Whether absolute truth exists is related to the structural characteristics of our human eyes

2021/07/2721:31:52 science 658

Whether absolute truth exists is related to the structural characteristics of our human eyes - DayDayNews

Netizens often have different opinions on the same phenomenon. Why?

Zhengzhou’s subway was flooded by a rainstorm raid, causing casualties and all kinds of voices, which seems to be easy to understand.

Let's look at a more special example: two people observe the same number, one says it is 6, the other says it is 9. In people's eyes, this seems like a boring game.

This may be accidental, but it is an objective fact, which we cannot deny.

However, if we admit it, it is possible to subvert people's perception: you are right, it does not necessarily mean that others are wrong, and something absolutely correct does not seem to exist.

scope theory believes that from the ontological sense, the phenomenon of , first of all, is related to the structure of our eyes.

The human eye is approximately spherical, about 23 mm in diameter. The eyeball includes the eyeball wall, intraocular cavity and contents, optic nerve and optic pathway, eye appendages and other tissues, as shown below:

Whether absolute truth exists is related to the structural characteristics of our human eyes - DayDayNews

The outermost layer of the eyeball wall is composed of the cornea and sclera, and the middle layer is composed of is composed of choroid, ciliary body and iris, and the inner layer is the retina. The retina resides in the inner layer of the eyeball and is a transparent film. In the center of the retina, there is a circular area with a diameter of about 3 mm, called macula . There is a small depression in the center of the macula, called the fovea, with an area of ​​about 1 square millimeter. The fovea is the most sensitive part of the retina. There are two types of photoreceptor cells on the retina, one is called cone cells . Cone cells feel strong light and color, and are very concentrated in the macula, especially in the fovea. Therefore, macular area especially fovea,It is the place with the best eyesight and the strongest ability to distinguish object details and colors. The best field of view and the center field of view are derived from this. Rod cells is active when the light is low, and has high photosensitivity, but it cannot make fine spatial discrimination. Only rough outlines of objects can be seen, and it does not participate in color vision. The closer the is to the peripheral part of the retina, the more rod cells there are, and the maximum field of view is caused by this.

Whether absolute truth exists is related to the structural characteristics of our human eyes - DayDayNews

The structure of the human eye limits the field of vision. In the maximum field of view, we can only perceive the existence of objects in this range; while in the best field of view, we can only recognize a certain part of an object.

Secondly, it is related to the visual characteristics of the human eye.

The human eye grows in front of the head. When looking straight ahead, the space that the eye observes is called the field of view, which is usually expressed in angles. According to the working state of the eyeballs, the visual field can be divided into three types: direct visual field, eye movement visual field and observation visual field. What is discussed here is the eye movement field of view. The so-called eye movement field of view refers to the spatial range formed by the horizontal and vertical planes that the human eye can perceive when the head is not moving and the eyeballs are moving. Eye movement field of vision is the basic way people observe things .

Whether absolute truth exists is related to the structural characteristics of our human eyes - DayDayNews

The perception of human visual signals has three levels: "a. Awareness: only the presence of the signal is felt; b. Recognition: recognition or discrimination of the detected signal from other signals ; C. Interpretation (or decoding): refers to understanding the content and meaning of the signal."

"The field of vision reflects the human visual physiological function,Direct field of view is the basis of field of vision, eye movement field of view is the basic way people observe things . The field of view gives the spatial range where the human eye can perceive the signal, but only the signal near the gaze point is clear. At the edge of the field of view, the human can only vaguely perceive whether there is a signal, and it is impossible to proceed. Recognition. For example, in the direct field of view, the visual signal is clear only in a very narrow range around the gaze point. As the distance from the gaze point increases, the visual signal's perceptual effect gradually weakens. If it is at the gaze point The visual acuity (visual acuity) of the image is 1.0, and it may be only 0.5 at the point of 2.5 deviation from the gaze point. Therefore, if you want to see the whole picture clearly, you need to scan, that is, each target that needs to be identified takes turns as a focus point (for example, each visual signal on the instrument panel). saccade can be achieved by turning the eyeball or turning the head. However, in terms of monitoring signal operations, turning the head to scan is clumsy, sluggish, and prone to fatigue, while turning the eyeball is obviously much more flexible and quicker. Therefore, in practical engineering applications, ‘field of view’ mainly refers to eye movement field of view, or eye movement field of view is the basic way people observe things. ”

The following figure shows the eye movement field of view: [a] is the best horizontal field of view, [b] is the best vertical field of view; [c] is the maximum horizontal field of view, and [d] is the maximum vertical field of view. [4]
Figure 2

Whether absolute truth exists is related to the structural characteristics of our human eyes - DayDayNews

It can be seen from Figures [a] and [b] that the best field of vision of eye movement is , and is in the horizontal plane. 30 degrees on the left and right sides and 50 degrees below the horizontal line of sight in the vertical plane. 1.5 degrees up, down, left, and right are the central field of vision, also known as the clear zone. This field of view,The eyes can clearly distinguish the color and details of the object. Figure [c] and [d] is the maximum field of view of the eye movement. The viewing angle is 220 degrees on the horizontal plane, 110 degrees on the left and right sides of the zero line, 120 degrees on both sides, 60 degrees on the left and right sides, and 110 degrees on the vertical plane. In such a field of vision, we can perceive the existence and movement of objects, but cannot identify what objects and movements are, especially at the edge. If you want to look at objects outside this range, you need to turn your head or body.

