The majority of overseas Chinese are very concerned about Hong Kong's continued stability, prosperity and development. Recently, Sun Dawen, a well-known Chinese scientist and academician of the European Academy of Humanities and Natural Sciences, wrote an article to express his w

2024/05/2313:06:33 science 1190

On July 1, Hong Kong celebrated the 25th anniversary of its return to the motherland. The great practice of " one country, two systems " bloomed like beautiful bauhinia flowers on the banks of the Hong Kong River. The vast number of overseas Chinese are very concerned about Hong Kong's continued stability and prosperity. Recently, the well-known Chinese scientist Sun Dawen, an academician of the European Academy of Humanities and Natural Sciences, wrote an article to express his warm congratulations on the 225th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China. He expressed deep gratitude to the motherland and compatriots including Hong Kong. of concern.

Sun Dawen, born in Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province, is a food scientist. He has been elected as an academician of the European Academy of Humanities and Natural Sciences, an academician of the Royal Irish Academy of Sciences, a foreign academician of the Polish Academy of Sciences, an academician of the International Academy of Food Science, and the International Academy of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. Academician and academician of the International Academy of Refrigeration Sciences, he is the only overseas Chinese "Academician of the Sixth Academy" in European history. At the same time, he was just appointed as the first batch of members and deputy director of the Xingchuan Aid Chongqing Overseas Chinese Think Tank in June this year.

Academician Sun Dawen said that the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region was the first successful practice of the great concept of "one country, two systems" on the land of China. It not only laid a solid foundation for China to further move towards complete reunification, but also provided the international community with the opportunity to solve similar problems China Scheme .

He said that, as President Xi Jinping emphasized in his speech: "'One country, two systems' has been repeatedly tested in practice and is in line with the fundamental interests of the country and the nation, as well as the fundamental interests of Hong Kong and Macao. It has received strong support from more than 1.4 billion people of the motherland and has received It is unanimously supported by the residents of Hong Kong and Macao, and also widely endorsed by the international community." Over the past 25 years, the global situation has been changing, but what remains unchanged is the country's strong support for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The Asian financial crisis, the international financial crisis, SARS and the new crown epidemic have faced difficulties one after another, and the motherland has been the strength of Hong Kong. The backing is provided by the people of the mainland and compatriots in Hong Kong who are helping each other and overcoming the difficulties together. The entry into force of the Hong Kong National Security Law and the establishment of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area have opened a new chapter in the history of Hong Kong from chaos to governance, from governance to prosperity.

He hoped that Hong Kong would further leverage the dual advantages of "one country" and "two systems". Reap the benefits of "one country", share the huge mainland market, and ride on the national development express; reap the benefits of "two systems" and make full use of its high-quality international hub and business environment, unique tax and legal systems, and backing The superior geographical location in the mainland and facing the world attracts international funds, prospers international trade , and gathers international talents. Through the high integration of and in the Greater Bay Area, it has unleashed its huge potential. It is believed that Hong Kong, as the backbone of the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, will further integrate into the overall development of the country with an unprecedented new look and abundant vitality. The "South China Sea Giant Ship" will once again set sail of the times, and the " Pearl of the Orient " will bloom again Dazzling light.


The majority of overseas Chinese are very concerned about Hong Kong's continued stability, prosperity and development. Recently, Sun Dawen, a well-known Chinese scientist and academician of the European Academy of Humanities and Natural Sciences, wrote an article to express his w - DayDayNews

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