It's a good thing to take classes for a long time, but it must be a little uncomfortable in the short term. On the whole, one is the status of the student, the other is the status of the product, and I think it is reasonable to be given one star.

Q: At that time, Dingding was not ready to really carry such a responsibility in education.

A: DingTalk was chosen for the epidemic. At that time, DingTalk’s products had a characteristic. They were particularly good at this kind of home-school communication and organizational communication. The communication efficiency was very high. Unlike some applications, you had to create a group with you. The people inside chat, and if you don't know each other, you have to add friends.As long as Dingding is in an organization, you can chat at any time, which is very efficient.

Q: I think is the most common. Who is willing to take classes? The students must be emotional at this time. You were given one star at the time. After this year, how many stars are you now?

A: I've been watching every day recently. It's better now than before. It has 2.4 stars, and it's back up a bit, but it will take a while to go up to four or five stars, maybe four or five years. Because this 100 million one star is still quite powerful.

Q: What is the goal of Dingding in the field of education? Will this be a business direction?

A: Dingding will definitely insist on investing in education, because it is very meaningful to our country and the development of our education industry. Many students and schools in remote mountainous areas can use Dingding to enjoy educational resources and courses in big cities. This event itself can bring value to many of our young people, and Dingding will definitely invest in it for a long time.

Q: How will be profitable in the future?

A: In fact, we have not considered profit so far, because we think this is an inclusive thing.

Q: The core focus of is how to enable remote areas to equally enjoy educational resources.

A: also has the benefit of making the work of the education industry itself more digital.

Q: What will be the result of more digital work in education?

A: The work of teachers can be easier, the connection between home and school will be more transparent, and the connection between school and parents will become closer, which is very meaningful in itself.

Ali vice president Ye Jun: to B is facing a problem! How are 17 million organizations digitizing? - DayDayNews

Digitization is the "full-link inclusive benefit"

" efficiency improvement within a single enterprise. It is not the full meaning of inclusiveness, but is a partial information island. The efficiency improvement in an isolated island is an isolated island, not an industry-wide full-link universalization. Hui."

Q: , you just said that the education business has not yet considered profitability, and more is doing inclusive benefits. This word has been said quite a lot, and it is worth exploring in depth.

For example, I noticed that Dingding used to serve many small and medium-sized enterprises. Recently, Dingding is also strengthening its services for large enterprises. There are large enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises. What you want to promote is the digitalization of organizations and the realization of inclusive benefits. But some people will also raise this question. Isn't this just wanting everything, but also large companies, small companies, and the field of education. How to define the concept of inclusiveness?

A: is a good question. We DingTalk first served small and medium-sized enterprises. This year is the eighth year of Dingding. At that time, we understood that serving small and medium-sized enterprises was inclusive, because small and medium-sized enterprises did not have an IT department and did not have sufficient funds to invest in digital construction. Therefore, we use a tool platform like DingTalk to enable OA to be online, communicate online, and conduct digital collaboration, which we think is Pratt & Whitney.

In recent years, we have also found that large enterprises also need to be inclusive, because the IT department in large enterprises is very hard, and the company from the top to the front-line employees will put forward demands on the IT department. Especially in recent years, marketing has also been digitized, ERP production, supply and sales, inventory management, and finance have all been digitized. The cost and work pressure of the IT department are very high.

In our opinion, in fact, the roles of other non-IT departments in the company should also be inclusive and should have digital capabilities. In the future, we will continue to launch various capabilities such as low-code platforms. We believe that it is also very important to provide inclusive benefits to large enterprises.

Q: The non-IT departments of large companies like also need to digitize them. How do you understand this?

A: In the past, the financial, administrative, and procurement departments of large companies generally raised their digital demands to the IT department, and the IT department translated them into the needs they understood. There will be many deviations in this process, and the efficiency is also very low. The layer-by-layer transmission will bring about the transfer of demand and pain points. In the end, if it is not what I want, I will change it.

