Teacher Haiyan was sitting on a thick white mat at the front and middle of the classroom and giving lectures. Eight of us students were divided into two rows and sat on the same mat opposite her. I am very resistant to Mei Shi - as soon as the teacher starts to talk, she will eit

Teacher Haiyan was sitting on a thick white mat at the front and middle of the classroom and giving lectures. The eight of us students were divided into two rows and sat on the same mat opposite her.

I am very resistant to Mei Shi - as soon as the teacher starts to talk, she will either interrupt frequently, "Teacher, teacher!" and then ask some boring and ridiculous questions, or she will be the first to speak out like a bitter and resentful child bride. cry. During the experience exercises, she frequently shouted and moaned for no reason. This made me very angry because I felt that she was too selfish and only wanted to vent her emotions without caring about everyone else and the overall classroom order.

This is not sour grapes mentality, but my independent abhorrence of pretentiousness! This kind of delicate young lady was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and has never suffered any real hardships, so she resents every little setback. If it were her turn to experience what I experienced, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to survive even one day.

But my dislike for her was so strong that it greatly affected my mood. So during the question time, I couldn't help but ask: "Teacher, why do I always judge others a lot and hate others easily?"

Haiyan smiled meaningfully: "Maybe it's because you have some hard feelings in your heart. Things, so don’t let people, things, or things you don’t like pass.”

I shrugged.

Haiyan added: "Today we will first do a sample teaching of flower essence palpation case. Which student will volunteer to experience it?"

As expected, Mei Shi was the first to raise her hand!

She is like a foodie A child with breast milk, greedily wants everyone's maximum attention at any time and at any time.

Haiyan nodded and said: "Okay, Meishi is very brave, and in the last self-statement and cleansing treatment, Meishi was too impatient and actually didn't really go deep into her inner self, so she didn't clean up enough. This time, on the one hand, it allows everyone to observe and learn, and on the other hand, it may give Meishi a chance to truly break through and overcome trauma.”

Meishi was lying on the floor in front of the teacher with her head resting on a cushion. It was obvious that she was very nervous. The body was tense and stiff.

Haiyan concentrated on feeling Meishi's energy field and selected several flower essences . When she opened Meishi's clothes, she seemed stunned for a moment, but then continued to spray the flower essences on different parts of Meishi's body. Then he gently massaged and touched her with his hands while whispering softly into Mei Shi's ear to hypnotize her.

Suddenly, Mei Shi trembled all over and shouted angrily: "I hate her! I hate her!"

"Who is she? You are talking to her now, tell her your heart loudly! Although she is not here, But her soul can hear your voice - all our souls are not limited by time and space, so tell her loudly!"

"I hate you! I hate you!..."

"Tell the other person loudly why you hate She! If you want to go through the pain of the subconscious and heal yourself today, then tell the other person's soul loudly!"

Under the teacher's "step by step pressure", Meishi finally shouted angrily: "Yu Fu, I hate you! I hate you! You don't deserve to be a mother!"

Yu Fu? I was shocked. Her mother also had this name? No, no, she must be someone with the same name, because my Yufu is the goddess in my mind. It is a model of motherhood!

I thought with disgust: Huh, at least your mother always dresses you up like an exquisite doll. You can have enough food and clothing, but do you know the life I live? Rucai is not worthy of being a mother at all. , growing up, I never got the so-called mother's love. From the time I can remember, my limited clothes never fit me well. They were either longer than my knees or too short. In winter, I was always so cold that my nose ran.

Mei Shi closed her eyes and shouted painfully and frantically over and over: "Yufu, I hate you!"

"Tell her why you hate her!" Haiyan's roar was full of power.

Mei Shi scolded frantically and painfully: "Yufu, I hate you! I hate you!"

I was surprised: usually the princess is as cold as ice and snow in spring, even if she cries, she looks pitiful like pear blossoms with rain, but today she is like this Gaffe!

"I hate you! I hate you!" Mei Shi complained in tears, and I could vaguely understand the gist of it -

"I hate your charming ways, I hate your hypocrisy and false compassion, I hate you You act like a...social butterfly all day long!" Mei Shi was furious, "I hate you like a mindless vase who only cares about showing off your stupid peacock-like appearance, I hate your extravagant fake charity..."

I suddenly had an intuition: Meishi’s mother should be the goddess in my mind.

