On the half slope of Dafengmen, Wudou Township, Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County, Chongqing, there is a red sand dam with an area of ​​about 10 square meters and a human-shaped dam from a distance. It is located in the southern hinterland of Qiyao Mountain. The mountain is more tha

Chongqing ShizhuOn the half slope of Dafengmen, Wudou Township, Tujia Autonomous County, there is a red sand dam with an area of ​​about 10 square meters and a human-shaped dam from a distance. It is located in the southern hinterland of Qiyao Mountain. The altitude of the mountain is more than 1,700 meters, and the mountain is high. It is steep, with deep grass and dense forests, and is inaccessible.

This land does not grow plants from , but it can change subtly according to the local weather conditions. It is white on sunny days, light red on cloudy days, and dark red on rainy days. Everyone was amazed by the strange phenomena that happened on this land, and the land naturally became the "red man" of the local weather forecast . It is said that when it was first discovered, three townships within a radius of seven or eight miles could observe the weather and arrange farm work based on this place, which brought great convenience to nearby farmers.

51-year-old Yang Chenglun, secretary of the Party branch of Wudou Village, said that the "magic place" can indeed predict the weather, but his ancestors have not figured out the reason for it for generations. Moreover, there are many strange and mysterious mysterious legends surrounding the "Divine Land". Generally speaking, almost no one in the local area has had very close contact with this land.

"Chongqing Evening News" reported in December 2006 that on the 19th of that month, the city organized geologists and meteorologists to study this area, which the locals have long respected as "white people" and "sacred land" Land conducted a scientific survey of , ready to unveil its mysteries.

Picture Chongqing Evening News reporter Han Yi

Luo Lailin, associate professor at the School of Geographic Sciences of Chongqing Normal University and geological expert , believes that this place is a typical unstable landslide terrain, and the scale of landslides has continued. Once grass grows on the land, it will soon be buried by landslides on the slope. From a distance, it looks like "without grass" .

Meteorological expert and director of Shizhu Meteorological Bureau Rongrui said that the surface of the land is mainly composed of dolomite fragments, and dolomite appears gray-white when viewed from a distance on sunny days; when it rains and snows, In the past, the density of water vapor in the air will increase. As the reflection of light on the dolomite fragments decreases, the color of the soil will appear. When viewed from a distance, it will appear yellow-red. Therefore, "It has certain scientific truth in predicting the weather."

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