Why do Eskimos eat raw meat all their lives? Is there another reason for genetic variation?

2021/01/1020:27:19 science 2614

Eskimo people are the most bizarre branch of the human race. They live in the Arctic Circle where the temperature minus 20-30 degrees for many years. Half of the year is in the extreme day and the other half is in the extreme night.

​​In the life of the Eskimos, there is almost no saying that day and night alternate, is either the eternal day with the sun always shining, or the long and cold eternal night.

​​Eskimo’s recipes never contain fruits or vegetables. The food is basically meat and is eaten raw. Although the 21st century has entered, the vast majority of Eskimos in the Arctic still retain this tradition. .

Why do Eskimos eat raw meat all their lives? Is there another reason for genetic variation? - DayDayNews

Women wearing traditional Eskimo costumes

​​The incredible living environment and habits of Eskimos made many scientists around the world wonder if they are still "people" in the conventional sense?

​​Because the life habits of Eskimos are very different from ordinary people, and even at the beginning of the last century, some scholars believed that Eskimos had genetic mutations over a long period of time in order to suit the special environment of the Arctic. For a long time, has been about Eskimos. Human gene research topics are the favorites of molecular anthropology experts.

​​The Eskimos sneered at scientists studying whether they were "people" in the narrow sense. They called themselves "Inuit" , which means "real people" , in fact According to the results of modern DNA testing, the genes of the Eskimos are very normal. The so-called genetic variation of is nothing but speculation by some scholars in the past. The

Why do Eskimos eat raw meat all their lives? Is there another reason for genetic variation? - DayDayNews

Eskimo girl

​​genetic test results show that the Eskimos are no different from other human races, but the interest of scientists has not diminished, but has become stronger. They also want to know the reason why the Eskimos only eat meat all their lives without suffering from scurvy . Z5z

​​couldn't find the answer genetically, so scholars turned their attention to the origin of the Eskimo, trying to explain everything through this clue.

First, the mystery of the origin of the Eskimos

Whoever they are, as long as they have seen Eskimos in the North Pole, they will be surprised-, their appearance is too similar to the Chinese.

Why do Eskimos eat raw meat all their lives? Is there another reason for genetic variation? - DayDayNews

Eskimo family portrait, pay attention to compare the appearance with the Chinese

​​Japan and South Korea also belong to the scope of the yellow race, but if you look closely, you can still find that there are certain nuances between the appearance of the Japanese and Koreans and the mainland Chinese.

​​For example, Koreans have larger faces, Japanese people are relatively short, etc., but the appearance of Eskimos is basically the same as that of Chinese people. What is going on, is it that the Eskimos were a branch of the north of mainland China in ancient times? What?

​​In the 1930s, the American archaeologist Henry Z1z Collins braved the freezing temperature of tens of degrees below zero to excavate in the Arctic wilderness in Alaska. The ornamentation on the unearthed artifacts shows that Eskimos and my country’s Shang bronzes The patterns of walrus are similar to those on teeth. There are also similarities between and Shang gluttonous patterns. These evidences seem to indicate that the Eskimos originated from the Shang Dynasty in China.

​​But there is a big problem with this statement-the era is wrong.

Why do Eskimos eat raw meat all their lives? Is there another reason for genetic variation? - DayDayNews

Eskimo artifacts

​​existed in the Shang Dynasty 3600-3000 years ago, and archaeological evidence shows that the history of the Eskimos in the Arctic can be traced back to 14,000 years ago, and there is a 10,000-year difference between the two. Therefore, Professor Collins's "Theory of the Origin of Eskimo Yin Shang" has not been widely recognized by the academic circles.

​​In 2018, American scholars made new archaeological discoveries. They found that some ancient Eskimo artifacts have typical Liangzhu cultural characteristics. For example, uses concentric circles to represent the eyes, and the style is extremely consistent. So the American experts overturned the claim that the Eskimos originated from the Shang Dynasty, and changed their words to say that the Eskimos came from the Liangzhu culture in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

​​then molecular anthropology experts are also rightThe Eskimos have undergone DNA testing. The results are even more surprising. The test results show that the Eskimos are genetically similar to the Tibetans in my country.