For such a perfect mother, why does Mei Shi hate her so much?

Haiyan couldn't help comforting Mei Shi and said: "Well, very good, very good. Just tell your anger and grievances towards your mother like this. It's very good." Okay, her soul can hear, tell her! Tell her the anger in your heart!"

Haiyan's encouragement made Meishi cry like a wolf in uncontrollable pain. "Ah--ah--ah--"

"Express your anger to your mother's soul!" The teacher roared like a lion, "Look how deeply she has hurt you!"

Meishi pulled away suddenly. He took off his clothes and showed himself in front of the teacher. "I hate that you deal with different men all day long, but you neglect to take care of your young daughter... The scars on my body will forever be marked with hatred for you!"

Haiyan's voice was full of shock and distress. Said: "Ah, are you still a mother? Look at the numerous injuries on your child's body!"

Upon hearing this, Mei Shi's resentment burst out like a long-simmering torrent, and she kept wailing hysterically. , it makes my scalp tingle .

Although I couldn't see Mei Shi's injuries because she was blocked by Haiyan's body, I felt great sympathy for her. No wonder she always wraps herself up tightly, which I always thought was the dignity and reserve of a lady.

"Express your hatred for your mother! Release it!" the teacher yelled while quietly laying a thick blanket of felt under Mei Shi's hand.

After hearing this, Meishi beat her hands and stomped her feet fiercely. Her heart-rending wails made my ears buzz. She struck hard and stomped wildly, making me feel the whole body. The whole building was shaking!

The resentment towards her mother in this little girl's chest was so earth-shattering!

Haiyan still felt that it was not enough, and motioned for me to get a lot of waste paper and handed it to Mei Shi. "Come! Tear the person you hate into pieces!"

Meishi cried until her eyes were swollen to the point of slits. Hearing this, she grabbed the papers, gritted her teeth and tore them to pieces, then threw them wildly and forcefully, and soon she was full. The ground is a mess.

All the scrap paper I could find was used up, so I moved in old magazines. Haiyan handed one book after another to Mei Shi's hands and said: "Tear! Tear! Tear all the hatred into pieces!"

Mei Shi tore and stamped on them frantically while crying sadly.

After an unknown amount of time, Mei Shi's voice gradually weakened and turned into a whimper.

"When we were helpless children, everyone longed for the mother's meticulous love and care. Behind the extreme anger, in fact, it was a child's cry for the mother who did not see his existence! "

Haiyan's words made Mei Shi cry again.

"Love and hate actually share the same emotional channel," the teacher's voice was still compassionate, quiet and beautiful. "Behind all hatred is the loss of love, as well as the appeal, cry and desire for love."

Mei Shi cried even more heartily after hearing this.

"Cry, just cry to your mother's soul and tell her what you want to say to her, okay?"

Mei Shi's voice was full of emotion. "Hmm!..."

After crying heartily for a long time, Mei Shi finally spoke out in a low voice, "Mom, what you love is just the self wearing the perfect mask in other people's minds. You can't see me at all. Look, Less than my desire for your...for your love..."

After uttering the last words in silence with difficulty, Meishi's crying broke out again.However, this time there is obviously no anger and hostility, but full of sadness and grievance, as well as the relief of a child who is deeply understood.

We resonated with Mei Shi's pathos and emotion, and everyone was in tears!

I also noticed that Mei Shi no longer calls her mother by her first name.

Haiyan said earnestly to all of us: "If a child is dissatisfied, angry or even hateful towards his relatives, and allows these emotions to exist, surge and be expressed reasonably in a space that is not subject to criticism: then these so-called negative The sexual emotions will melt and dissolve, and eventually the love will flow again, and the love at that time will be real love.

"This is time travel. "

In the afternoon, Haiyan continued to introduce the principles of flower essence healing and palpation techniques to us in depth, and then let everyone practice freely.

We are really on the same road. When we were divided into groups, only Meishi and I were left.

I gave up and thought to myself: I have hated and resisted Meishi for so long, why can’t I love her properly?

I made up my mind and started to recall my past. A warm and touching experience.

Well, when I think of Mu Lan's love for me, Yichi Chi's tenderness, Ke's frankness, and Haiyan's compassion, my heart feels warm and love begins to flow.

Picking up a corner of Meishi's top and gently lifting it up, this action made Meishi, who was lying on the floor, tremble all over!

