"Nature is infinite, and human civilization and creation are also infinite." Do you really understand the various plants around you?

2024/05/2703:56:33 science 1758

"Nature is infinite, and human civilization creation is also infinite."

Do you really understand the various plants around you?

Today, Dafa has compiled a list of high-scoring plant documentaries for everyone. Each one is a conscientious and sincere work. It can not only feast your eyes, but also learn knowledge. It can help you improve your aesthetics and take you closer. The magical world of plants ~

1 " Chinese plants that influence the world "

Speaking of plant documentaries, we have to mention this Chinese plant filmed by the Chinese, not to mention its important position and significance in the plant world. You can gain a lot of fans just by looking good.

This film has 10 episodes in total: "Plant Paradise", "Rice", "Tea Tree", "Bamboo", "Mulberry Tree", "Fruit", "Soybean", "Materia Medica", "Garden" and "Flowers".

The documentary uses vivid plant stories to show people the evolutionary history, horticultural culture, and communication paths of Chinese plants, and teases out the contribution of Chinese plants to world development.
The overall concept of the entire documentary consists of five dimensions: life, civilization, science, aesthetics and philosophy.

Life: Plants are a kind of life, with their own joys, sorrows and joys.

Civilization: Plants have woven our civilization today and provided the foundation of our civilization.

Science: The only way we can get close to plants is through science. Science is an important tool for understanding plants.

Aesthetics: Nature has given humans aesthetics, and the beauty of nature far transcends all languages.

Philosophy: Man and nature coexist, and all things are integrated.

2 " Earth Pulsation "

BBC high-scoring natural documentary.

From the Antarctic to the North Pole, from the equator to the frigid zone, from the African grasslands to the tropical rain forests, and from the desolate peaks to the deep sea, countless creatures are presented to the world in extremely beautiful appearances.

We saw the ups and downs of the Okavango flood and the living conditions of the surrounding animals. We saw rare snow leopards hunting in the heavy snow; we saw penguins and polar bears on the ice sheet. We also saw the harsh scenes of interdependence of creatures such as seals and seals, and also witnessed the amazing creatures living in the high-temperature environment of volcanic craters deep in the ocean.

Of course, there are also the spectacular scenery and strange landforms all over the earth, selflessly showing their most glorious side.

There are currently two seasons of this film. It is recommended that you start watching the first season~

3 "The French Garden"

BBC documentary.

From traditional symmetrical gardens full of history, to small vegetable gardens with excellent functionality and beauty in various places, to encounters with gardens designed by great artists, MontyDon speaks fluently in French and explores every corner of France. Let people appreciate the original French style, romance and elegance are simply integrated into the French bones.

4 "The Largest Flower Market in the World"

Understand the workings of flowers, how the flowers we buy travel around the world through the Netherlands 's Aalsmeer Flower Auction, arriving in our pristine state every day. It tells the story of how we use flowers to express our love.

5 "The Italian Garden"

The classic gardening documentary "The Italian Garden" filmed by the BBC and narrated by the famous British program host, horticulturist, and writer Monty Don is a documentary that can be watched as a landscape film.

documentary has four episodes in total: Rome , Florence , South, Veneto, Lucca and Lake District.

Monty Don visited a dozen of the most famous gardens in Italy. The gardens in and around Florence are among the most beautiful places in the world.

6 "Rose: After the Flower"

Did you know that roses are older than humans?

Fossils show that it has been on the earth for 70 million years. Produced throughout the northern hemisphere, there are currently more than 10,000 varieties.

The earliest record is said to be the Hanging Gardens in Babylon more than 3,000 years ago. As one of the seven wonders of the world, the flowers and plants in the gardens include roses.

7 "Plant Kingdom"

was filmed in the famous Kew Gardens. It is like walking into the indoor botanical garden of the botanical garden. Huge and small plants coexist in the same room, giving people a breathtaking visual experience.

also takes a human time scale to reveal the true nature of plants, which are every bit as dynamic and active as animal creatures.

8 "Mythos Wald"

German aesthetic documentary "Mythos Wald".