​​This time the experts are completely messed up, and the results of various studies tracing the origin of the Eskimo are contradictory. makes the true origin of the Eskimo a puzzle that is still unsolvable. , but one thing is more clear, Eskimo The origin of people should be related to mainland China. This conclusion is basically recognized by scholars at home and abroad.

Why do Eskimos eat raw meat all their lives? Is there another reason for genetic variation? - DayDayNews

Liangzhu Culture Jade Cong, the red circle is the iconic concentric eye pattern of Liangzhu Culture

​​Scientists originally wanted to trace the origins of Eskimos to explain their unusual characteristics, but the road seems to be going temporarily. No way, so biologists and nutritionists made their debut, ready to find answers from Eskimo recipes.

Second, the rare and expensive recipes of the Eskimos

The daily food of the Eskimos is very special. Before the main human civilization comes into contact with them, most Eskimos have never seen the appearance of vegetables, fruits, rice, they usually eat. Food is something unimaginable for us ordinary people, extremely expensive and rare. The daily recipes of

​​Eskimos are as follows:

fish, reindeer , seals, walruses, whales, and this one!

Why do Eskimos eat raw meat all their lives? Is there another reason for genetic variation? - DayDayNews

The polar bear

​​lying on its stomach, except for fish, is a rare species of animals. Let’s not talk about eating, we can get to the zoo if we want to see it, and we have to pay for tickets. and these animals are The staple food that Eskimo eats at every meal.

​​Of course, countries all over the world are protecting the ecological environment. It is impossible to let the Eskimos let go of these rare animals and eat them like before, especially the rare wild animals such as polar bears , seals, and walruses, which are even more protected. Focus.

​​Therefore, countries such as the United States and Canada with Eskimos usually supply relatively ordinary meat on a regular basis, and at the same time give the Eskimo tribes a certain amount of "hunting quota" to meet their traditional needs. For example, the Canadian government reluctantly gave it The Eskimo tribe in the territory hunts and kills 30 polar bears every year "quota" .

Why do Eskimos eat raw meat all their lives? Is there another reason for genetic variation? - DayDayNews

Eskimo warriors hunting polar bears

​​Eskimos have such a bizarre recipe that naturally attracts scientists' great interest. Is there some secret in these animals that we don’t know yet? The

​​effort pays off. After studying these "food " carefully, scholars have found the truth that Eskimos do not have scurvy. The reason for

​​lies in the traditional habit of the Eskimo "eating raw meat" .

​​ reindeer liver, seal brain and whale skin in the Eskimo recipe are rich in vitamin C. When the Eskimo eats these foods raw, they also take in enough vitamin C, so they don’t have to Big fish and big meat, but there is still no risk of scurvy.

​​The Eskimos have an absolutely original "food" —— Mark Tucker (the author Jun transliteration, this thing has no Chinese name), This thing is to directly join the whale skin with 3-4 cm of fat under the skin Cut it down and make it, looks great, especially attractive, it looks like some kind of delicious dessert, but when you eat it, you will never forget the taste.

Why do Eskimos eat raw meat all their lives? Is there another reason for genetic variation? - DayDayNews

has a wonderful taste, Mark Tucker

​​According to a man who has been acquainted with an author who was lucky enough to taste it, this product was eaten raw with salt. The man thought it should taste similar to sashimi, but he knew it was not until he ate it. That's it. According to his description,

is like eating a piece of fat pork with skin used to boil oil, or raw egg flavor. As for what kind of sour and refreshing taste this is, hasn’t eaten it, so please make up for it.

It is determined that every 100 grams of Marktak’s whale skin contains 30-50 mg of vitamin C. In fact, people only need to consume 1 per day.0 mg of vitamins can prevent scurvy. In addition to

, there is also a top-level "food" , which is also rich in vitamins. Eskimos will love it all their lives. Eskimos are only willing to share it with the most distinguished guests.

​​is just this "gourmet" . It is really a bit of subversion of the three views. The author hesitated for a long time whether to write it. Later, after reading it, this thing actually has a direct transliteration and related introduction in China, but the content of the introduction is relatively brief. Let me talk about it here.

