In 1994, Bill Gates spent about $30 million to purchase Leonardo da Vinci's "Code Leicester," a famous manuscript that records Leonardo da Vinci's work on astronomy, mechanics, botany, mathematics, and Sketches and ideas for subjects such as architecture. Why spend so much money

2024/06/0219:50:33 science 1969

In 1994, Bill Gates spent about $30 million to purchase Leonardo da Vinci's

In 1994, Bill Gates spent about 30 million US dollars to purchase Leonardo da Vinci's "Leicester Code", which is a famous manuscript that records Leonardo da Vinci's work on astronomy, mechanics, botany, Sketches and ideas for subjects like mathematics and architecture.

Why spend so much money on a 500-year-old notebook? In fact, when you own an important piece of science, you feel connected to the original inventor and exposed to true greatness. Taking another approach and directly funding truly great science will definitely lead to deeper connections and a deeper sense of meaning.

In 1994, Bill Gates spent about $30 million to purchase Leonardo da Vinci's

Imagine if you could fund Einstein 's paper on General Relativity ? NFT papers can be used as collectibles or IP NFT, which is equivalent to you having the right to hold future economic benefits.

This is Decentralized Science (DeSci) , which is a crypto movement that uses blockchain tools, including smart contracts and tokens, to improve modern science. DeSci is still in its infancy, but more and more scientists and entrepreneurs around the world have joined it. At the beginning of the development of

, the first thing to understand is where should DeSci focus its efforts? Its development is currently at the intersection of several directions -

  • Better funding models for academic research
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Efforts to shift ownership and value away from industry intermediaries

The first of these is the most important part.

The funding issue is a very serious pain point for researchers, who need to spend a lot of time applying for funding, which mainly depends on the number of publications they have in academic journals.

If one wants to publish in a well-known journal, one needs to focus their research on mainstream ideas. This will lead to a return to mediocrity in thinking and will appear to be insufficient when making major attempts. scientific work may be reduced as a result, and also Can lead to bias against scientists in selecting projects .

With this ranking system of square thinking, crazy ideas and the basis of scientific breakthroughs will all be left behind. If it were placed in this era, the general theory of relativity may not be discovered.

Over the past 20 years, many scientific advances have been incremental , and many people believe that this core problem is one of the reasons why scientific breakthroughs are difficult to occur in modern times.

If you want to change this, where should you start? We know that Web3 can help it, and in Web3, the one that can best empower and confirm the rights of articles is NFT. How does

NFT work? Remember the ownership economy? What if the same tools as those for avatar or music NFTs could be used as science funding tools?

We can use NFT-based funding to fix the broken funding model for academic research. NFTs are a perfect fit as a cross between speculators who want to bet on the next big scientific brain, and researchers who want to fund their research.

What if we could use funding for academic research to exploit speculation and greed? Try bringing research paper trading into the speculative NFT market -

Utilizing these tools can create an influx of capital that can be deployed on academic research and fresh ideas and perspectives, rather than placing bets on boring image NFTs. We are betting on future scientists who can leverage free digital markets to create capital flows for the scientific Web3 economy . It is a win-win situation for both Web3 and scientific research.

And the direction of the funding is your choice - you can fund advancement to the next treatment for cancer , anti-entropy methods or the discovery of how dark matter works. You can also hold a fully transferable, digital asset that supports the work of researchers. Interoperable, digital assets.

NFT can also be used to incentivize scientific communities to share, manage and centralize different types of information into resources such as "smart manuscripts" (linked to open source data and protocols) and article collections. This enables new models of knowledge sharing and rapid publication and review. In particular, communities like

can improve the quality and usability of preprints (manuscripts published before peer review). Preprints are crucial to fast science, as scientists’ reliance on them during COVID-19 can attest.

can also combat censorship of , which is mainly aimed at some governments' claims of political interference in science. The natural attributes of blockchain determine this - users can store data and information forever, access it from any location at any time, and distributed storage can be effectively used to prevent scientific review.

Scientists and DAOs are currently experimenting with NFTs and token offerings to fund research. But there is more than one way of NFT, and there are many directions that can provide possibilities for DeSci:

  • adjust the blockchain-based public welfare funding model by establishing platforms and protocols specifically for science, such as square funding and retroactive funding.
  • adapts the emerging DeFi protocol to create sustainable long-term funding for scientists, similar to the traditional tenure model.
  • Earn returns from commercializable outputs (e.g. drug IP NFTs) to fund further research, enabling a self-sustaining scientific community.

Science-focused blockchain projects have emerged as early as 2015, but it only received widespread attention in 2021. Including the first Open Science NFT sold for 13 ETH, the rise of research groups that auction NFTs, and the growth of multiple science-centered DAOs)...

At present, these projects are still in their infancy, and their practicality has yet to be investigated, such as If a person wants to be recognized in academia, he needs not only the inflow of funds, but also a combination of factors such as reputation, publications and so on. For ordinary investors, how to distinguish the quality of projects is also a problem.

But it brings us a possibility - an opportunity to change the current inherent model and traditional routines, brings a new paradigm to the scientific research community .

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