Extreme weather has occurred frequently in recent years. This year, India experienced the highest summer temperature ever recorded, and many countries also experienced rare droughts and floods. In recent years, the general feeling is that extreme weather has become more and more

2024/07/0223:52:32 science 1228

Extreme weather has occurred frequently in recent years. This year, India experienced the highest summer temperature ever recorded, and many countries also experienced rare droughts and floods. In recent years, the general feeling is that extreme weather has become more and more frequent.

Extreme weather has occurred frequently in recent years. This year, India experienced the highest summer temperature ever recorded, and many countries also experienced rare droughts and floods. In recent years, the general feeling is that extreme weather has become more and more  - DayDayNews

Screenshot of CCTV’s report on India experiencing extreme hot weather

It is undeniable that this has a lot to do with mankind’s uncontrolled carbon emissions, but we still cannot underestimate mankind’s ability to control the weather!

It is understood that all major powers in the world have carried out research on meteorological weapons, among which the United States has made the fastest progress and has the most fruitful results.

data shows that the United States has been developing meteorological weapons for a long time and has invested in dozens of secret meteorological research projects.

As early as the 1950s, during President Eisenhower's administration, the U.S. military clearly stated in a research report that "weather control is more important than atomic bombs ." The U.S. government established the "McKinley Climate Laboratory" at the mysterious Tampa Bay Air Force Base in Florida to develop weather weapons. Peter Kordaki, an engineer at the laboratory, once sprayed a powder into the clouds at an atmospheric temperature of minus 10 to 25 degrees Celsius, turning the water droplets in the clouds into ice-like objects and falling into the ocean. , making the 2-kilometer-long dark cloud "disappear".

Extreme weather has occurred frequently in recent years. This year, India experienced the highest summer temperature ever recorded, and many countries also experienced rare droughts and floods. In recent years, the general feeling is that extreme weather has become more and more  - DayDayNews

Weather weapons can cause extreme weather

Since the 1960s, weapons developed by the "McKinley Climate Laboratory" have been used in actual combat. During the Vietnam War, the US military poured tons of silver iodide over the Vietnam combat plan area into the clouds to implement artificial rainfall and extend the duration of the wind season. The US military has dispatched 26,000 aircraft sorties and deployed more than 4.74 million rainfall catalytic bombs, causing heavy rains and floods, causing flooding in some areas and destroying bridges, dams, roads and villages.

In October 1974, the United States used artificial influence to direct a typhoon to Honduras, causing Central American countries to lose tens of millions of dollars and cause more than 10,000 casualties. Since then, the United States has successfully conducted three artificially guided hurricane experiments on the Atlantic Ocean, and its artificial hurricane technology has become increasingly perfect.

After entering the 21st century, senior officials of the U.S. Navy and Air Force and the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency jointly implemented the "High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project" with the goal of promoting the maturity of weather weapon technology and making it usable in actual combat.

The operating principle of this project is to change the structure of the ionosphere in the earth's atmosphere by emitting "high-power high-frequency electromagnetic waves " into the earth's atmosphere, thereby triggering climate change and chaos, ultimately causing heavy rains, floods, hurricanes, etc. Major natural disasters . It is no exaggeration to say that once this project is successfully tested and put into actual combat, in addition to "interfering with radio communications" and "radio positioning devices", it can also cause irreversible and destructive changes to the earth's geology, landforms and biological structures on a global scale.

Extreme weather has occurred frequently in recent years. This year, India experienced the highest summer temperature ever recorded, and many countries also experienced rare droughts and floods. In recent years, the general feeling is that extreme weather has become more and more  - DayDayNews

The U.S. high-power high-frequency electromagnetic wave launcher

Due to the strict confidentiality of the U.S. government, the outside world does not even know much about the progress of its meteorological weapons research than its nuclear bombs and strategic stealth bombers, but its power is no more powerful than Nuclear weapons is bad, and the losses it causes are even more terrifying than nuclear weapons.

Weather weapons are very concealed. Even if there is an organization deliberately manipulating the weather, it is difficult to find evidence, and it may even be considered normal climate change. The weapon is not as easy to provoke a war as other weapons, but it can give the opponent a fatal blow.

Considering that climate changes have become more and more frequent in recent years, we have every reason to suspect that meteorological weapons have been used in actual combat!

Extreme weather has occurred frequently in recent years. This year, India experienced the highest summer temperature ever recorded, and many countries also experienced rare droughts and floods. In recent years, the general feeling is that extreme weather has become more and more  - DayDayNews

Extreme weather causes crops to dry up and fail to harvest.

If it is true that organizations have begun to use meteorological weapons, then the consequences will be unimaginable. Climate change, food harvest failure, population famine, competition for water sources...the consequences will be unimaginable! It may even trigger a sharp decline in the global population!

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