The question raised by Xiao Li is: Yesterday, the beetle I was observing bit my finger and it escaped. However, what I can't understand is why the two beetles in the glass maintenance bottle will explode when they flap their wings.

2024/05/2208:51:32 science 1791

The question raised by Xiao Li is: Yesterday, the beetle I was observing bit my finger and it escaped. However, what I can't understand is why the two beetles in the glass maintenance bottle will explode when they flap their wings. - DayDayNews

In a tent in the no-man’s land of Lop Nur South Lake, the joint scientific expedition team’s seminar is still in progress. Scientists used all the knowledge they had to try to explain the strange phenomenon of the three magical "Lop Nur Desert Beetles" captured yesterday.

★Why did the beetle in the maintenance bottle explode when it flapped its wings?

The question raised by Xiao Li was : Yesterday, the beetle I was observing bit my finger and it escaped. However, what I can't understand is the two beetles in the glass maintenance bottle. Why does the glass bottle explode when flaps its wings? Did sound wave vibration cause the glass bottle to break, or did the air explosion squeeze the glass bottle?

Physicists in the same field responded affirmatively: Sound wave vibrations can cause glass bottles to explode, but this requires two conditions: First, the sound must reach more than 130 decibels. Second, the vibration frequency of the sound is the same as the frequency of the glass bottle, forming a resonance.

The question raised by Xiao Li is: Yesterday, the beetle I was observing bit my finger and it escaped. However, what I can't understand is why the two beetles in the glass maintenance bottle will explode when they flap their wings. - DayDayNews

Physicists also gave an example: In the middle of the 18th century, when a group of soldiers walked across a 102-meter bridge in Lyon, France, the frequency of the soldiers' walking was exactly the same as the inherent frequency of the bridge, making the bridge The vibrations continue to intensify, eventually causing the bridge to collapse...

Physicists also pointed out: When the noise exceeds 100 decibels, human hearing will be damaged. Reaching 130 decibels, people's ears will be deafened for more than a few minutes.

Everyone present yesterday thought that when the beetle suddenly flapped its wings yesterday, it made a huge roar like a car motor, but the maintenance bottle broke in a very short time. The conclusion of the

discussion is that the flapping sound of a desert beetle may suddenly reach or exceed 130 decibels, causing the thin glass maintenance bottle to break. But why does the sound of a desert beetle's wings reach such a high decibel level?

The question raised by Xiao Li is: Yesterday, the beetle I was observing bit my finger and it escaped. However, what I can't understand is why the two beetles in the glass maintenance bottle will explode when they flap their wings. - DayDayNews

★Did the cars on the sand dunes fly away?

Scientists raised another question : How did the three cars on the sand dunes come from and how did they go away last night? Did it come on wheels? There are no traces of coming and going in the sand dunes. Did it crawl here with claws? The desert is extremely smooth, and there are no claw marks coming or going.

Scientists started a big discussion again: If the three cars were transformed from three beetles, or they were such big beetles, then when they climbed up the sand dunes, they would definitely leave clear paw prints on the sand. but none.

If it were a real car, it would need to leave extremely deep ruts to climb up and leave the dunes. Moreover, the sand here is as fine as flour, and a car will inevitably sink deep into the sand if it climbs up. However, apart from the footprints of the survey team members, the sand dunes were as smooth as a rock. There were no ruts anywhere!

The question raised by Xiao Li is: Yesterday, the beetle I was observing bit my finger and it escaped. However, what I can't understand is why the two beetles in the glass maintenance bottle will explode when they flap their wings. - DayDayNews

Then there is only one possibility: those three cars are actually three abnormal "Lop Nur Desert Beetles". They come flying. When it plunged into the sand dunes to receive the moisture in the mist, it was disturbed by humans and flew away. Therefore, no ruts or paw prints were left on the sand dunes.

However, there is another question: the flapping sound of those three 2cm small beetles can reach 130 decibels of car motor sound, so if these three beetles as big as cars flap their wings and fly away, we will not be able to hear them. Sound? Our tent is no more than 1,000 meters away from the sand dunes!

Can a 2 cm long beetle turn into a five meter long car?

An entomologist raised another question: Can a 2 cm long desert beetle turn into a beetle as big as a 5 meter long car? ?

The question raised by Xiao Li is: Yesterday, the beetle I was observing bit my finger and it escaped. However, what I can't understand is why the two beetles in the glass maintenance bottle will explode when they flap their wings. - DayDayNews

He explained: There are ten major nuclear pollution areas in the world from Japan to the former Soviet Union. According to surveys, there are species mutated due to nuclear radiation . There are two-headed turtles , heavy-eared sheep, giant rats, monitor lizards , giant snakes , and even giant scorpions and giant dragonflies. However, there is no record of cases like Sun Wukong , Bull Demon King , Erlang Shen , and Tathagata Buddha that can make the body larger or smaller. There are two possibilities for the situation

encountered yesterday: First, three 2-centimeter-long desert beetles could only flap their wings and emit huge sound wave decibels. But they can't get bigger.Second, if the three cars on the dune are car beetles, they cannot be transformed from the three captured beetles. It should be another kind. After being exposed to nuclear contamination, it took many generations of genetic mutation to grow into such a large new species - the car beetle!

★In the dust in the distance, three black cars sped past

Science has no end. Everything takes time to verify.