This means that has things that we cannot recognize even within the maximum field of view. In fact, the best field of view for clearly identifying objects is very narrow.

The specific manifestation of the scope of observation is that for the same thing, when we observe it, there is always such a situation: when we see it, there are things that cannot be seen.

Intuitive things are easy to understand, such as a monument. When you see the front side, you cannot see the back side. When you see the back side, you cannot see the front side. There are many examples of this, so you might as well experience it yourself. In short, what we observe is only a part, and cannot observe the whole.

Whether absolute truth exists is related to the structural characteristics of our human eyes - DayDayNews

Whether absolute truth exists is related to the structural characteristics of our human eyes - DayDayNews

What we observe is only a certain range of things, not only in the intuitive things, but more importantly in the observation of abstract things. Although we cannot visually see abstract things, it is also a whole composed of two or more parts. But one thing is the same. Observing the same abstract thing, but drawing different conclusions.

such as objective things,It is a relatively abstract concept. However, the knowledge we learn in school, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc., is only the result of understanding a certain aspect of objective things, such as water, physics, chemistry, agriculture, and humans. The expressions of life and so on are different. The phenomenon of , on the one hand, shows that the object we observe is an objective thing, which is a whole composed of two or more parts; on the other hand, it shows that the scope of our human eye observation is that we can only see part of it. Can't see the whole.

Objective things such as water are easier to understand, like what is matter? What is culture? The understanding of what is science, etc., is often manifested in the search for a unified and only correct definition that everyone recognizes. However, the result is that there are more and more definitions, but there is no uniform definition. This phenomenon, on the one hand, shows that, like intuitive things, abstract things are also a whole composed of two or more parts. We can only see parts but not the whole. The so-called definition of can only be used for concepts. Define a certain part of the concept, but cannot define the concept as a whole.

In short, whether it is intuitive or abstract, our eyes only observe a certain range of things. But this alone does not mean that absolute truth does not exist, if the brain also produces information.

Whether absolute truth exists is related to the structural characteristics of our human eyes - DayDayNews

Whether absolute truth exists is related to the structural characteristics of our human eyes - DayDayNews

The study of modern cognitive psychology shows that our brain cannot produce information, it is just a processing factory that processes information. In modern cognitive psychology, people are regarded as active knowledge seekers and information processors, and regards the human brain as an information processing system similar to a computer. The working principle of the human brain is the principle of information processing. Humans and computers are also an information processing system. It can be said that both the human brain and the computer have input, output, and storage mechanisms and symbolic operating systems that are processed according to certain procedures. To put it simply, the human brain and the computer have in common: receiving information and processing information.

Because of the scope of observation, the eyes, the visual organ and other sensory organs, input a certain range of information to the brain. The brain's information processing system processes a certain range of information. Therefore, the conclusion drawn can only be a certain range of conclusions.

Mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy and various other kinds of knowledge are just knowledge of a certain range of the objective world. The first shows the scope of observations, and the second shows the scope of conclusions. The scope of the conclusion shows that any conclusion has its unexplainable phenomena and unsolvable problems, and it is only correct within a certain range.

The scope of the conclusion is very obvious between disciplines , such as Newton’s law of motion in physics, Boyle’s law in chemistry, Pythagorean theorem in mathematics, and biology Middle Cell Theory, Big Bang Theory in Astronomy, Tectonic Theory in Geography, Engel's Law in Statistics, etc. This theory, can explain some phenomena and solve some practical problems in production activities. , But there are also unexplainable phenomena and unsolvable problems. For example, the cell theory cannot explain the phenomena that can be explained by the plate tectonics theory; the Pythagorean theorem can solve the problems, and Boyle's law can't do anything. These conclusions of are both truthful and scope.

The scope of the conclusion,It is obvious between different disciplines, but the same is true in the same discipline. Asimov said, "Newton is the greatest scientist that has never existed in the world", but his three laws of mechanics are not everywhere, they are not correct, and they are applicable. Limit range. Not to mention that it cannot explain the phenomenon of thermodynamics , nor that it cannot explain the phenomenon of electromagnetism , not to mention that it cannot explain the phenomenon of quantum mechanics of . As far as the scope of mechanics is concerned, the phenomenon that Hooke's law can explain, it can’t explain it; the phenomenon that Euler’s law of motion can explain, it can’t explain it; Archimedes’ law can explain the phenomenon, it can explain more No more. The three laws of mechanics are only correct within a certain range.

Nowhere does not apply. There is no incorrect conclusion. The structure of the human eye limits our field of vision. What we recognize is only a certain range of objective things, and input to the information processing system of the brain What is only a certain range of information, so the conclusion drawn is only a certain range of conclusions.

From the structural characteristics of the eyes, to make our theory have the characteristics of absolute truth, our eyes must be able to see things in all directions, front, back, left, and right, up and down at any time, so that our eyes can see The range reaches 360º; so that we can not only see the present of things change, but also see the future results of the development of things.

In this world, there seem to be many things that cannot be done by humans, such as the inability to accurately determine where the rainstorm is, how big it is, etc. . There is an objective existence hidden behind this inaction: an objective thing is a whole composed of two or more parts. Our human eyes observe only a part, but cannot observe the whole. This is the basis for us to observe the world and understand the world.

Of course, human nature always wants to find a one-size-fits-all truth, but this is impossible in the real world except to find it in God.

Any theory is only correct within a certain range . cannot derive new theories from the existing theories. The new theories arise from the observation and research of new phenomena.

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