We believe that people in the front-line business departments should have such capabilities themselves. Dingding has a customer, Compass, and our first customer. His front desk employees can use the low-code development on Dingding to develop a visitor management system by themselves, without the need for an IT department, which is very efficient. , creativity will be greatly released, because they understand the business better. People like this give him the ability to digitize, allowing him to work more efficiently and to innovate more, which in itself is a benefit.

Q: The target of digitization is not only companies that did not have IT capabilities, but also individuals who did not have IT capabilities in the company, so that they can use such capabilities to optimize business processes by themselves.

A: is, let me add that there is an objective reality for us to become a large enterprise. I have visited many enterprises, and on the track to B, there are large enterprises in each industry and the surrounding supply chain relationship enterprises As collaboration occurs, business processes between these companies also need to be digitized. In the past,

was difficult to achieve such capabilities, including process, procurement, supply and sales, and often required a very professional company to implement the ERP system for a long time. We think that the real Pratt & Whitney does not mean which company gives you a paperless office , or which company gives you a dime.The real Pratt & Whitney is to allow the upstream and downstream in this industry, large enterprises and their surrounding supply chain enterprises to go hand in hand and move forward on the digital track together.

Otherwise, the efficiency improvement within a single enterprise is not the full meaning of inclusiveness, but is a partial information island. The efficiency improvement within the isolated island is the inclusive benefit of the isolated island, not the inclusive benefit of the entire industry and the entire link. What we are pursuing is to hope that the entire industry can move towards common prosperity, and that all kinds of professions and enterprises of all sizes can have digital capabilities. This is what we want.

Ali vice president Ye Jun: to B is facing a problem! How are 17 million organizations digitizing? - DayDayNews

How does Alibaba do digitalization?

"To be a to B, the enterprise must be able to operate by itself. We are a tool platform, a collaborative office platform, and an application development platform. It does not mean that I will give you my complete model, but I want to provide you with sufficient self-operation. "

Q: Many people don't know about . In fact, BuQi has been playing the role of Alibaba CIO for a long time in the past. Many internal business departments, including the management system, may have to go through you. Complete the process of digitizing and moving up. Early in my career, I was in a magazine that focused on the CIO crowd, and I especially understand that CIOs are not easy to be. What is it like to be a CIO in Alibaba? How does it help you to lead Dingding down today?

A: I often think about this issue myself. In the past five years, I have been in charge of the informatization construction of the group and have gained a lot because I have had close contact with our CEO, CTO, CPO, CRO, CCO, CFO, etc. Hearing some top-level designs and thinking of many of their high-level executives, many things you hear and know about the why behind him are actually different.

Q: "what do you do" and "why do" are different.

A: I have gained the most from during this period of time. Two points are that the informatization of enterprises is process-centric. In order to achieve management and control, in order to prevent you from making mistakes, if you repeatedly follow my established process, there is a high probability that you will not make mistakes. .

Now, in a company with hundreds of thousands of people like Ali, it is actually difficult for you to use the process to control it, because there are new situations every day, and the speed of building the process cannot keep up with the speed that you encounter problems. At that time, the CPO and CEO of our company repeatedly proposed that we would build the Alibaba brain, and we would use digital capabilities to carry out precise management to help our employees better see their own growth and allow them to feel value for a long time. . The previous management of

was short-term impressions. I did something today, and the boss saw it. You did a good job. It is difficult for such a large company to rely on short-term impressions, because it is difficult for him to manage. Therefore, in this process, I will feel that digital work must be combined with the enterprise's governance thinking, and it will change with the change of its No. 1 governance thinking.

The real digitalization I understand is the corporate governance thought and the digital product tools. The combination of the two is the responsibility of the digitalization of the enterprise. So I think this position is quite tiring, because you have to constantly understand, if you can't understand, and your understanding is poor, you may do the opposite and become a resistance on the way forward. The second point of

, I found in the process of Ali informatization, in fact, each enterprise has its own customized needs. The bigger the enterprise, the more obvious it is. The suggestion says you can do this. Even each department is different, each BU and each BG are different, and there are many differentiated needs.