The question raised by Xiao Li is: Yesterday, the beetle I was observing bit my finger and it escaped. However, what I can't understand is why the two beetles in the glass maintenance bottle will explode when they flap their wings. - DayDayNews

The Two-Headed Cow in the Nuclear Radiation Zone

The joint scientific expedition team that ended the discussion continued to drive deep into the Lop Nur no-man's land. What lies ahead is no longer a desert area, but a vast Gobi desert full of gravel.

Suddenly, three black cars appeared parallel to the direction of the motorcade, bringing up thick smoke and dust wherever they passed.

The three cars were about 5 kilometers away from the scientific expedition team, so it was impossible to see clearly what kind of cars they were. The team leader

looked carefully with a telescope, and the more he looked, the more strange he felt: First, if it was the car of a traveler who ventured into the uninhabited land of Lop Nur, it should not be the same model. Second, most of the expedition vehicles are off-road vehicles . But these three cars look like hatchbacks. Third, travel friends generally like to carry national flags or travel friends logos on their cars. Fourth, I never saw the wheels of the three cars. Instead, I could vaguely see the giant iron arms that controlled the wheels like steam engines and locomotives moving continuously.

The question raised by Xiao Li is: Yesterday, the beetle I was observing bit my finger and it escaped. However, what I can't understand is why the two beetles in the glass maintenance bottle will explode when they flap their wings. - DayDayNews

Could it be those three strange "cars" on the dunes last night? The captain immediately ordered: Get closer! The five or six vehicles of the expedition team immediately roared and moved towards the three Mercedes-Benz cars in the distance.

★Emergency tracking forced three cars to take off.

The scientific expedition team's vehicles were getting closer and closer to the three cars. But the speed of the three vehicles was getting faster and faster, and the smoke and dust raised in the Gobi desert became thicker and thicker, and it even felt like it was blocking the sky and the sun.

The captain of the scientific expedition gave the order again: Speed ​​up and get closer immediately. Each vehicle has its tranquilizer gun ready. Once a dangerous situation occurs, fire the tranquilizer bullet immediately! The

fleet is picking up speed once again. The gravel-covered desert made the convoy's accelerating vehicles almost jump forward. Seeing that there were still more than a thousand meters to catch up with him.

The question raised by Xiao Li is: Yesterday, the beetle I was observing bit my finger and it escaped. However, what I can't understand is why the two beetles in the glass maintenance bottle will explode when they flap their wings. - DayDayNews

Suddenly, the three mysterious cars stopped for a moment. In an instant, the roof of the car split into two parts, standing upright on the back, followed by a roar like a helicopter motor, and then the three cars suddenly rose up from the ground and flew away. More than 200 meters above the ground. They lined up and flew higher and higher, circling around the convoy of the joint scientific expedition team, and then flew away in the direction of the sun, flying farther and farther and smaller.

They are actually flying cars! However, scientists said: No one saw any wheels under the three cars flying into the air!

★ Where the car passed, there were no ruts, only scratches.

The captain ordered the car to stop and immediately inspected the area where the three strange "cars" had just passed.

Everyone immediately dispersed. But not a single rut was found in the Gobi.

The question raised by Xiao Li is: Yesterday, the beetle I was observing bit my finger and it escaped. However, what I can't understand is why the two beetles in the glass maintenance bottle will explode when they flap their wings. - DayDayNews

Soon, everyone discovered fresh marks, which were deep scratches into the Gobi surface. These scratches are fresh. Some scratches have fresh sand and mud nearby, and some scratches have turned over the gravel .

On a section of the Gobi Desert with the clearest scratch marks, scientists began to measure and study a clear scratch mark: the scratch marks were divided into two lines, and the distance between the two lines was about 5 meters, while the wheelbase of an ordinary car is 2.2-2.2 meters. 2.5 meters. The distance between two scratches on each side is about 3 meters.

They are not cars, but giant insects with claws! No wonder they travel so fast.

Entomologists say: The desert beetle has 6 long legs, 3 on each side, facing each other. The first pair of long legs grows on the side of the chest. The second pair of long legs grows on the mid-chest side. The third pair of long legs grows on the back of the chest. They are called forefoot, midfoot and hindfoot respectively. Their feet are mainly composed of 5 segments, connected to each other by movable joints and developed muscles.

The question raised by Xiao Li is: Yesterday, the beetle I was observing bit my finger and it escaped. However, what I can't understand is why the two beetles in the glass maintenance bottle will explode when they flap their wings. - DayDayNews

The bottom section of these insect legs has a sharp hook for easy attachment. Some have feather-like floating hairs on this section, allowing them to walk quickly on water or sand without sinking.

Everyone suddenly realized: No wonder Xiao Li and the others didn't find the wheels of the car on the sand dunes last night! Because they don't have wheels at all!

Everyone immediately started a discussion on the phenomenon discovered today. Science needs fantasy! Everyone gives full play to their imagination, but in the end it is inseparable from reality: Since these "Lop Nur Desert Beetles" are as big as cars, what do they eat? ( About the author: Wang Tianxiang, a senior journalist and writer, has published 42 novels and other various monographs, written more than 200 episodes of TV series, created dozens of TV films on history, culture, scenery, documentary and other topics, and has appeared in various newspapers and periodicals Published hundreds of articles and more than a thousand online articles. )

The question raised by Xiao Li is: Yesterday, the beetle I was observing bit my finger and it escaped. However, what I can't understand is why the two beetles in the glass maintenance bottle will explode when they flap their wings. - DayDayNews

(Special note: This article is accompanied by pictures, selected from the Internet. If notified of infringement, it will be deleted. Thank you!)

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