Introduction: Commonly known as "birds do not stay", the leaves are covered with thorns and are called "housekeeping trees". Nowadays, potted plants are often planted. I was walking in the community with my children on weekends. When I walked to the door of a house, I actually sa

2024/05/2700:11:33 science 1940

Introduction: Commonly known as " birds do not stay ", the leaves are covered with thorns and are called "housekeeping trees". Nowadays, they are mostly grown in pots.

I was walking in the community with my children on the weekend, and when I walked to the door of a house, I saw Several medulla strains arrived. I asked the children, do you know this kind of tree? Its leaves are full of spikes.

After seeing it, the children expressed that they did not recognize it and had never seen it before.

I told them that this was a very common tree in rural areas in the past. It was commonly known as "birds do not stay". Look at the sharp thorns on its leaves. Do they look different from other plants? And in the past, if children in rural areas were disobedient, adults would use it to scare the children. At that time, almost every household would insert several branches of it on the walls and windows.

Introduction: Commonly known as

Seeing these medulla trees growing lushly and pruned into a spherical shape reminds me of many interesting things from my childhood. As a native plant in my country, although wolfberry was common in rural areas in the past, its value is not low. It was once called a "housekeeping tree" and "anti-thief tree" by farmers' relatives, but now it is often grown as a potted plant.

The naturally unique wolfberry is called the "housekeeping tree"

The wolfberry is an indigenous plant in my country. It is distributed in the north and south of our country, especially in the south. This plant is different from many other plants in that its leaves are not flat, twisted and hard, and there are many slender thorns on the edges. If people accidentally pick its leaves, they will be pricked by its thorns, which are sharp and can easily bleed.

Introduction: Commonly known as

It is also because the leaves of wolfberry are naturally unique. It is also called "birds do not stay" among the people, which means that even birds will not stay on this tree. It's because the thorns on its leaves are so powerful, and its leaves grow very lush and leafy.

But I have also observed that although ordinary birds do not stay on the wolfberry tree, when its fruits are ripe, there are still birds that come to eat the fruits. Because the fruit of the wolfberry matures in winter, the color is very bright like pearls, and the fruit is very lush, so many birds will use it as overwintering food when there is no food.

Of course, regarding the use of wolfberry, more people regard it as a "housekeeping tree", because some petty thefts often occurred in rural areas in the past. In order to protect their property from being stolen, some people Some medlar trees will be planted in the yard or around the house. With it, a natural protective wall is formed, which ordinary people dare not approach easily, so it has the title of "housekeeping tree".

Introduction: Commonly known as

It is full of treasures, and now it is often planted as a bonsai.

Because in the past, this kind of plant could be found everywhere on the mountains in rural areas. And it has very strong vitality. As long as its roots are not dug out, it can still survive even if its stems and leaves are cut down.

The use of wolfberry bones in the past was not just to prevent theft, but also as a "household method" to scare children. It was also often used to prevent rats, weasels, and so on. Some farmers will control some wolfberry branches and leaves near their granaries, so that ordinary mice will not dare to approach. Especially at that time, in rural areas, sweet potatoes and other crops would be put into cellars in winter, and a circle of wolfberry branches and leaves would be placed at the entrance of the cellar.

In addition, the fruit of wolfberry is also edible. Its fruit is very small, not as big as a soybean, round, and bright red when mature. It doesn't taste good either. There is a core inside and only a thin layer of pulp on the outside is edible. The taste is bitter and astringent, but it is of high value.

Introduction: Commonly known as

The wolfberry fruit is not suitable for direct consumption. It is usually picked and dried to make tea or brewed into wine. In particular, it was very popular in the past to make wine with it. This is also the best way to eat wolfberry fruit. Way. The even more amazing thing about

is that even its scary-looking wolfberry leaves are edible, and they have a very long history of being eaten in our country. In ancient times, wolfberry leaves were often used as raw materials for tea.

Not only can it be drunk as ordinary tea, but wolfberry leaves can also be made into herbal tea and have the effects of dispelling wind, relieving cough, and tonifying the liver and kidneys. It is mentioned in the ancient medical book "Compendium of Materia Medica" Records: "It produces fluid and quenches thirst. It is very good to use leaves instead of tea to dispel wind."

Introduction: Commonly known as

And there are historical records that Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty , Zhu Yuanzhang liked to drink tea made from wolfberry leaves. It was because Zhu Yuanzhang was I also have the old problem of difficulty constipation. Later, a doctor recommended using wolfberry leaves to make tea and drink it in water, which was indeed helpful in relieving constipation. So Zhu Yuanzhang fell in love with this tea, and listed it as a tribute to the imperial court, and was named a "tribute tea" by Zhu Yuanzhang.

It’s just because making tea from wolfberry leaves is too cumbersome. Later, the types of tea became more and more abundant, so gradually few people used it to make tea.

Currently, the most well-known value of the wolfberry plant is that it can be grown as a bonsai. The leaves of wolfberry are unique, luxuriant, and evergreen all year round. Especially in winter, the fruits are bright red when ripe. The fruit-bearing period is quite long. The fruits are very beautiful against the green leaves, so they are often regarded as ornamental plants .

Introduction: Commonly known as

But because it is a rare hedge plant that combines foliage and fruit viewing in gardens, in recent years people often go to rural areas to dig medlar trees, resulting in wild medlars being rare in rural areas. Yes, many of them have been poached.

However, because it is a rare hedge plant that combines foliage and fruit viewing in gardens, it has won the favor of many bonsai enthusiasts. In recent years, people often go to rural areas to dig medlar trees, resulting in wild medulla trees. Wolf bones are no longer common in rural areas, and many of them have been dug up.

Dear friends, do you still have this kind of tree in your hometown? What's its name in your hometown? Finally, I would like to remind everyone that wolfberry bones are not among the top ten meritorious deeds. Although they look very similar, I hope everyone will not get confused.

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