​​The scientific name of this thing is " Kiwiak " , and the common name is pickled puffins. The raw material is 100-200 polar puffins, plus 1 wild seal. Just look at the raw noodles to know this style How extraordinary is "cooking" after is made. The specific method of

Why do Eskimos eat raw meat all their lives? Is there another reason for genetic variation? - DayDayNews


​​is to stuff the puffin with fur and skin into the stomach of the seal. It is said that depending on the size of the seal, it can fit up to more than 100, and then seal the seal with seal oil to prevent flies from disturbing.

then buried the seals in the permafrost of the Arctic and fermented for 1-2 years (note this time). They will only be taken out when there are distinguished guests at home visiting or wedding banquets, which shows how precious this thing is.

​​The man who had tasted Marktak in the previous article was lucky enough to be assigned a Kiwiak (marinated puffin), because the Marktak in front had left him a lifelong shadow, and the base in his hand Viak has always been exuding a taste that makes people want to hold his breath, so he has an extra heart, and decides to see what happens when his companion eats, and then consider whether he wants to enjoy this "prestigious delicacy" .

Why do Eskimos eat raw meat all their lives? Is there another reason for genetic variation? - DayDayNews

The traditional igloo of the Eskimos

​​His companion cut the tail of the pickled puffin according to the instructions of the Eskimo master, and learned the master’s mouth to pull up and suck it...

​​According to the warrior Later, he described that felt a mysterious and weird juice flowing into his mouth, the taste was extremely sour and indescribable, he didn't want to recall the taste or taste in this life.

​​Seeing the green face of his companion eating, he silently put down Kiwi Lek in his hand. The host looked a little unhappy and motioned for him to eat quickly. The man shook his head firmly, saying that he would not eat this. Stuff.

​​Later, I asked this man why he didn't eat. Isn't he afraid of his master beating him? This dear

​​only replied three words to me at the time- life matters!

Why do Eskimos eat raw meat all their lives? Is there another reason for genetic variation? - DayDayNews

Tourists "taste" Kiwiak, pay attention to the expression of the uncle behind

​​I have always been curious about the juice that the warrior sucked out, and I checked it out and found out that this mysterious "juice " is A sauce formed by melting puffin offal after fermentation, which is rich in vitamins and protein. The Eskimos regard it as a peerless delicacy, and it is actually the most extravagant way to eat it directly. Eskimos usually only dip a little bit of meat when they eat meat, which is quite precious.

​​Of course, Eskimo’s "delicious delicacies" and are more than the above two, and there are many more, such as polar bear sashimi, raw deer breast, etc., which are rare and rare ingredients. Due to space limitations, I will not introduce them all .

​​The living environment in the Arctic region is extremely harsh. In order to adapt to this environment, the Eskimos gradually formed their own food culture and customs over the long years.

Why do Eskimos eat raw meat all their lives? Is there another reason for genetic variation? - DayDayNews

Eskimo kids

​​Although we modern people see their habits as "drinking blood" and , they are all forced by the environment. After all, there are not too many trees and firewood on the vast ice field of the Arctic to make cooked food. Farming is even more impractical under the severe cold of the Arctic. If the Eskimos want to survive, they can only adapt to the environment. Only in this way can they ensure the continuation of the ethnic group.

​​Eskimo is a very special ethnic group in human society, and it is also a very typical case. It shows that human beings are advanced intelligent creatures, no matter how harsh the natural environment they face, they have never succumbed. struggle and struggle are innate to us.Instinct, when we face adversity, persevere, and finally see the final victory.

After winter is gone, spring comes. This is the eternal truth!

​​(in this statement, to people who are once again in trouble due to this epidemic)

​​text/Meng Xing Jinguancheng

Special note: Eskimos and Inuit are the names of this ethnic group, and the names of Eskimos It has been used for hundreds of years. At present, most of the official documents and papers in most countries, including China, still use the Eskimo name unless otherwise specified. This is a convention and does not contain ambiguity. Reply to related questions in the comment area.

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