I remembered that Haiyan once said that my body is also very sensitive, and sometimes this sensitivity is also A kind of defense and resistance against others.

And when I saw Meishi's body, I couldn't help but gasp - I finally understood why she was so sensitive, and I finally understood why her release in the morning was so intense, and Why does she always dress so modestly and wrap herself up so tightly -

Her abdomen and exposed body are covered with black spots and keloids , which are extremely horrifying and terrible to look at!

Beautiful Shi frowned, and the skin on his face and abdomen was tight and hard. Yes, now I know why this extremely perfect and proud little princess is so inferior and surly. It's because of her impeccable makeup and clothing. Below, there is such a scarred body!

Gently drip the flower essence on Meishi's abdomen. The fragrance of the flowers can relax her.

Although I am surprised and shocked, my hands are gentle and gentle.

Meishi's scars made me instantly understand and understand her surliness and sharpness.

Those hard black spots and keloids should be the sequelae of a very serious herpes skin disease that did not receive good care. She probably has a scarred constitution, which is why she became like this. Although her face survived, she still needs to wear a silk scarf and a high-necked long-sleeved dress to wrap herself up for the rest of her life.

I just started working at Meishi. After massaging her abdomen, her eyes were closed, her face turned red, and her whole body was trembling slightly, showing her inner shame and uneasiness. However, I slowly calmed her down by carefully caressing her with my hands. I just touched her belly gently with my heart, and told her with my hands and my thoughts: Feel free to enjoy my love!

concentrated on massaging Meishi. In my imagination, Meishi became me. The inner child - the child who is also scarred, sensitive, has low self-esteem and desperately longs for unconditional love.

I feel that Meishi's belly is soft and warm, and my heart is also warm. I knew something was different between us - the healing and touching moments that had happened between

Yichichi and me happened again.

Next, the two sides of the group switched, and it was Meishi’s turn to do touch therapy for me.

Obviously Meishi has no impression of me. She doesn’t remember her hostility towards an inconspicuous girl in the Paper Demon Realm.

I lay at ease, no matter what Meishi did, I accepted it completely and was very relaxed.

I didn’t expect Mei Shi’s technique to be so good. She first put her hands on my abdomen and felt something quietly. After a while, she put her palms on the left side of my body, then exerted force with her palms and dragged it from the left side to the right side. Then drag it straight back from the right. Soon my abdomen became hot, and the heat inside began to rotate clockwise with Meishi's palm... In the last two minutes, she simply played the piano on my abdomen, touching it lightly with her fingers, like a child playing naughty , made me smile unconsciously.

Mei Shi and I smiled at each other and became good friends.

I think of what Ke once said to me: "If you look at the people, things, and things that come to you with the purest heart, then they will reflect your true inner self like a bright mirror, and they will bring you The enlightenment my soul needs at this moment. "

What does it mean for Meishi to come to me? Isn't she the child who has been severely damaged within me? Maybe she is hateful and disgusting, but when I interact with her sincerely with love. , I not only gained precious friendships, but also experienced inner growth and transformation. On the afternoon of the last day of the

course, while we were taking a break in the classroom, Merc’s communicator rang. Because he was right next to her and the other party's voice was very loud, I heard it was a sharp female voice, inviting Mei Shi to play.

Strange, that voice sounds very familiar.

"Okay, my workshop class is over today, so come here another day." Mei Shi said coquettishly, "Aunt, what is the most fun in the magic city?" Then she smiled and said, "By the way, Aunt, I I have met a good friend, and I want to take her to Magic City to play with me!"

When I heard about Magic City, my nerves immediately became tense.

"Oh, the magic space-time tunnel... I'm not interested, they are all old-fashioned stuff. Is there anything more fun?" Mei Shi deliberately "showed off" her doting aunt in front of me, her tone was very coquettish.

"Spirit Surfing Sea, Dream Screen... Well, this Dream Screen sounds a bit interesting, let's talk about it when we get here."

As he said this, Mei Shi feinted in front of my eyes with his palm. "Yue Ming, why are you so dazed?"

I barely concealed it: "I'm thinking about something."

"My aunt is the director of the Magic City of Wuhuan Villa. She loves me the most and invites us to go there and have fun. "

I was stunned and blurted out: "Feng Gu is your aunt?" At the same time, I thought that the sharp female voice was not her?!

