Chinese people have a special emotion for the moon. Chang'e flies to the moon, the Moon Rabbit makes medicine, we are strangers in a foreign land, but we still share the beauty of the moon. The moon represents my heart. Throughout the ages, many thoughts and emotions have been pl

2024/06/1000:16:33 science 1691

Article | Popular science

Chinese people have a special emotion for the moon, Chang'e flies to the moon, Moon Rabbit makes medicine, is a stranger in a foreign land, but still thousands of miles apart, and the moon represents my heart , how many thoughts and emotions have been placed on the moon through the ages.

Chinese people have a special emotion for the moon. Chang'e flies to the moon, the Moon Rabbit makes medicine, we are strangers in a foreign land, but we still share the beauty of the moon. The moon represents my heart. Throughout the ages, many thoughts and emotions have been pl - DayDayNews

It is like a gentle and cold beauty, sitting on the horizon quietly wiping the tears of homesickness of every stranger and listening to the thoughts of boys and girls. The existence of the moon is beauty.

However, American scientists have threatened to blow up the moon . In addition to the United States, other countries have also proposed plans to blow up the moon.

What is going on? Why did the United States have the idea of ​​blowing up the moon after landing on the moon? What secrets did they discover on the moon? Or what are you afraid of? What would the earth look like without the moon?

Chinese people have a special emotion for the moon. Chang'e flies to the moon, the Moon Rabbit makes medicine, we are strangers in a foreign land, but we still share the beauty of the moon. The moon represents my heart. Throughout the ages, many thoughts and emotions have been pl - DayDayNews

American scientists plan to blow up the moon with nuclear bombs

Alexander Abian, a professor at Iowa State University in the United States, proposed a crazy plan:

Bring the earth's high-tech equipment to the moon, dig a big hole in the center of the moon, and put The atomic bomb was put into it, and then detonated the moon, blowing the moon into pieces!

caused huge controversy as soon as the report came out. Some people said he was talking nonsense, while others agreed with his idea. In fact, the United States has long wanted to blow up the moon.

Chinese people have a special emotion for the moon. Chang'e flies to the moon, the Moon Rabbit makes medicine, we are strangers in a foreign land, but we still share the beauty of the moon. The moon represents my heart. Throughout the ages, many thoughts and emotions have been pl - DayDayNews

Starting in the 1950s, the United States and the Soviet Union fell into the Cold War, starting a 17-year all-out confrontation ranging from economics to politics to technology. Among them, the space race was the most intense.

In the late 1950s and early 1960s, the Soviet Union took the lead and sent the first artificial satellite and the first astronaut into space; the United States was not to be outdone and pursued bravely, quickly launching the Apollo Manned moon landing plan , that is, manned moon landing.

Chinese people have a special emotion for the moon. Chang'e flies to the moon, the Moon Rabbit makes medicine, we are strangers in a foreign land, but we still share the beauty of the moon. The moon represents my heart. Throughout the ages, many thoughts and emotions have been pl - DayDayNews

In 1969, Apollo 11 successfully landed on the moon carrying two astronauts, achieving "a giant step forward for human civilization", creating a new aerospace industry journey, and pushing the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union to a climax. The United States thus holds an advantageous position.

After Apollo 11, the United States successively dispatched 6 spacecraft . Except for and Apollo 13, the other five spacecrafts successfully achieved manned moon landings, which also established the United States' world status.

Chinese people have a special emotion for the moon. Chang'e flies to the moon, the Moon Rabbit makes medicine, we are strangers in a foreign land, but we still share the beauty of the moon. The moon represents my heart. Throughout the ages, many thoughts and emotions have been pl - DayDayNews

However, what many people don't know is that after the Apollo 11 moon landing, the United States came up with a shocking idea that shocked the world even more than Apollo 11 - blowing up the moon with a nuclear bomb.

Of course, the impact of this plan was very large, and it was not easy to implement, so the United States did not announce it to the public at the time and classified it as top secret - A119 plan .

Chinese people have a special emotion for the moon. Chang'e flies to the moon, the Moon Rabbit makes medicine, we are strangers in a foreign land, but we still share the beauty of the moon. The moon represents my heart. Throughout the ages, many thoughts and emotions have been pl - DayDayNews

In order to realize the plan, NASA convened many experts to discuss.

NASA's Apollo chief scientist Gary V. Latham (Gary V. Latham) believes:

Unmanned rockets can be used to send nuclear bombs to the moon and conduct nuclear explosions on the surface. However, a nuclear explosion will produce a large amount of nuclear radiation , which will cause unpredictable damage if it enters the atmosphere and floats to the earth, so it should be detonated on the back of the moon.

Chinese people have a special emotion for the moon. Chang'e flies to the moon, the Moon Rabbit makes medicine, we are strangers in a foreign land, but we still share the beauty of the moon. The moon represents my heart. Throughout the ages, many thoughts and emotions have been pl - DayDayNews

However, the back side of the moon is black and cannot be visually captured by the earth. Humans cannot directly see the detonation effect, so some experts believe that the detonation should be done on the front side.

After learning about the secret plan of the United States, Soviet atomic physicist Yakov Zeldovich also proposed to the Soviet Space Agency that send a nuclear warhead to the moon and detonate it directly .

Chinese people have a special emotion for the moon. Chang'e flies to the moon, the Moon Rabbit makes medicine, we are strangers in a foreign land, but we still share the beauty of the moon. The moon represents my heart. Throughout the ages, many thoughts and emotions have been pl - DayDayNews

The United States and the Soviet Union had an unprecedented consensus on the destruction of the moon:

As long as the explosion of the moon can produce huge light and dust, and the earth can capture this historic picture with instruments or visually see it with the naked eye, it is enough , quite a few Scientists have also specially calculated the optimal tipping point.

