#人世故事# It rained three times in a row, which made people feel very comfortable. Because it rained, Er Dezi could not go out to deliver goods. If he did not deliver goods, there would be no business. If there was no business, there would be no money. If there was no money, there w

html It finally cleared up on the 0th day, and the drizzle gradually stopped. Er Dezi was very happy. He was full of energy, hitched his little donkey cart, and loaded two sacks of rice into the cart. This was an order from Wang's Restaurant in Xizhuang. He had to deliver it quickly. If he couldn't deliver it, his job would be ruined.

left immediately. Just when he was about to drive the donkey cart, he suddenly felt anxious and had no choice but to run to the toilet. Er Dezi, who was not very good at martial arts, came out with his pants lifted. He hurriedly walked outside the house, but when he arrived at the gate, he was dumbfounded: His little donkey cart was missing. Where did the donkey cart and the donkey go?

Er Dezi was very anxious. When he was anxious, he started shouting: Who stole my donkey? Who? His shouting alarmed the neighbors. Everyone came out to watch the excitement. I wonder what happened? Everyone knows that Er Dezi uses a donkey cart to pull goods to make money. Besides, in these ordinary days, who would steal his donkey and cart?

Anyway, Er Dezi’s donkey and cart were lost. Only God knows who stole his donkey and cart. At this time, the tofu grinder, Lao Ma Tou, also came out to look for the donkey, because his donkey disappeared after braying a few times. I don’t know where the donkey went, so Lao Ma Tou also hurriedly When he came out to look for his donkey, he happened to bump into Er Dezi who had lost his donkey cart.

This is really a strange thing. Er Dezi's family lost their donkeys, and Lao Ma Tou's family also lost their donkeys. Are their donkeys being targeted by traffickers who sell donkey meat ? Maybe the donkey meat seller stole it? While everyone was making wild guesses, "Drunken Thunder Lord" appeared swaying. People surrounded "Drunken Thunder Lord" and asked him to help find the donkeys from the two families.

"Drunken Thunder God" squinted his drunken eyes at Er Dezi, then at Lao Ma Tou, then squatted on the ground to think of ideas. No one dared to disturb him, so they could only stand aside quietly and wait for the news. "Drunken Thunder Lord" was still the same as before, counting on his fingers and mumbling words. Suddenly he stood up and ran towards the north, and the people watching the excitement followed him.

When he reached the three-way intersection, "Drunken Thunder God" squatted down and watched again, thinking and counting on his fingers, and suddenly got up and walked west again, and the people who were watching also walked westward with him. At another intersection, he squatted on the ground and watched as before, and then walked away. Just when everyone lost interest, he turned around a small hill and discovered Er Dezi's donkey cart and Lao Ma Tou's donkey.

The donkeys of both families were found. People asked "Drunken Thunder God" to tell how they found them? "Drunken Thunder God" smiled and said: As soon as the male donkey brays, the female donkey will run away. When the donkey cart runs past, there will be marks on the ground. If you follow the cart marks, you can't find anything! Well, "Drunken Thunder God" has become a great detective. He can predict the targets of two donkeys so accurately!