Recently, a netizen broke the news that a "red tide" phenomenon occurred in some waters in Fujian. The ocean in the video was dyed blood red, covering an area of ​​about ten square kilometers. The sea water dyed red is sticky and exudes a fishy smell. Not only that, there is an o

2024/05/2620:35:40 science 1779

Recently, a netizen broke the news that " red tide " phenomenon occurred in some waters in Fujian. The ocean in the video was dyed blood red, covering an area of ​​about ten square kilometers. The sea water dyed red is sticky and exudes a fishy smell.

Not only that, there is also an oily film-like thing floating on the surface of the ocean, which is also mixed with the corpses of many fish and shrimps. As soon as this news came out, it caused many netizens to discuss: What causes the "red tide" phenomenon? Does this portend anything?

Recently, a netizen broke the news that a

What is red tide?

Before answering this question, let's first understand what red tide is. Red tide is an abnormal ecological phenomenon caused by the explosive increase and accumulation of marine zooplankton , which leads to the discoloration of sea water.

Depending on the type and number of organisms gathered, the colors displayed are also different. In addition to red, the seawater sometimes also has yellow, green, etc. This phenomenon not only occurs in the ocean, but is also often seen in freshwater lakes, such as algae blooms in fresh water.

Recently, a netizen broke the news that a

How are red tides formed?

How did this abnormal phenomenon occur? Is it a man-made disaster or a natural disaster? In fact, not only our country, many countries are also often affected by red tide. As early as 2015, an unprecedented "red tide" crisis occurred in the United States. In order to control "red tide", fishing activities were strictly prohibited for a long time in the United States.

The first "red tide" was discovered in my country in 1933. At that time, Noctiluca was flooding in the coastal areas of Zhejiang, dyeing the seawater with fluorescent colors. This is what we commonly call the "fluorescent sea", but in fact this is also a "red tide" a phenomenon.

The emergence of "red tide" symbolizes that the ecological balance of the ocean has been broken, so "red tide" is closely related to us humans. Generally speaking, the ocean has its own self-purification ability within its own range. If it exceeds this range, the ocean will not be able to heal itself. And humans are the culprits that destroy this balance.

Recently, a netizen broke the news that a

Are humans to blame for red tides?

First of all, wastewater from factories of all sizes is discharged into the sea without treatment. This nutrient-rich wastewater is the main cause of the formation of "red tide". This wastewater not only destroys the balanced ecosystem of the ocean, but these nutrients can also contribute to the development of the ocean. The algae grow in .

Secondly, the continuous expansion of the marine aquaculture industry has also brought its own pollution problems to the seawater. Some farms do not regulate the use of bait, which makes the seawater pollution worse.

Finally, the rise in global temperatures also has an impact on the continuous occurrence of "red tides". As temperatures rise, seawater temperatures will also rise, which is equivalent to creating a greenhouse environment for the growth of algae in the ocean.

Recently, a netizen broke the news that a

What are the effects of red tide?

So what are the dangers of "red tide"? First of all, the most severely affected by "red tide" are definitely the marine organisms living in the ocean. Because of the reproduction of algae, a large amount of mucus will appear in the sea water, and this mucus will stick to the mouths and noses of fish, shrimp and other organisms. Causes to suffocate and to die.

Moreover, during the decomposition process of these fish and shrimp carcasses on the seabed, they will consume a large amount of dissolved oxygen in the seawater, reducing the oxygen in the ocean, and making it extremely difficult for other organisms on the seabed to survive.

Recently, a netizen broke the news that a

Humans will also be affected by red tide?

Not only will the survival of these fish and shrimps be threatened, but "red tide" will also endanger human health. If humans accidentally eat seafood in "red tide", especially shellfish, then human health will be threatened.

The most serious thing is paralytic shellfish toxin. If seafood contains this toxin, ordinary cooking methods cannot eradicate it. If eaten by humans, it will cause symptoms such as paralysis and tingling. In severe cases, death may occur due to respiratory paralysis. . Therefore, if humans do not restrain themselves, the consequences caused by humans will eventually return to humans.

Recently, a netizen broke the news that a

National measures to control red tide

So how should we control the recurrence of "red tide" phenomenon? Does the country have strong control measures for "red tide"? At present, our country has established a surveillance system to monitor and prevent "red tides". Any abnormalities in marine ecology can be detected in advance.

Not only that, after various experiments on "red tide" control, the country believes that the best way at present is to use clay minerals to eliminate "red tide".

Recently, a netizen broke the news that a

Clay minerals are the best method

These clay minerals can be found everywhere and can have a very damaging effect on organisms in red tides. It is worth mentioning that this method has no impact on the marine environment and other organisms. It can also promote the purification of marine ecosystems and restore the purification capacity of the ocean.

But before any method is implemented, the most important thing is that each of us needs to shoulder the responsibility of protecting the ocean. Only when everyone truly cares for the environment can we truly prevent the occurrence of "red tides".

Recently, a netizen broke the news that a

So what do you think of the "red tide" phenomenon? Please leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

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