At this time, I learned one thing. To do to B, the enterprise must be able to operate itself. We are a tool platform, a collaborative office platform, and an application development platform. It's not that I give you my complete model, but I To provide you with sufficient self-operated stage and space. Before

, we operated platforms, such as Taobao and Tmall. We did one on Double Eleven, and everyone came to sell goods on Double Eleven. But in fact, for enterprises, Double Eleven is not on the same day, each company is not founded on the same day, and the celebration day is not on the same day. It needs some space for self-operation, which also forces us to be digital people. Pay more attention to providing enterprises with the ability to expand and open, which is what I have gained from doing the group's informatization work in the past five years. Of course, in the process, we also precipitated a low-code platform, which is also the harvest of that time.

Ali vice president Ye Jun: to B is facing a problem! How are 17 million organizations digitizing? - DayDayNews

Low-code will not steal the jobs of programmers

"A common problem faced by all to B service industries, Dingding made a choice, and we chose the core point is openness."

Q: Pratt & Whitney is first of all digital capabilities , to make it more equal, everyone can use it. I am quite impressed by the point you just mentioned. It is called digital progress that goes hand in hand. Big companies and small companies are on the same line, so everyone can use this ability. There may be a topic in

that everyone discusses a lot. I understand the logic. In the same way, you have to serve large companies and small and medium-sized enterprises. There are only 2,000 people in DingTalk. Do you have enough energy?

A: should say that this is a common problem faced by all to B service industries, Dingding made a choice, we chose the core point is openness, we have turned ourselves into an open collaborative office and application development platform.Based on such a concept, we can focus on doing some things. Between us and the ecology, we will find a very good ecological boundary, and the ecology will come in. This is for big companies. For

small businesses, we provide him with one-stop out-of-the-box services, the next APP can be used, and the basic functions can be satisfied. Now DingTalk has 17 million organizations, more than 400 million registered users, most of the small organizations, including small organizations based on families, such as education, a large number of families have come in, and the regular business capabilities he needs, We call organizational digital capabilities and business digital capabilities, which are actually out-of-the-box. With these capabilities of

, we have basically been able to provide standardized services with us through the ecology. In other large and medium-sized enterprises, large enterprises do not have uniform standards, and they must be customized. At this time, we need to provide open platform capabilities, similar to low-code platforms, so that the IT departments of large enterprises can use the existing The system is integrated to digitize all kinds of small things around us and build them with low-code platforms, which greatly releases the productivity of our platform, and we can also focus more on openness and platform construction. We use such a strategy to serve two different types of customers.

Q: On the one hand, is standardized and they can be built with low-code, on the other hand, you are open, not just do it yourself. We used to understand that Dingding is an application, a very "front-end" application, which I use to directly manage various processes of the company. I heard your definition just now, Dingding is actually pushed back, so is Dingding a "middle stage" or a "front end"?

A: DingTalk has a new positioning after the release of 6.0 in January this year. In the past 7 years, we have positioned DingTalk as a collaborative office platform, which is the one-stop out-of-the-box platform just mentioned, which can be understood as something like A platform for SaaS services.After

6.0, we have gradually increased the low-code capabilities that we just talked about. At this time, we also have the ability to serve medium and large organizations that are pushed back. This positioning can not only serve small and medium-sized enterprises, but also Can serve medium and large customers.

Q: How do we understand low-code and the definition of business platform in ?

A: In fact, Ali first proposed the China-Taiwan strategy, and we have practiced it for many years. After entering the field of enterprise digitalization, we think that for many enterprises, DingTalk itself is a business platform, and the core capability of this business platform is the low-code platform we are talking about now. There are several core capabilities of the

low-code platform. Forms, processes, reports, approvals, and basic connection capabilities allow business personnel to complete the construction of a business system without requiring too much code. At present, this set of capabilities has been applied in various industries. We have been doing it for nearly half a year. The customer's understanding of this matter has been gradually strengthened. This half year should be the fastest growing half year in China's low-code market. .

