Regarding the origin of the universe, the current mainstream theory is the Big Bang theory. The theory is far from perfect, but it's not "made up out of thin air" as some have suggested. The Big Bang theory was indeed purely "imaginary" at the beginning, even with a sense of iron

Regarding the origin of the universe, the current mainstream theories are the Big Bang theory. The theory is far from perfect, but it's not "made up out of thin air" as some have suggested.

The big bang theory of the universe was indeed purely "imaginary" at the beginning, even with a sense of irony. Unexpectedly, it was "self-defeating" in the end and finally became the theory of the origin of the universe.

The Big Bang theory is supported by certain facts and evidence, such as the red shift of distant galaxies, the cosmic microwave background radiation, etc.

said that "the big bang theory is not perfect", mainly because of the existence of " singularity ". Scientists can explain most of the problems except the singularity very well, but the singularity is an exception. When it comes to Singularity, scientists are scratching their heads!

According to the interpretation of the Big Bang theory, the universe has been expanding, so if we go back in time, the universe will continue to shrink, and eventually shrink to an infinitesimal point, the so-called "singularity", with infinitely high density and temperature.

Science has always used concrete methods to describe the essence of things, and I hate the abstract concept of "infinity".

How did an infinitely small point burst out huge energy in an instant, thus creating our universe? This is indeed puzzling, and this is the main reason why many people question the Big Bang theory. It goes against our common sense.

At the same time, the big bang theory also emphasizes that the universe "comes out of nothing", but how can "something" be born from "nothing"?

may need to be interpreted using quantum mechanics . Quantum mechanics is a theory that describes the microscopic world , and infinitesimal singularities are more inclined to the microscopic realm.

In the micro world, anything can happen. In the seemingly empty environment, it is actually "full of life", and various pairs of virtual particles are constantly deriving and annihilating, just like a "boiling ocean".

At a certain moment, the virtual particle pair is derived by borrowing the energy of the vacuum, and then disappears instantly, returning the energy to the vacuum. As long as the whole process is short enough, it can continue and it does not violate the law of conservation of energy.

Because the essence of the quantum world is uncertainty, any possibility will appear, and it will definitely appear. It is in this process of continuous derivation and annihilation that singular points appear.

So, what kind of existence is the infinitesimal singularity?

Sorry, no one knows. You may question: I don’t know, aren’t you talking about loneliness?

The scientific community is indeed powerless to deal with singularities. Neither the theory of relativity, which governs the macroscopic world, nor the quantum mechanics, which governs the microscopic world, can explain singularities.

But one day we can be sure that the singularity does not belong to the four-dimensional space-time or we are in. It has transcended the four-dimensional space-time we are in and belongs to another dimension or other time-space.

This means that there must be more advanced physical laws to explain the way singularities exist, and to break through the physical laws of four-dimensional space and time. Hinting at the existence of higher dimensions?

is indeed possible. This is also the background for the emergence of string theory , which interprets the nature of the world based on high dimensions. It is believed that the universe has not only four dimensions, but as many as 11 dimensions (there are other sayings, 26 dimensions).

However, string theory is currently more of a theoretical level and is difficult to verify in experiments. However, it has pointed out a direction for scientists, a direction leading to the Holy Grail of physics!