Foreword: Coronavirus belongs to the genus Coronavirus in the order Nidovirales, family Coronaviridae. Viruses of the genus Coronavirus are enveloped (envelope) RNA viruses with a linear single-stranded positive-sense genome. They are a large group of viruses that exist widely in

Foreword: Coronavirus belongs to the genus Coronavirus in the order Nidovirales, the family Coronaviridae. Viruses of the genus Coronavirus are RNA viruses with an envelope and a linear single-stranded positive-strand genome. They are a large class of viruses that exist widely in nature.

New coronavirus belongs to coronavirus and is a small branch of it.

On Wednesday (June 29), German biotech company officially said at its investor conference that in the second half of this year, Pfizer and its competitor German biotech company both plan to start the development of the Almighty COVID-19 vaccine. Clinical testing.

According to Reuters , which first reported this news, the German biotech company hopes that the vaccine can provide "durable protection against mutations"

Why is "durable resistance against mutations" so important? Creating such a vaccine can combat a large number of coronaviruses, including the coronavirus disease 2019 virus. The all-purpose vaccine is as eye-catching as the Holy Grail, especially now that the threat of new mutant strains in the world has overwhelmed the new crown vaccine arsenal.

Core Secret: Research on universal vaccines has had only limited success over the years, but they still attract new investment and interest from researchers. .

  • The National Public Television of the United States once reported that the Warat Deli Army Research Institute is developing an all-in-one coronavirus vaccine that was in the phase 1 clinical trial phase in April.

  • This week the US National Institutes of Health announced that in order to test the safety of the universal influenza vaccine, it has begun to recruit volunteers for the clinical phase 1 of the universal influenza vaccine. The all-purpose flu vaccine improves the body's response.

  • Fauci, director of the Institute of Infectious Diseases of America, said in a statement: "The scientific community is making progress in promoting global health."

Wit: Some experts say it would be easier to make a fully functional coronavirus vaccine than a fully functional flu vaccine, especially given what has been learned from the COVID-19 pandemic in the last two years.