Q: low-code does not need to learn to code like a programmer, but you can also develop programs, you can develop applications to make it more useful.

A: is now being developed in all walks of life.

Q: The issue is with you at the business level. In the past, it was actually a digitalization of collaborative management. Now it is about the so-called digitalization of business. Why do you have such an idea?

A: After 7 years of development, DingTalk has acquired basic collaborative office capabilities, but we have found in the past two years that, especially after the epidemic, the domestic digital market has been stimulated.After the stimulation, customers in every industry will put forward demands for us. We sometimes feel that customers are ahead of us, and they have put forward a lot of digital demands from all walks of life. For these requirements of

, for DingTalk, we can either find the ecology to do it with us, or we can provide some capabilities. At this time, we encountered a big challenge, and this problem must be solved. In the end, we landed on the low-code platform. With this platform-based capability, people from all walks of life who understand the industry itself can conduct digital research and development, and the speed of digitalization will be pushed faster.

Q: I just saw someone in saying that programmers are no longer an iron job. Will low-code take over programmers' jobs?

A: We have also repeatedly discussed the issue of within the team. First of all, because of the emergence of low-code, the programmer will liberate his productivity to a greater extent, and the programmer will have more time to think about more difficult technologies and more complex problems. Business logic, more time to think about architecture, system stability, etc. To release some common functions and some long-tailed needs, and return them to the front line of business, he can have more time to do it. We have many customers like this. A quality inspector, who did not have the ability to develop, used to ask for demand, but now he has raised it to himself, and he can quickly respond to adjustments.

Q: There are not so many people bothering him for programmers.

A: I think what programmers need most now is time to write code quietly, and I am a programmer myself. The most annoying thing for me in the past was 8 hours a day. The real coding time may not exceed 1 hour. The other 7 hours are meetings, discussing requirements, dealing with bugs, emergency response, and arguing with sibling departments.

Q: From this perspective, programmers should also welcome low code. In the future, some things in the company's IT department will be solved by their own business department.

A: This is a practice-proven app. We Alibaba have 18,000 low-code apps, which are developed by our own employees. There are all kinds of them. I have also clicked on a few. I don't understand because it's too professional. Those business systems are generally understood by programmers, and it may take several days to understand business requirements.

Ali vice president Ye Jun: to B is facing a problem! How are 17 million organizations digitizing? - DayDayNews

To B does not have a best practice that can be completely copied

"There is no best practice, only the most suitable."

Q: Dingding has a to B service in this platform. The to B service is very complicated, and there are various Lines, from management to manpower, etc., theoretically include infinite possibilities. DingTalk has so many users, there is such a wealth of data, and everyone has such a strong habit. Have you ever thought about your boundaries internally, or have you thought about what not to do relative to what to do?

A: There is still a lot of thinking about , and Dingding must think about this issue when it starts to position itself as a platform. The platform exists because it has ecology on it. Some time ago, the CEO of and Microsoft said in an interview that if a platform cannot produce something greater than the platform, it is not enough to be called a platform. The

platform should be empowering to make your ecology and partners greater. This is the characteristic of the platform, especially in the field of to B. It is difficult for To B to absorb other people’s traffic. Instead, it should provide its own ability and value as a tool for everyone to use. This is a clear change in positioning.

For DingTalk, our boundary lies in that we do the most basic business logic, such as account permissions, basic interface capabilities, supplier management capabilities, basic capabilities design and product functions, and the rest is left to the ecology. Including the human HR system mentioned just now, I myself have been engaged in the research and development of HR systems in Ali Group for many years, and I will find that each company is different. It is difficult for you to apply a model to another company, saying that you follow me. .

