Hello everyone, I am Teacher Tianyu and also your emotional healer. What the teacher wants to tell you today is the fortune of Libra in July 2022. Now, please relax your body and mind, adjust your breathing, and calm down to connect with our desktop. If you, Libra, have any quest

2024/06/3014:11:32 constellation 1674

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Tianyu, and I am also your emotional therapist. What the teacher wants to tell you today is the fortune of Libra in July 2022. Now, please relax your body and mind, adjust your breathing, and calm down to connect with our desktop. If you, Libra, have any questions, you can tell the teacher. I hope I can help you.

It seems that Libra friends should pay attention to the emergence of an old energy. You may be connected with a person from before, maybe a common friend, or a previous ambiguous partner or dating partner, that is, after something happens, you will be confused. You two are back together again, and now it seems that a connection has occurred. You two are quite happy together, and you are very comfortable with each other.

Even for people you have dated, something may have happened that made you reconnect, and the relationship between you will be happy.

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Tianyu and also your emotional healer. What the teacher wants to tell you today is the fortune of Libra in July 2022. Now, please relax your body and mind, adjust your breathing, and calm down to connect with our desktop. If you, Libra, have any quest - DayDayNews

I would like to remind some Libra friends that they may encounter problems in interpersonal relationships in the near future. Even if you try your best and are quite diligent, it is still difficult to find a balance in getting along. During this period, if you have the ability to work in a team If you have to work together with other energies to do something, there may be disagreements between you. In serious cases, there may even be quarrels. On the one hand, I think it has something to do with the distribution of benefits at work. On the other hand, I think you may encounter more complicated emotional entanglements in this. These are some factors that cause conflicts.

It may be about emotions. You have never met your favorite partner, but there may be energy in the near future. This person will arouse your interest and make you feel like taking action. Even if you are with this energy, you will feel quite comfortable, and you will feel that you have something to talk to with him. Even if you don't talk to him, you will still feel good, and you will feel very quiet and at ease in your heart. Libra friends may want to invest that day. I want to tell you that if you wait and see, this energy may not be candid enough, and there are some things that are not told to you.

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Tianyu and also your emotional healer. What the teacher wants to tell you today is the fortune of Libra in July 2022. Now, please relax your body and mind, adjust your breathing, and calm down to connect with our desktop. If you, Libra, have any quest - DayDayNews

I think some Libra friends develop quite quickly with this energy, and they may become closer soon, but you behave intimately, and you can’t tell what kind of relationship it is, and no one can give an accurate answer. definition. You yourself are unable to give the other party a suitable position, and you yourself are not clear about what you are to the other party. There may also be a situation where the other party may want to leave because you are too enthusiastic. If you have been proactive, the other party may shrink back and no longer want to persist. If you don't know what to do, you can also come and ask me to see if there is any way to help you overcome the obstacles in front of you and get out of the current predicament. I can give you more advice, I hope it can really help you.

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Tianyu and also your emotional healer. What the teacher wants to tell you today is the fortune of Libra in July 2022. Now, please relax your body and mind, adjust your breathing, and calm down to connect with our desktop. If you, Libra, have any quest - DayDayNews

In the end, it seems that you are a Libra friend. You are facing a state of chaos, and you feel particularly confused in your heart. You are not yet clear about your emotional needs. It may be that you were clear before, but after encountering this energy, you were shaken and unable to stick to your principles. It's also possible that you, a Libra friend, have encountered a choice. You are now faced with two energies, and now you don't know how to choose, but you can't let go. It's not that you did it on purpose, but you have to temporarily wander between the two energies. You don't seem to know the other person very well, and you are still quite scared in your heart. I can see the energy of worry. The more you like it, the more you like it. You don't dare to say it, because you are worried that the other party will not accept it and will make things worse. So now it seems that you are pretending to be okay. In fact, the feelings in your heart are very strong, but you dare not speak out your thoughts. .

So if you want to know more, you can tell me, look at your personal horoscope, or do an energy boost and healing. Well, I am Teacher Tianyu. I wish you all the best. See you next time. Bye.

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