Some people may find that the things they are working on seem meaningless: Zhuangzi once told us that life is ultimately a dream. We get lost in the pursuit of fame and wealth in life, and feel that what we currently have is not enough and we cannot get it. Real satisfaction and

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Some people may find that the things they are working on seem meaningless: Zhuangzi once told us that life is ultimately a dream. We get lost in the pursuit of fame and wealth in life, and feel that what we currently have is not enough and we cannot get it. Real satisfaction and  - DayDayNews

Our thinking perspective is tainted with a hazy feeling, and our judgments are easily out of focus and forgetful; emotional fluctuations increase, and it is easy to empathize with others; people with active subconscious energy may have many dreams , have rich imagination, and inspiration, and are suitable for Devoted to creation; prone to laziness, overflowing emotions, or irritability "Yan 4".
Some people may find that the things they are working on seem meaningless: Zhuangzi once told us that life is ultimately a dream. We get lost in the pursuit of fame and wealth in life, and feel that what we have now is not enough. You cannot get true satisfaction and peace, and once you wake up from the dream, everything in the dream seems meaningless. Teacher
Venus brings the retro "Housewife Tarot Card" to see how high everyone's "Yan 4" index is. In which life scenario is it easy to feel "Yan 4"? Take a deep breath, meditate on your name, and choose a card based on your intuition.

Some people may find that the things they are working on seem meaningless: Zhuangzi once told us that life is ultimately a dream. We get lost in the pursuit of fame and wealth in life, and feel that what we currently have is not enough and we cannot get it. Real satisfaction and  - DayDayNews

Have you thought about it? Have you decided yet?

/ 4" index 50 points

Some people may find that the things they are working on seem meaningless: Zhuangzi once told us that life is ultimately a dream. We get lost in the pursuit of fame and wealth in life, and feel that what we currently have is not enough and we cannot get it. Real satisfaction and  - DayDayNews

Symptom: I have to do it

This lady is busy cleaning, and she does everything by herself. No matter how elegant you are in cleaning and dressing up, you will still be in a hurry. Friends who have chosen this picture card, your life has been fast and busy recently, and no matter how you plan ahead, there are still overwhelming tasks. You may be a person who is used to taking on responsibilities at home or at work. You can work alone and are usually shrewd. With a capable image, he can always handle many things at the same time.

may face personnel downsizing in the workplace. In the case of insufficient manpower, the workload increases. In addition to working overtime, you have to take it home to continue working; work overwhelms your life, and you feel depressed to the point of "Yan 4" face; or as a person Managers are used to doing things themselves, and all responsibilities and authority depend on your decisions. There may also be incompetent subordinates, which delays the progress of the work.

prescription thousand : First go to to massage to relax! When the energy is exhausted, the mood is easy to be low. Part of it needs to learn the boundaries of work, not being given what you want, and habitually accepting it, which will lead to low efficiency; part of it needs to learn to trust yourself, train others, cultivate a virtuous circle of workplace education, and improve the organization work. efficiency.

B Devil's brand "Yan 4" index is 60 points

Some people may find that the things they are working on seem meaningless: Zhuangzi once told us that life is ultimately a dream. We get lost in the pursuit of fame and wealth in life, and feel that what we currently have is not enough and we cannot get it. Real satisfaction and  - DayDayNews

Symptoms: It would be nice to have money

The devil always appears at any time to seduce our desires. Even if we are full, we still have a stomach for dessert. Delicious chocolate cake cuts another piece... .

Sometimes in our living environment, the sense of competition is very subjective. There are always wind balls that lead us to certain indicators. Our emotions will be restricted by these things, and we will fall into the pattern of "emotions change with things". In "materialization", all things or materialized relationships are surrounded by desires and bound by demonic energy.

Life in the workplace is a survival game. Those of us who are willing to bend down for five buckets of rice will join the rules of the game, figure out the rules of survival, become familiar with workplace skills, and adapt to interpersonal interactions. The slash ability of not being eliminated. It's hard to pass through.

Prescription Thousands : Survival in society requires strategies. In addition to improving one's own skills, one must also develop a keen response to see and listen to all directions. Since you have the desire and ambition to make money, you should practice hard and learn successfully.

C Moon brand "Yan 4" index 70 points

Some people may find that the things they are working on seem meaningless: Zhuangzi once told us that life is ultimately a dream. We get lost in the pursuit of fame and wealth in life, and feel that what we currently have is not enough and we cannot get it. Real satisfaction and  - DayDayNews

Symptoms: Moonlight palpitation

The moon is hypnotizing women into sleep. High-end mattresses and comfortable pajamas are necessary things. Count the sheep and fall asleep.

Recently, my physical and mental energy has been relatively unstable, my physical fatigue has increased, my emotions have fluctuated, and my thoughts have become confused. I need to let go of people and things that are connected to the outside world, and relax and rest physically and mentally.

You are a sensitive and anxious person. In addition to being easily disturbed by external people and things, you are also overwhelmed by inner shadows. You have a habitual negative thinking mode and are prone to criticizing yourself. Sometimes it is frustration caused by perfectionism. When facing work, , interpersonal relationships, and emotional exchanges all produce complex emotions.

Prescription Thousands of : You need to establish stability in your life, such as: nutritious and healthy food, arranging exercise, appropriate rest time, avoiding people and things that interfere with you, reducing the use of mobile phones and computers, using essential oils to change situations and relax breathing, Find the right person to talk to about your concerns, etc.

D World brand "Yan 4" index 30 points

Some people may find that the things they are working on seem meaningless: Zhuangzi once told us that life is ultimately a dream. We get lost in the pursuit of fame and wealth in life, and feel that what we currently have is not enough and we cannot get it. Real satisfaction and  - DayDayNews

Symptoms: Life is meaningful

Life stages are scene after scene, getting married and having children, buying a car and a big house, completing a task at a certain stage, and then moving on to the next goal.

You are a person who grasps the rhythm of life, trusts your own choices, and takes steady steps to operate your life attitude. Work hard to fulfill your current dreams, perform work tasks, improve your abilities and vision, manage your colorful life, take care of your interpersonal relationships, and take care of yourself and your family.

Although there are occasional "Yan 4" states, you with positive energy will try to re-examine yourself and find ways to release negative emotions, or change some bad thinking habits, restore physical and mental vitality, and revive morale. Return to the purpose of life.

Prescription Thousands : You will find a way to relieve stress that suits you. I just need to remind you that you don’t have to pursue the goals you want to achieve. Sometimes it is also beautiful to simply appreciate the scenery.

card source "Housewives Tarot" / Author Paul Kepple and Jude Buaffum /

Year of publication 2004 / Publisher Headcase Design

I want to explain to everyone that this is just a popular analysis and entertainment,

is used as a reference, so it is not all The information is all in line with your

, so I hope everyone can maintain a rational attitude when watching it. If necessary,

can draw cards individually to get some more specific and detailed information about your own situation and give it to you

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