I knew that Meishi came from a famous family in the villa, but I never expected that her aunt was actually Feng Gu. Gu!

"You know my aunt, that's great," Mei Shi was curious, "How did you know her?"

I looked at Mei Shi, because I was so shocked that I didn't know what to say at the moment.

Meishi was still talking: "My aunt has no children, and her favorite is me. I have been very close to her since I was a child, especially after I got a skin disease and my temper became very bad, but my aunt has always been the most loving and doting on me." . "

I thought of Feng Gu's generous words at the charity dinner, and her words about caring for children with disabilities -

It seems that she is not just showing off, but has a heart.

I sighed, but tried not to show my emotions. "Well, thank you, but I never like that kind of place."

"Why?" Meishi was like a sensitive radar , and she suddenly noticed something.

In order to avoid her suspicion, I could only make up an excuse and said: "Oh, I have a fear of heights, so I don't like going to amusement parks."

"We won't go to the old-fashioned roller coaster. We will choose various options." There are the latest spiritual power projects, some of which you have never imagined - for example, the most popular "Dream Screen" introduced by my aunt, which can film your dreams into movies..."

"Sorry, I suddenly have a headache. Go take a rest first. "I couldn't pretend and hold on in front of Mei Shi anymore, so I could only walk away.

Mei Shi didn't follow me.

She didn't say goodbye to me at the party in the evening.

Ever since I knew she was Feng Gu's niece, I I could no longer talk to her face to face, even though she was still my friend in my heart.

The next morning, Mei Shi knocked on my door and handed me a beautiful silk scarf."As a souvenir for you!"

Her eyes were red, and after saying that, she turned around and left. There is a letter in the scarf.

She sincerely wrote in the letter:

"I find that I can't get close to people, just like I can't get closer to you now. I'm afraid that if I get closer to you, you will find that I am not as good as you imagined, and you will You don’t love me anymore... I am very eager for unconditional love.

If you want to continue to be my friend, please come to me in the lobby. I will wait there for a long time. "

I burst into tears and quickly got up and rushed to him. Elevator door.

Suddenly, a person appeared from the corner of the corridor and almost bumped into me.

It’s Luo Gen!

This person is haunting and can always find me. It’s really hateful and terrifying. I looked at him coldly and said, "Are you following me?"

"It is one of my job responsibilities to find witnesses and persuade them to appear in court to testify," he said proudly, "The court of Wuhuan Villa has filed a lawsuit against Yuehai for fraud. A case of dereliction of duty has been filed and a subpoena has been issued." He stared at me and said slowly, as if he wanted to see something from my expression.

I was shocked: Why did they kill Yue Hai so hard?

"Let's make a deal. Although you are her biological sister, the hatred between relatives is often deeper - now, I know who is the real one?" It's the culprit of your miserable childhood - Yuehai who robbed you of everything and made you like an orphan, right?"

I don't know how this guy learned about the matter between Yuehai and me. Maybe it was because of that theft What I discovered after listening to my roar towards Yuehai? I was so disgusted that I wanted to spit on him. "You are just like a dirty fly that bites others and won't let go!"

His face suddenly darkened, and he looked at me gloomily and said: "Are you willing to appear in court to testify? Feng Gu didn't agree with you to take over the spiritual world at first. Is the opponent behind the Lihong project Yue Hai? It was Yue Hai who helped you win this project - out of her guilty conscience or other personal reasons, right?!"

I was so angry that my scalp was numb. "You are slandering others, and you want to trick me into perjuring myself!"

This person is simply crazy. Even if Yuehai and I are at odds, I will never come forward to report her. Besides, she has done nothing wrong at all.

He was caught off guard by my reaction, frowned and said: "Ha, I wanted to give you a chance - because if you take the initiative to testify, you can completely reduce or forgive the punishment caused by the mistakes in the Linglihong Project. ."

I glared. "You're dreaming!"

Leaving this despicable prosecutor behind, I entered the elevator and pressed the door button.

From a distance, I saw the thin figure of Mei Shi on the sofa in the lobby.

We shed tears and hugged each other tightly.

Holding Meishi in my arms felt like I was holding my inner child who was hurting and longing for love.

When you close your eyes I can see your darkness

When I throw myself into the flames you can feel my heat