As people's living standards get higher and higher, eating meat is no longer a treat only during the New Year and holidays. Not only meat, people's dining tables are getting richer and richer, and they basically no longer worry about not having enough food.

As people's living standards get higher and higher, eating meat is no longer a treat only during the New Year and holidays. Not only meat, people's dining tables are becoming more and more abundant, and basically they no longer worry about not having enough food. This was originally a good thing, but another problem appeared with this kind of life. That is overnutrition. Overnutrition not only leads to problems such as overweight and obesity, but is also an important factor in chronic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension , and atherosclerosis.

In my country, the incidence of hyperlipidemia is increasing year by year.

According to the "Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Dyslipidemia in Chinese Adults (2016 Revised Edition)", the overall prevalence of dyslipidemia in Chinese adults is as high as 40.40%, which has increased significantly compared with 2002. The increase in population serum cholesterol will lead to an increase of approximately 9.2 million cardiovascular disease events in my country from 2010 to 2030.

Although this data is just an inference, it should attract the attention of Chinese residents. Do not choose to be indifferent because hyperlipidemia does not cause much discomfort in the early stages of the disease, let alone simply equate hyperlipidemia with obesity.

Hyperlipidemia is not just as simple as an increase in blood lipid indicators. Since blood circulates throughout our body, dyslipidemia can also be understood as unhealthy blood quality, which may lead to the occurrence and progression of some serious diseases.

The serious harm caused by hyperlipidemia mainly includes the following categories.

1, diabetes

Diabetes is a disease in which blood sugar levels rise abnormally and cannot be controlled, mainly due to abnormal insulin secretion in the human body and impairment of the utilization of insulin . This disease is an endocrine disorder that affects the human body's nerves and blood vessels.

Hyperlipidemia may lead to impaired glucose tolerance through lipotoxicity and then cause diabetes.

Therefore, patients with hyperlipidemia are also high-risk groups for diabetes and should be careful.

2, Coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease is a heart disease caused by stenosis or obstruction of the coronary lumen, causing myocardial ischemia , hypoxia or necrosis. This type of disease is closely related to the occurrence of atherosclerotic lesions in coronary arteries .

Hyperlipidemia is closely related to atherosclerosis. Severe hyperlipidemia will accelerate the formation of atherosclerosis. Therefore, hyperlipidemia is a high-risk factor for coronary heart disease.

3. Stroke

Stroke is one of the more serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases . High blood pressure, hyperlipidemia and other diseases are all high-risk factors for stroke. Stroke is mainly divided into ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemic stroke is closely related to factors such as atherosclerosis and blood vessel blockage.

Therefore, severe hyperlipidemia may cause ischemic stroke.

4, Acute Pancreatitis

High blood lipids may have an impact on blood vessels throughout the body. Excessive blood lipids may form emboli and block pancreatic capillaries, thereby causing acute pancreatitis.

Although this kind of complications are rare, they have to attract people's attention.

The above content is to draw attention to high blood lipids. The increasing prevalence of hyperlipidemia year by year is not only related to innate factors such as genetic factors. Many otherwise healthy people suffer from hyperlipidemia, which is closely related to their eating habits. Therefore, it is very necessary to start with the most necessary behavioral habits in life.

But although it is said that we should start with diet, it does not suggest skipping dinner, or even over-controlling diet to increase calorie intake.

If you can eat dinner like this in your life, it may be helpful in regulating high blood lipids.

1. Avoid eating high-sugar, high-oil, and high-calorie foods at dinner

Dinner is usually after a day's work and activities. Generally, people will prepare to rest after dinner, so the body's calorie consumption will be reduced at night.

Due to the reduced activity level, it is not suitable to consume too many high-calorie foods at this time, which may cause metabolic stress and increase the risk of hyperlipidemia. Therefore, it is not appropriate to eat fried or fatty foods for dinner.

Try to keep the amount of cooking oil at about 10g when cooking dinner. If the use of cooking oil or fat intake during the day has exceeded the standard, the use of cooking oil should be reduced. It is recommended that the daily diet should increase the intake of foods rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and reduce the intake of saturated fatty acids and foods.

2. Eat more ingredients that protect blood vessels at dinner

In our lives, there are actually many ingredients that naturally protect blood vessels, such as onions, celery, eggplant, etc. Onions are rich in prostaglandin A and quercetin . Prostaglandin A can dilate blood vessels and reduce blood viscosity, which is very helpful in preventing thrombosis and protecting blood vessels. Quercetin can help prevent the activity of cancer cells and is also helpful for physical health. Celery contains apigenin , and eggplant is rich in vitamin P. These nutrients are helpful in protecting blood vessels.

You can choose more of these ingredients for dinner, which can protect blood vessels while ensuring low calorie intake. But you must pay attention to the cooking method and don't make it too spicy.

3. You can increase consumption appropriately after dinner.

People's daily intake and consumption should be in a certain balanced relationship. However, due to the influence of modern lifestyle, many people are inactive even when working, which will lead to increased exercise and metabolic stress.

If possible, you can choose to take a walk or other activities after dinner to increase energy consumption. However, you must be careful not to move immediately after a meal or do excessive exercise to avoid damaging the gastrointestinal tract.

Hyperlipidemia is one of the reversible chronic diseases, but it does not mean that you can ignore it if you have hyperlipidemia. The longer blood lipid levels remain abnormal, the more damage they will cause to the body. It is recommended to help blood lipids return to normal levels as soon as possible through a reasonable diet and moderate exercise to avoid further progression of adverse health problems.

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