Our spinal cord is a very fragile tissue. When it is damaged by external trauma, its regeneration ability is very poor. Once complete spinal cord injury occurs, it is difficult to recover neurological function. How is the severity of spinal cord injury graded? Grade A is a comple

Our spinal cord is a very fragile tissue. When it is exposed to external trauma, causing spinal cord injury , its regeneration ability is very poor. Once complete spinal cord injury occurs, it is difficult to recover neurological function.

How is the severity of spinal cord injury graded?

a grade is a complete injury, with no movement of the fourth and fifth sacral vertebrae and preservation of sensory function.

b grade is an incomplete injury. The 4th and 5th sacral vertebrae below the level of spinal cord injury have no motor function and there is residual feeling.

c grade is an incomplete injury, below the level of spinal cord injury, with preservation of motor function, but less than half of the important muscle strength is below grade 3.

d grade is an incomplete injury. There is preserved motor function below the spinal cord injury level, and more than half of the important muscle strength is greater than or equal to 3. The

e level is normal, and the electric shock sensation is normal.

What are the dangers of spinal cord injury?

Depending on the degree of injury, there will be varying degrees of limb paralysis or decreased muscle strength, as well as sensory impairment of the limbs and trunk, and sphincter dysfunction, which is mainly manifested in varying degrees. Urinary and fecal dysfunction, incontinence or a state of retention .

On these basis, patients are also prone to various other complications.

Respiratory dysfunction, respiratory muscle weakness, secretions in the trachea that cannot be discharged normally, excessive secretions, the patient aspirates and coughs into the lungs, leading to lung infection, and accumulation caused by intubation and long-term bed rest pneumonia.

is unable to urinate on his own, and urinary catheter is retained for a long time, causing urinary system infection.

Being bedridden for a long time and unable to turn over on one's own initiative results in local skin being compressed for a long time, resulting in the formation of bedsores, skin ulceration, and easy infection.

Body temperature imbalance, no correct perception of temperature, disorder of self-regulation, and symptoms of high fever.

Paralysis of both lower limbs, no independent movement, muscle contraction dysfunction, long-term bed rest leads to slow blood circulation, forming venous thrombosis .

In clinical practice, many patients unfortunately pass away due to complications. In addition to the care of their families, patients must also start rehabilitation training as soon as possible. Rehabilitation training is not just simple limb activities. It mainly helps patients exercise the remaining muscle function of the limbs, stimulates the transmission between muscles and nerves, improves the activity function of limb joints, helps patients recover to the maximum extent, and enables patients to achieve the best possible results. Self-care can even be restored to a level close to that of normal people, thereby improving the patient's confidence and quality of life.