We encourage the ecology to give full play, customize and develop according to the industry and enterprise, and we do the basic layer well, which is what we do. Our core positioning is what we just mentioned. We have done a good job of openness, low-code business logic, and unrelated platforms. We have recently conducted internal tests in many companies, and we have launched "DingTalk" The platform, we let the applications built by enterprises themselves can also be used by other enterprises, this is what we do.

Q: I just heard you have a point, you think the so-called best practice becomes a templated thing, delivered to everyone, take it away and use it, and then you will be better, this does not exist, commercial It's hard in the world.

A: is very difficult, because there are too many differences in the industry, you must take it back and change it later, and customize it according to the actual situation of your enterprise. Every enterprise has its own characteristics, every industry is different, and the scale of the enterprise is different, which makes it difficult for you to directly copy a business system and use it. This is why it is often said in China that if you don’t go to ERP, you will die, and if you go to ERP, you are courting death. Because it takes a long time for an enterprise to implement ERP, it needs to be customized and changed. The cycle is too long, and it is difficult to use it directly. In

, especially in the field of human resources, we have developed the recruitment system and OKR system. There are nearly 10 OKRs on the DingTalk platform.A coffee shop used our OKR system some time ago and it worked well. That boss, a young man who started his own business, has also done a very distinctive job, which is in line with the management demands of his catering industry. These are some of our principles on the boundary issue. We still focus on platforms and productivity tools like low-code to improve The productivity of our ecology empowers the ecology.

Q: Copying a best practice in may not actually solve the problem. The applicable match is the best one. It is best to do it yourself with this ability.

A: I don't think is the best, only the most suitable, and each era is different.

Ali vice president Ye Jun: to B is facing a problem! How are 17 million organizations digitizing? - DayDayNews

DingTalk is the "boss", but also the employee's

"Only if this digital capability helps the business to expand its territory and make business innovation faster, it will be easier to disappear when is rolled into ."

Q : Before , everyone understood DingTalk. It is managed. To manage this matter, no matter how well you manage it and how efficient it is, it will only be tightened internally in the end. It is more important for an enterprise and an organization to improve. If this problem is not solved, management alone may be useless. I don't know if you have encountered this in the past. When you use it as a management tool, maybe the boss likes it, but the employees don't like it.

A: This series of work that Dingding did first must be for the boss at the earliest time. This is also very reasonable, because for a company, the boss's No. 1 thinking basically represents the genes and culture.

Q: The key boss of has to decide whether to use it or not. This is also the core issue.

A: This is reasonable for , because it is impossible for any one to please everyone. But Dingding has grown to have more than 400 million users today, and this year we will announce the latest data, more than 17 million organizations, which is actually very scary.At this data level, many people are no longer bosses. A large number of users are employees of various roles, functional departments, including HR, administration, procurement, legal, IT, and front-line employees. DingTalk not only serves the boss, we also Starting for more employees, we will consider the feelings of employees and design various experiences and functions for the feelings of employees.

Q: The most important feeling of employees is that the company can make more money when it develops. In fact, the business cannot be turned into an involution.

A: Before DingTalk, we talked about business digitization, because we strongly believe that business digitization can improve the company's business value and make innovation faster. After the speed of innovation becomes faster, the company has increments. With increments, employees can more easily achieve personal growth and development under the condition of increments. Therefore, DingTalk has invested a lot of energy in the digitalization of business.

Q: In , we can’t just talk about management, not about growth and growth and value creation.

A: technology is definitely not used for involution, technology is definitely used to upgrade dimensions. We believe that only by allowing this digital capability to help businesses expand their horizons and make business innovation faster, can involution be easier to disappear. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of time doing administrative actions to eliminate involution, and the result will only be more convolution. But I think digital technology and productivity will eventually bring about changes in production relations. We hope to use digital capabilities to help the development of the business, so that the business can continue to move forward and gain incremental value.

