The solar system may be in a huge "cosmic cavity" with a diameter of 2 billion light years

2021/06/1123:00:54 science 966

We all know that the vast universe space contains a layer one layer, the world outside the earth is the solar system, the starry sky outside the solar system we call the Milky Way, and the outside of the Milky Way is the larger supercluster , there is also a vaster space outside the super galaxy.

This interlocking cosmic structure constitutes the cosmic space network we see now. The current observable universe of human beings has a range of 93 billion light-years. From the perspective of the universe, the Milky Way is only the smallest observation unit, and the star cluster structure with a diameter of hundreds of millions of light-years, or even billions of light-years, constitutes the vast universe. the main unit.

In the observable universe, scientists believe that under the influence of gravity, visible matter forms a huge "three-dimensional network", which is a giant cosmic fibrous structure with a range of 93 billion light-years. Within this vast expanse, each node that makes up the network is a galaxy cluster.

The solar system may be in a huge

So does this vast fibrous structure show a uniform and dense distribution? The answer is no. Through a large number of observational studies by scientists, it is found that the distribution of matter in the universe is not uniform. From the perspective of the earth, the solar system has eight planets and a large number of asteroids. This is a galaxy with a denser distribution of matter.

is from the perspective of the Milky Way. The solar system is at the edge of the Milky Way, 26,000 light-years away from the center. In the Milky Way, the areas where celestial bodies and matter are densely distributed are mainly concentrated in the vicinity of , the center of the Milky Way, .

Then standing in a larger supercluster outside the Milky Way, is the area where the Milky Way is located in a denser area of ​​celestial bodies? In fact, the position of the Milky Way in the supercluster is also relatively close to the edge, not in the central area.So from the perspective of the fibrous structure of the entire universe, what is the location of the solar system like? Is it a region rich in celestial matter or a region with very little celestial matter?

The solar system may be in a huge

According to the continuous observation of scientists, it is found that the solar system may be inside a huge " cosmic void ", and the diameter of this cosmic void reaches 2 billion light-years. Many friends may not understand the void in the universe. It is actually an astronomical term that generally refers to the space between the fibrous structures of the universe. As we said earlier, the entire observable cosmic space is equivalent to a fibrous three-dimensional structure, in which there are countless nodes connected to each other to form a cosmic network.

and there are spaces between nodes, some spaces are relatively small, and some spaces are particularly huge, and those particularly huge spaces are called cosmic voids. It can be called a void, indicating that the distribution of matter here is very sparse, and the entire void contains only a few galaxies or no galaxies at all.

The cosmic void is a very special and terrifying area in the universe. So far, scientists have not figured out how the vast cosmic void is formed. It is very normal for matter to be unevenly distributed in the universe. This is because different locations experience different gravitational forces. Areas with high gravitational force are naturally more densely distributed, while areas with low gravitational force have a very sparse distribution of matter.

The solar system may be in a huge

If you don’t understand the void in the universe, we can use fishnet as an analogy. We all know that if a fishing net is used for a long time or is damaged, then some large holes will appear in the original densely distributed net.The same is true of cosmic voids. It is also in the vast network of the universe that some particularly huge holes have appeared for some reasons, and they are cosmic voids.

In the horizon of the astronomical telescope , the cosmic void is completely dark, and no reflections of galaxies and matter can be seen, and the temperature there is also extremely low, much lower than the temperature of the surrounding starry sky. It is precisely because of this that cosmic black holes are not a difficult area to find. More importantly, cosmic voids are often very large. Small ones are millions of light-years away, while larger ones can reach hundreds of millions of light-years or more.

American astronomers have discovered that there is a super "void" with a diameter of about 1 billion light-years in the universe, where there are no stars , no galaxies, and no mysterious invisible dark matter . Of course, nothing exists in the cosmic void, but the matter there is very rare, and the galaxies and celestial bodies are also very rare.

The solar system may be in a huge

And human's observation technology is also very limited, so it is difficult to observe the situation in the cosmic void, only to see huge black holes distributed on the background map of the universe. Why do scientists say the solar system may be inside a giant void? In fact, it was mainly discovered by observing the situation around the solar system and the Milky Way.

As we know, the solar system is about 4.2 light-years away from the nearest neighbor galaxy . In this area, except for some interstellar medium , almost no matter can be seen. Of course, from the perspective of the Milky Way, there are still a lot of galaxies and matter near the solar system.

But when we stand from the angle of Laniakea supercluster , we will find that the location of the Milky Way is not in the center, and it is an area with sparse distribution of matter.Not only that, but even a super-large structure such as the Laniakea supercluster is not located in a densely distributed area of ​​the universe. On the contrary, it is likely to be located in a super-large hollow structure. The diameter of the hole is very large. reaches 2 billion light-years.

The solar system may be in a huge

Of course, these are just our preliminary observational structures. If we want to get more accurate information, we cannot do it with our current scientific and technological strength. After all, human beings are in this void, and it is normal to know the true face of Mount Lu when they are in it.

We want to really understand whether the solar system exists in a huge void, so the most intuitive way is to go out and observe the solar system from a farther starry sky, so that you can see what the solar system is in the universe. within the space. To get out of the range of 2 billion light-years, we need to truly grasp the mysteries of time and space, and have the technical strength to break space and travel through space.

Perhaps only the wormhole that has been exploring and researching can go out and let us truly understand the location of the solar system. If the entire galaxy cluster in which the solar system is located is really located in a huge cosmic void, then humans cannot find alien civilizations, and there may be a new explanation.

The solar system may be in a huge

In a cosmic void, the distribution of galactic matter is small, then the probability of the birth of life planets will be very low, and in the void where we are, it is not easy for the earth, a living planet, to appear. matter. Therefore, in this hollow with a diameter of 2 billion light-years, there may be only human civilization.

The cosmic void may be a natural cosmic barrier, making it difficult for other intelligent civilizations to enter and detect, so alien civilizations do not know the existence of the earth and humans.If so, that's good news and bad news for the planet and humanity.

The solar system may be in a huge

The good news is that our future development is very safe, and we don’t need to worry about the threat of alien civilizations. The downside is that we may not be able to contact alien civilizations for a long time in the future. Only after we have the super-light technology that spans the stars, can we hope to get out of this void.

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