This film shows us a possible development direction of new shooting methods. The narrative rhythm of this new film is concise and clear, which is very good. With high-level photography technology, this film uses a microscope-style lens, combined with slow playback and perspective switching, to meticulously count the various aspects of the forest for 12 months, and the details of german are vividly reflected. When the mushrooms burst out of the ground, they look like girls dancing gracefully. The playful soundtrack is inserted from time to time in the film, which also adds a bit of fun to the film. It looks both eye-catching and quite interesting. Episode 1 of : Animal Paradise and the Empire of Shade. length: 00:44:34. Whether growing on the sandy land by the sea, the steep rocks on the mountaintops, the wet lowlands beside streams and rivers, or the sunny slopes, there are as many as 4,500 species of vegetation and fungi and nearly 7,000 species of animals. Making this forest one of the most diverse living spaces on our planet. At the same time, many fairy tales and legends are also performed here. However, in these legends, neither elves, witches, dwarfs nor giants can be equated with reality. This video presents you with a series of rare and exotic objects. Episode 2: Battle for Sunshine. length: 00:44:32. The forest seems familiar, but some of its mysteries remain unsolved. This is not only a paradise for animals, but also an empire of shade. At the same time, we slowly discovered that a true primeval forest needs something consistent to provide light and heat in its inner space. Only then will this forest become a green paradise with flourishing flora and fauna, a world where all kinds of miracles are performed.

9 "The Private Life of Plants"

The interesting process of plant survival. This drama will take us to take a closer look at the journey of plants, their growth, their flowering, their struggles with other plants and animals, and their various struggles to survive and adapt to the environment.

10 " Breeding Earth "

BBC's latest high-definition documentary focuses on the plants on our planet. The host, Professor Iain Stewart, leads everyone into the world of plants to understand the origins and life mechanisms of plants.

This host has previously hosted - The Power of the Earth. I like the host Professor Iain Stewart very much, probably because of this guy with a strong Scottish accent. This series of documentaries is very informative, but the most valuable thing is that it is professional and boring. Thanks to the uncanny skills of him and the BBC creative staff, his botanical knowledge became eloquent! It can be called a high-definition version - The Private Life of Plants
This series is divided into three episodes:

Life from Light
The Power of Flowers The Power of Flowers
The Challenger Chinese Materia Medica is used as the entry point, leading the audience into the mysterious and vital world of traditional Chinese medicine, and experiencing the traditional Chinese medicine culture that has long been integrated into the lives, survival and survival of the Chinese people. The
film will present the legendary Chinese Materia Medica in a relaxed and interesting tone, telling stories about Materia Medica that are closely related to people's lives. It will search for people who have deep emotions and ties with Chinese medicine, show their completely different lifestyles and attitudes towards life, and explore the roots of traditional Chinese medicine. Survival wisdom in Chinese culture.

12 "Botany: The History of Blooming"

leads civilization to look back on the long development path of botany. There is both the arduous struggle of the pioneers and the hard work of the successors.

13 "Wonderful Weeds"

"Weeds are plants that grow in the wrong place, plants whose advantages we have not yet discovered. The more we discover about their effects, the more obvious they are to human life."

14 " "Flower World"

Following the documentary, we will experience 80 very beautiful gardens in the world. These gardens represent everything from ancient times to modern times, from grand to small, from majestic to humble, and each one gives you a unique style. The film crew spent eighteen months traveling around the world visiting gardens, and finally presented it all to you in the form of a ten-episode documentary. The ten episodes are divided into, Mexico and Cuba , Australia and New Zealand , India, South America, the United States, China and Japan, Mediterranean , South Africa, Northern Europe and Southeast Asia.

15 "Our Forest"

This documentary tells the story of the natural creatures in the forest, full of the charm of European fairy tales. Its narrative rhythm is concise and clear, and its high-level photography technology and microscope-like lens, combined with slow playback and perspective switching, meticulously inventory every bit of the forest over the course of a year.

The above are the 15 private documentaries shared by Dafa today ~ I hope you all like it ~


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