Q: , as you said just now, such a tool must be what the boss is willing to use at first, and the boss's problem must be solved. But you have so many users, in fact, in the end, the most daily use is still employees.Does today's DingTalk solve the boss's problem or the employee's problem?

A: , this is a very direct question. As the service provider of this platform, we first consider the demands of the boss. This is the earliest design of DingTalk. But the objective reality is that after more than 7 years of development, DingTalk has been used by more and more different roles. You have to consider the demands of employees, make the organization warm, and let employees feel right when they use DingTalk. Your own efficiency has helped improve, which is the current status quo.

But now a large number of functions, including the investment of resources and the play of creativity, are all from the perspective of employees. We believe that in the future organization, only when employees can be motivated, have a sense of belonging, and have a sense of growth, this enterprise will continue to bring innovation and development.

Q: is the first to nail it, nail it, read or unread, this matter has indeed improved the efficiency of the organization or the transparency of this matter, but this matter is also a test of human nature. How to optimize this problem?

A: has an example, this Huawei watch I wear myself, I have been using it. In the past, we used DingTalk to feel a strong sense of oppression. I always felt that the boss sent you a message and the boss wanted you to read it back in seconds, but I was not ready to reply. It would be rude if you didn’t read it. That's how it came about.

The boss has been under a lot of pressure for a long time, and the boss also needs to be protected. I especially like this function of Huawei Watch. We can focus on DingTalk’s news, which categories of people you set to pay special attention to, and synchronize the news to the watch. When I get to the watch, I can see the news first, and then decide whether to return it or not. After reading it on the watch, it is still unread on the mobile phone and computer, which gives our employees a period of free thinking time.

Q: Is specially set by you? It doesn't show up there.

A: The side is still unread, which gives us enough time to think about how I should respond. There are many more examples of DingTalk like this, and we have made more and more designs for our employees.

Q: can feel that thinking is changing, whether it has been read or not.

A: We have specially designed and researched . Human nature is sometimes more important than restraint and deliberateness, because you have to respect human nature, especially young people nowadays. I think we need to respect each other and look at each other equally. This need comes from the heart, and I use it myself, why should I prevent others from using it.

Q: The CEO of Ali Group wants to send you a message, do you often use this?

A: If is sent to me by our CEO, I will reply as soon as possible. Most of the time, because of this convenience, especially sometimes in a meeting, it is impolite to pick up the phone and look at it, but raising your wrist is sometimes a low-pressure behavior, and he will not feel that you are distracting. We have fully considered many aspects of human nature, including schedules, mailboxes, nail plates, documents, audio and video, and we have such designs in many details.

Q: avoids the embarrassment of not being able to read it. Are these thoughts only started in the last year or two?

A: Because employees now demand more and more DingTalk, a large number of our functions are now more and more designed for employees and users.Because Dingding users are essentially divided into three types of users, one is called boss, one is called manager, and the other is called employee or user. The needs of the three types of users are actually different, so we will target different users in many designs. Of course, in the past Maybe everyone is impressed by the various functions we designed for the boss, but now we have more and more role-based solutions and more and more employees' consideration, which will be reflected in this scene.

Ali vice president Ye Jun: to B is facing a problem! How are 17 million organizations digitizing? - DayDayNews

Heart-to-heart, what you don't want

"I hardly 'pin' others. I think one of the most annoying things on weekends is writing weekly newspapers, and the other is being 'pinned'."

Q: How did you feel when you took this position ?

A: is very uneasy. If there is a choice, it may not necessarily be the result today, because I have no choice, and I was notified later and arrived at this position.

Q: is an integral part of Ali's culture, right? It's me.

A: Ali has been talking about this since he started his business in 1999. At this moment, it is me. Since at this moment I feel that I am more suitable and understand this business than our entire group at this stage relative to others, then I may have to undertake my mission at this stage and bring it to the next level on the basis of the original one. Floor target.

