Pioneer of China's Astronomy——The Story of Zhang Heng

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Zhang Heng is a great scientist of Eastern Han Dynasty. He has a clear mind and broad vision, and he cares about people’s lives. Sympathize with the oppressed. His articles " Erjing Fu " and " Four Sorrows Poems " are works that criticize and satirize the dark forces at that time. After middle age, he devoted himself to the study of natural sciences and made great contributions to astronomy. His inventions include the armillary sphere and the Hou Feng Geomotor. Zhang Heng's academic research is very extensive. He is a writer, scientist, politician, historian and painter, and can be said to be an ancient "all-rounder".

Pioneer of China's Astronomy——The Story of Zhang Heng - DayDayNews

In 1977, asteroid 1802 was named "Zhang Heng" to commemorate China Eastern Han Dynasty scientist, astronomer, and writer Zhang Heng . Asteroid 1802 is also the first asteroid named after a Chinese.

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Zhang Heng's character is Pingzi, who was born in the Eastern Han Dynasty. It was born in Xia Village, Xi'e County, Nanyang County at the time in AD 788. Although his ancestor had served as a high official, when Zhang Heng was born, his family was already very poor.

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Zhang Heng is very clever, and he studies hard. At that time, the only way to study was to be an official. When his parents saw that he had grown up and read well, they encouraged him to go outside to make some friends and find a chance to be an official.

Pioneer of China's Astronomy——The Story of Zhang Heng - DayDayNews

Zhang Heng was only seventeen years old,He didn't have the idea of ​​being an official. He just felt that knowledge is an infinite treasure house. He should be contacted in many ways, broaden his horizons, and enrich himself. He left his hometown and went to Sansuke and Beijing, where the culture was very developed at that time, to go sightseeing.

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He has only one mind to cultivate character and research knowledge. After moving from Sanfu to the capital of Luoyang, he entered the academic research institution run by the imperial court at that time. Go to school in too much school.

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There are many senior scholars in Taixue, Zhang Heng is open-minded and asks questions, and he has gained a lot of knowledge. There are also many young people studying there, and Zhang Heng has also made many friends with similar interests. One of them, Cui Qiong, has the closest relationship with him.

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Zhang Heng has lived in the capital for several years. As he grows older, his family burden has gradually become heavier. Apart from studying academia, he often did some official affairs for others. At the age of twenty-eight, he followed a prefect named Baode back to Nanyang as the master book.

Pioneer of China's Astronomy——The Story of Zhang Heng - DayDayNews

Zhang Heng likes literature. He traveled many places and was very indignant when he saw the extravagance and prostitution of the wealthy people, regardless of the life and death of the people. During this period, he used his leisure time to write Tokyo Fu and Xijing Fu to mock these wealthy people.

Pioneer of China's Astronomy——The Story of Zhang Heng - DayDayNews

This work completed nearly ten years ago is perfect in terms of concept, structure, and rhetoric. After the book was circulated, it was praised by many people, and it is still recognized as the greatest literary work of the time.

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Bao De was promoted and left Nanyang. Zhang Heng did not accompany him, but returned to his hometown in West Hubei and devoted himself to studying knowledge. He also wrote Nanyang Fu (the hometown of Emperor Guangwu) in front of Pingzi's reading desk.

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Four years later, the special envoy of the imperial court came to Pingzi Reading Station.It turned out that Zhang Heng was hired to work as a consultant for Lang's Chinese language teaching in the capital. This position is very exciting for Zhang Heng, not in the official position, the key is that he can read many books that are not easy to read.

Pioneer of China's Astronomy——The Story of Zhang Heng - DayDayNews

Zhang Heng worked as a doctor for three years and read a lot of books. Among them was a book called Taixuanjing which had a great influence on him, and it was also a turning point that inspired him to shift from literary creation to scientific research. The Taixuan Sutra talks about many issues related to astronomy and mathematics. It is not difficult to imagine Zhang Heng's mood after reading the Taixuan Sutra. For this, he wrote a letter to his friend Cui Qiong, telling him his research experience, and told him that he would take the study of natural sciences as his lifelong career in the future.

Pioneer of China's Astronomy——The Story of Zhang Heng - DayDayNews

Ancient scientific achievements illustrate the wisdom and labor of our ancestors. As far back as more than a thousand years BC, our ancestors paid attention to the stars in the sky and summarized them into twenty-eight constellations. During the Warring States period, Gander and Shishen wrote works on astronomy and astrology. At that time, there were three different interpretations of the structure of the universe: the Xuanye School said that the sky is empty, and the sun, moon and stars float in the sky; the Gaitian School said that the sky is like a lid and the ground is like a chessboard. , Huntian School said that the sky is like an eggshell and the ground is like an egg yolk. Zhang Heng is studying hard.

Pioneer of China's Astronomy——The Story of Zhang Heng - DayDayNews

He studied these sects and constantly observed the celestial phenomena. Whether it was a severe winter night, when the stars and moon were bright, or when the sun was heavy, and the milky way was shining in the summer night, he worked hard without rest. Finally, he believes that the Huntian faction is more reasonable. He created the most advanced astronomy theory at the time, referring to the equator, ecliptic, north and south poles, etc., found out the laws of the sun, and explained the reason why the days are long and short in summer, the nights are long and short in winter, and the moon does not shine. .

