A few days ago, the "China Census Yearbook-2020" was released. In 2020, the average age of first marriage for Chinese people increased to 28.67 years old. Among them, the average age of first marriage for men was 29.38 years old and for women was 27.95 years old. In the past 10 y

2024/07/0105:32:33 constellation 1070

A few days ago, "China Census Yearbook-2020" was released. In 2020, the average age of first marriage for Chinese people has increased to 28.67 years old . Among them, the average age of first marriage for men is 29.38 years old and for women 27 .95 . html Over the past 110 years, the average age at first marriage has been pushed back by nearly 4 years.

Society is constantly advancing, and it is no longer an era where young people make early commitments for the rest of their lives.

Maybe it’s because of being too ambitious and not paying attention to marriage, family and life;

Maybe it’s because the concept of marriage and love has changed, and we no longer pursue a life together;

Maybe it’s because of bad luck and always missing out on fate;

No matter what the reason is, for women, face actually gives an early sign:

Don’t worry, marrying later may bring you better luck.


A few days ago, the

The bridge of the nose is high on the whole face, but the cheekbones are very low. The whole face looks relatively flat, only the nose is very high. This kind of appearance is called Gufeng Dushu. People with this kind of appearance have high IQs, ambitions, and great career achievements. However, they tend to be more self-centered in character. are too strong and not tolerant enough. If they enter marriage early, relationships will easily arise due to various small frictions. The problem is that marrying later can make her more tolerant of feelings.

Yintang Locked eyebrows

A few days ago, the

Yintang is also called " Ming Palace " in facial appearance. If miscellaneous hair grows on Yintang, this kind of facial appearance is mostly unlucky, and it is difficult to achieve success in either marriage or career. . In marriage, it is easy to have conflicts with your partner and it is difficult to achieve happiness. It is best to wait until you are mature and know how to get along with your partner before entering a marriage and family, which will make you happier.

Nasal folds appear early

A few days ago, the

Generally speaking, nasolabial folds appear only after a person is over forty years old. If nasolabial folds appear at a young age it means that the person has strict requirements for others. If you get married early, you will easily have friction with your partner and often quarrel. Only when people become more mature and can use their own cultivation to restrain their picky tendencies and learn to be tolerant will the opportunity to get married be better.

Women with thin eyebrows

A few days ago, the

Women with sparse eyebrows mean that they are relatively indifferent to feelings, do not regard love as very important, and do not regard family as their life goal. In addition to being emotionally indifferent, women with this face have no special pursuits in life. This results in them basically not actively looking for love, and they will deliberately alienate themselves from the pursuit of men around them to avoid intersection. They enjoy and are accustomed to single life, so they are particularly likely to marry late.

The philtrum is not obvious

A few days ago, the

In physiognomy, a person represents his children and also represents whether his mind is stable. People who are not obvious and unclear tend to have unstable minds. Such people often pursue pleasure and playfulness in their early years. Their fortunes in career and marriage may be sluggish. They need time to settle before they can realize Responsibility in marriage and family.

A few days ago, the

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that some people may let their marriage occupy a small part of their life because of their pursuit of career. Marrying late is not terrible. In marriage, the most taboo thing is greed for more and quickness. If there is no good choice at the moment, it is recommended not to settle for anything but to experience and feel more. The more mature your mind is, the happier your marriage will be.

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