Q: I also specifically penetrated into the Ali intranet to see some information about you, such as some of your names, people say that you are called "incessantly emerging", and some amazing things, such as swiping and liking before. , It's good to not have nails on weekends. Is there a bit of "political incorrectness" in this statement, or is your personality just like that?

Q: I am just like , and I don't like to be "pinned" on weekends. I think I am "pinned" less often because they also know that I don't like being "pinned" very much.

Q: You don't "pin" others in ?

A: I hardly "pin" others. I think one of the most annoying things on weekends is writing weekly newspapers, and the other is being "pinned".

Q: you feel similar to us.

A: Like , compare your heart to your heart, do what you don't want to, and don't do it to others. This principle remains unchanged through the ages. We try our best to deal with many things at normal times, communicate efficiently, and advance many things efficiently.

Ali vice president Ye Jun: to B is facing a problem! How are 17 million organizations digitizing? - DayDayNews

The real space for digitalization is in the industry.

"The industrial Internet will have a great impact on the transformation of productivity and is a very big track."

Q:From your point of view, you have been informatization and CIO for so many years, and now you are doing digitalization. During the whole process, you must be very concerned about technology, including new technology dividends. If we want to say what kind of technology dividends are worth watching next, what suggestions do you have? Many people are concerned about this. Only with technological dividends can there be opportunities for innovation.

A: I am also very concerned about technology. I have been writing programs on the Internet since 1990s, and I am very concerned about black technology. In the past two years, I have had a very big change in thinking. With the maturity of our basic technology, the maturity of the cloud, and the penetration of the consumer Internet, I highly recommend everyone to pay attention to the penetration of digitalization in the industrial Internet. I have visited many manufacturing companies recently, and I found that the digitization of those areas is far more room than the digitization of an unmanned store, a very large space.

Q: was really cool when the unmanned store came out, but in fact, it was found that it was not popular. On the contrary, the Industrial Internet is more promising.

A: The corners of the industrial Internet are very worthy of digitization, because it will have a great impact on the transformation of the productivity of the entire society, and this is a very large track.

Some time ago, we had a customer who raised pigs, the largest pig raising company in the country. He used Dingding for the entire breeding process. Each pigpen has a digital device, plus DingTalk's camera facing it. How is the pig's mood, whether there is any dirt on the body, whether there is any injury, whether there is enough water in the food trough, how many times it has eaten, and there are cameras to monitor.

The process of raising pigs in this way no longer requires a person to conduct 24-hour inspections. It can conduct digital inspections, and any news will be reported to DingTalk-related breeders, buyers, and suppliers directly through the DingTalk group. In the past, a person revolved around pigs every day, but today things revolve around people.

Similar changes are taking place in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and manufacturing. I have visited many companies and saw that their creativity is far beyond the imagination of our traditional engineering and IT people. I was shocked, I said this company has 1500 technicians, I said what are the 1500 technicians in your pig farm doing? He told me that their IoT (Internet of Things), unmanned inspection vehicles, intelligent video analysis, and various capabilities, I think I see hope in this industry.

Q: , your example is very good. In the future, this example can be used to promote digitization by wrapping it a little. The core is that even those pigs have started to gain higher performance and growth on DingTalk, why hasn't your organization thought about digitalization? The point you just said is instructive. Many times we like to see new things, but we are far from deep enough for some things that have been proven to be valuable. For example, you just told the story of raising pigs, which is hard for me to think of.

A: The digitalization industry is inherently inclusive, originated in the Internet industry, and originated in large factories. Just like the TCP/IP originated in the military, it has been stress tested in extreme environments. These good Technology will gradually transfer, and it will be very fast. This speed will be very fast, and it will go to all walks of life.

Q: Sometimes is not about some new concepts, but about the implementation of some things.

A: still needs mud on the legs, you get that spot.

Ali vice president Ye Jun: to B is facing a problem! How are 17 million organizations digitizing? - DayDayNews

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