Pioneer of China's Astronomy——The Story of Zhang Heng - DayDayNews

He designed a set of armillary spheres for practical work needs. Under the conditions at the time, it was impossible to manufacture sophisticated astronomical instruments, but he was worthy of being an outstanding scientist in the motherland after all. Under his careful and careful operation,The model is completed. After several experiments, he used copper to cast a formal instrument. The manufacture of the armillary sphere is divided into two circles inside and outside, both of which can be rotated. The outer circle is surrounded by one foot, four feet, six inches and one minute, engraved with the equator, the ecliptic, the north and south poles, , the 24 solar terms , the sun, the moon, and the stars.

Pioneer of China's Astronomy——The Story of Zhang Heng - DayDayNews

He cleverly connected the hourglass and the armillary sphere, so that the armillary sphere rotates at all times, and people can see the movement of the sun, moon, and stars on it. At night, a certain star appeared in the sky, which was exactly in line with the phenomenon shown on the armillary sphere.

Pioneer of China's Astronomy——The Story of Zhang Heng - DayDayNews

Zhang Heng was only about forty years old when he made the armillary sphere. Later, he was transferred to another place to serve as an official for a few years. At the age of forty-nine, he was transferred back to Taishi Ling and continued to study science. From then on he began to study earthquakes with all his strength. Zhang Heng recalled the slight earthquake that he had experienced in his childhood: he was suddenly awakened when he slept on the bed. The table and chairs were shaken to make noises, the bed tents swayed, and the bronze mirrors swayed and glowed. Zhang Heng was very scared. His mother told him that it was an earthquake.

Pioneer of China's Astronomy——The Story of Zhang Heng - DayDayNews

Tai Shiling is in charge of these earthquake records. When the earthquake occurred, if the local magistrate is not responsible and forgets to report to the capital, the record of the earthquake will be missing. He used his brain to design an instrument to measure earthquakes. The seismograph is also made of copper. It looks like a wine jar, with a cover on the top, surrounded by eight dragon heads, and a copper pill in the dragon head's mouth. Under each dragon head, a copper toad sits. When an earthquake occurs, the dragon head in that direction will open its mouth and spit out copper pills, which are falling into the mouth of the toad below.

Pioneer of China's Astronomy——The Story of Zhang Heng - DayDayNews

Once, a dragon head spit out a copper pill, but the people in the capital did not feel the earthquake at all, so some people doubted the accuracy of this instrument. However, a few days later, the report of the earthquake occurred in Longxi arrived. Zhang Heng is also very fond of other subjects and has made achievements in the fields of mathematics, geography and history.He is also good at painting, and the famous painting records of the past pointed out that he was one of the six famous painters in the Eastern Han Dynasty. How extensive is our great scientist's knowledge!

Pioneer of China's Astronomy——The Story of Zhang Heng - DayDayNews

Zhang Heng, after all, grew up in a feudal society, and he cannot be as happy as a scientist in New China today. It is also because he is not obsessed with popular customs, has a clear mind, and is often hated by some powerful traitors. When the emperor asks questions, there is always someone to supervise him. In order to better study academics, Zhang Heng tried his best to avoid fighting with the most arrogant eunuchs at the time. Although he dared not say what was in his heart and said that the eunuch was the most hated in the world, he was transferred out of the capital. 58-year-old Zhang Heng went to Hejian County to become a magistrate. He has been in the dust all the way, in order to be responsible for the locality, he has been observing the sentiments of the people along the way.

Pioneer of China's Astronomy——The Story of Zhang Heng - DayDayNews

After arriving in Hejian, Zhang Heng visited , the king of Hejian Liu Zheng was proud of a man and wanted to live in luxury. He was building a palace at that time. Zhang Heng pretended not to know, and took office directly. A group of local tyrants and bullies that Hejian Wang usually wooed, heard that Zhang Heng was here, and they all came to see him, but Zhang Heng avoided them all.

Pioneer of China's Astronomy——The Story of Zhang Heng - DayDayNews

A group of local tyrants and bullies that Hejian Wang usually wooed, heard that Zhang Heng was here, and they all came to see him, but Zhang Heng avoided them all. Zhang Heng secretly interviewed the several chiefs who had done a lot of evil, and they captured them all in one day calmly. They announced their guilt and pointed out the evidence, and the tyrants and bullies bowed their heads wordlessly in front of the guilt. These people were punished separately in accordance with the law.

Pioneer of China's Astronomy——The Story of Zhang Heng - DayDayNews

Liu Zheng knew this, he was ashamed, changed his behavior, stopped repairing the palace, and took charge of political affairs, and always discussed with Zhang Heng first. Since then, the greed is cleared, and the whole heart is united, and Hejian County has been governed with great results.

Pioneer of China's Astronomy——The Story of Zhang Heng - DayDayNews

Zhang Heng worked as a magistrate in Hejian for three years. Due to fatigue, his body became weaker and sicker.When he was sixty-one years old, the court again ordered him to return to Beijing to take up office. The day Zhang Heng arrived in the capital, his close friend Cui Qiong came to greet him, and the two were very pleased.

Pioneer of China's Astronomy——The Story of Zhang Heng - DayDayNews

Unfortunately, medicine could not solve this great scientist's disease at that time. Zhang Heng finally fell ill and died in the capital, when he was sixty-two years old.

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Cui Qiong mourned the life deeds of an old friend and wrote him a detailed biography, which was carved on a stone tablet.

Pioneer of China's Astronomy——The Story of Zhang Heng - DayDayNews

Zhang Heng's body was transported back to his hometown and buried in the outskirts of Western Hubei. The large stone stele written and carved by Cui Qiong stood in front of his tomb. Great scientists will always be respected and loved by the people. His great academic creations and inventions will always become an immortal monument in the scientific community.


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