Chinese people have a special emotion for the moon. Chang'e flies to the moon, the Moon Rabbit makes medicine, we are strangers in a foreign land, but we still share the beauty of the moon. The moon represents my heart. Throughout the ages, many thoughts and emotions have been pl - DayDayNews

Why does the United States want to destroy the moon? Did they discover anything?

Alexander Abian's reason for wanting to blow up the moon is very simple. He believes:

Human beings' survival is increasingly restricted by the environment. The earth's current instability and complex climate conditions, such as the Bangladesh cyclone, Ethiopia drought and The sweltering heat in Manhattan and other phenomena are caused by the moon.

The moon was blown to pieces, releasing a tilting gravitational pull that brought the Earth to stable temperatures and wind patterns that were as comfortable as California weather.

Chinese people have a special emotion for the moon. Chang'e flies to the moon, the Moon Rabbit makes medicine, we are strangers in a foreign land, but we still share the beauty of the moon. The moon represents my heart. Throughout the ages, many thoughts and emotions have been pl - DayDayNews

Judging from the known information, there is actually no strict reason why the United States and the Soviet Union wanted to detonate the earth. The records and important matters mainly revolve around allowing the earth to visually observe the explosion of the moon. , does not seem to have much to do with the United States' discovery of the moon.

On the surface, this is a winning plan in the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union. Whoever can do it and whoever blows up the moon first shows that it is in the leading position in space technology. However, the existence of the moon has certain consequences for the earth. irreplaceable meaning.

Chinese people have a special emotion for the moon. Chang'e flies to the moon, the Moon Rabbit makes medicine, we are strangers in a foreign land, but we still share the beauty of the moon. The moon represents my heart. Throughout the ages, many thoughts and emotions have been pl - DayDayNews

Therefore, probably only they themselves know the purpose behind the United States’ plan to destroy the moon.

Moreover, according to their practice of hiding major discoveries or secret research, even if they really discover the secret of the moon, they will not reveal any news until they achieve their goal. Maybe one day in the future, the world will know about it. Reason.

Chinese people have a special emotion for the moon. Chang'e flies to the moon, the Moon Rabbit makes medicine, we are strangers in a foreign land, but we still share the beauty of the moon. The moon represents my heart. Throughout the ages, many thoughts and emotions have been pl - DayDayNews

What would the earth look like if there was no moon?

If the moon is really detonated, the consequences for the earth will be disastrous. Physicist Leonard Reiffel, an expert on the A119 project, made it clear:

Blowing up the moon and damaging the lunar environment will cost a huge amount, and nuclear explosions may affect the earth.

Chinese people have a special emotion for the moon. Chang'e flies to the moon, the Moon Rabbit makes medicine, we are strangers in a foreign land, but we still share the beauty of the moon. The moon represents my heart. Throughout the ages, many thoughts and emotions have been pl - DayDayNews

  • The climate is even more abnormal:

There is a constant gravitational balance relationship between the moon and the earth. The existence of the moon keeps the tilt angle of the earth's axis relatively stable. If there is a lack of lunar gravity, the angle of the earth's axis tilt will change significantly over time.

Chinese people have a special emotion for the moon. Chang'e flies to the moon, the Moon Rabbit makes medicine, we are strangers in a foreign land, but we still share the beauty of the moon. The moon represents my heart. Throughout the ages, many thoughts and emotions have been pl - DayDayNews

The angle between the earth and the equator will also change, the sun's direct point will change accordingly, causing the climate to become more complex, and there will probably be more extreme weather than now.

Chinese people have a special emotion for the moon. Chang'e flies to the moon, the Moon Rabbit makes medicine, we are strangers in a foreign land, but we still share the beauty of the moon. The moon represents my heart. Throughout the ages, many thoughts and emotions have been pl - DayDayNews

For example, polar warming, sea level rise, floods in deserts, drought in rainforests, etc., cold winter and hot summer no longer exist, the four seasons disappear.

Chinese people have a special emotion for the moon. Chang'e flies to the moon, the Moon Rabbit makes medicine, we are strangers in a foreign land, but we still share the beauty of the moon. The moon represents my heart. Throughout the ages, many thoughts and emotions have been pl - DayDayNews

  • Meteorite fragments:

If the earth can clearly see the picture of the moon explosion, it means that the radiation and debris generated by the explosion will hit the earth , which may cause a devastating blow to the earth.

Sixty million years ago, a ten-kilometer-diameter meteorite directly caused the extinction of the dinosaurs . No one can predict the size of the debris that the moon explosion will produce. History will repeat itself again by then. Not only the ecosystem, but also human beings may not be able to escape the annihilation. disaster.

Chinese people have a special emotion for the moon. Chang'e flies to the moon, the Moon Rabbit makes medicine, we are strangers in a foreign land, but we still share the beauty of the moon. The moon represents my heart. Throughout the ages, many thoughts and emotions have been pl - DayDayNews

However, the diameter of the moon is also 1/4 of the earth, and the mass is about 1/81 of the earth. The gravitational binding energy of the moon is as high as 1.24×10^29 joules. To blow it up, would require 20 billion times the number of nuclear bombs in the global nuclear arsenal. Detonate at the same time.

Obviously, based on the current capabilities of human beings, it is nothing more than fantasy and fantasy. Apart from gaining international attention, it has basically no real significance.

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