# punchcardchallengebureau# If #Fuji山#​ erupts, will Japan disappear from the face of the earth? Mount Fuji in Japan erupts once every 120 years on average, but the last time it erupted was in 1707, more than 300 years have passed. The current pressure in Mount Fuji has reached 1

2024/07/0222:08:32 science 1100

# punchcardchallengebureau# If #Fuji山#​ erupts, will Japan disappear from the face of the earth? Mount Fuji in Japan erupts once every 120 years on average, but the last time it erupted was in 1707, more than 300 years have passed. The current pressure in Mount Fuji has reached 1 - DayDayNews

Mount Fuji in Japan erupts once every 120 years on average, but the last time it erupted was in 1707, more than 300 years have passed. The current pressure in Mount Fuji has reached 1.5 MPa, so the possibility of Mount Fuji erupting is very high. After expert survey, they found that 44 volcanic eruptions were originally predicted, but now there are more than 250, which is a direct expansion of five times. Once it erupts, it will be at least twice as powerful as the last eruption, which will have a huge impact on Japan.

# punchcardchallengebureau# If #Fuji山#​ erupts, will Japan disappear from the face of the earth? Mount Fuji in Japan erupts once every 120 years on average, but the last time it erupted was in 1707, more than 300 years have passed. The current pressure in Mount Fuji has reached 1 - DayDayNews

First of all, volcanic ash will sweep across Tokyo within two hours. The Tokyo area will soon fall into darkness, followed by water and power outages, and transportation may be completely paralyzed. When volcanic ash falls on plants and crops, it will prevent them from carrying out photosynthesis, resulting in the death of plants and crops. If it falls into water, it will cause the death of fish, and the supply of drinking water will also be paralyzed. Once the toxic gases in volcanic ash, such as hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride , are inhaled into the human body, they will threaten people's # punchcardchallengebureau# If #Fuji山#​ erupts, will Japan disappear from the face of the earth? Mount Fuji in Japan erupts once every 120 years on average, but the last time it erupted was in 1707, more than 300 years have passed. The current pressure in Mount Fuji has reached 1 - DayDayNews

In fact, the eruption of Mount Fuji will not only affect Japan, but also the whole world. If Mount Fuji erupts, what impact will it have on our country and other countries? In places far away from the volcanic eruption, the direct impact of the volcanic eruption is the drifting volcanic ash. However, due to the latitude of Mount Fuji, the atmospheric circulation mainly flows from west to east, which means that the airflow blows towards the west coast of the United States. Although we are very close to Japan, the impact of volcanic ash on us is not great. However, the resulting earthquakes may be felt in our coastal cities. During the 1707 Mount Fuji eruption, my country's coastal cities felt the earthquake, and it was recorded in the history of the Qing Dynasty.

For the entire earth, the biggest impact of the eruption of Mount Fuji is climate change, which may bring extreme climate to the world, and all countries are helpless against climate change. For example, the Tambora volcano in Indonesia erupted in 1815, spewing out 140 million tons of volcanic ash and lava. The volcanic ash stayed in the stratosphere and absorbed solar radiation. The summer of 1815 was normal, but the temperature of the entire earth dropped in 1816, causing 1816 to become the year without a summer.

# punchcardchallengebureau# If #Fuji山#​ erupts, will Japan disappear from the face of the earth? Mount Fuji in Japan erupts once every 120 years on average, but the last time it erupted was in 1707, more than 300 years have passed. The current pressure in Mount Fuji has reached 1 - DayDayNews

In addition to the climate impact, there are also economic impacts. Tokyo is one of the top ten cities in the world. If it is paralyzed by a volcanic eruption, it will inevitably have a certain impact on #global economic recession#​. However, once Mount Fuji erupts, many countries will definitely provide assistance to Japan. As Japan's neighbor, what materials are you willing to donate to help Japan? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.

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