It is well known that drinking alcohol damages the liver! 90% of the alcohol in the wine we drink is metabolized by the liver. Long-term drinking will overload the liver, and you are very likely to suffer from fatty liver and alcoholic liver disease. But in fact, some foods in li

It is well known that drinking alcohol damages the liver!

90% of the alcohol in the wine we drink is metabolized by the liver. Long-term drinking will overload the liver, and you are very likely to suffer from fatty liver and alcoholic liver . But in fact, there are some problems in life Food is even more harmful to the liver than drinking. Let me educate you on this. I hope you can keep your mouth shut!

Healthy Liver and Broken Liver

Liver Killer One: High Fat and High Oil

Eating too many high-fat and greasy foods can easily lead to fat metabolism disorders, causing fat to accumulate in the liver to form fatty liver. In addition to eating less fatty meat such as pork belly, Except for thick and greasy food, try not to order fried, fried, crispy and other foods when dining out.

In diet, light cooking methods such as steaming, stewing, and stewing are more helpful, which can help reduce the burden on the liver and protect the health of the body. As for ham, bacon and other processed meats, the fat content is relatively high, so try to keep your mouth shut.

High-fat foods

The liver is very important to human health. As the saying goes, it is better to prevent diseases than to cure them. If you want to maintain the health of your liver, in addition to adjusting your diet, you must also ensure adequate sleep. Only when people enter deep sleep can they It helps the liver detoxify and metabolize and maintain the normal operation of the body. I hope you can stick to it!

Liver Killer 2: Pickled Foods

Many people like to eat pickled foods. Various pickled sauerkraut, bacon and pickles, etc. are regular guests at the dinner table. However, they do not know that a lot of salt is put into processed pickled foods. The longer the pickling time is, the more impurities will be contained, such as nitrite , nitrate , etc.

Preserved foods

Because these ingredients are high, after a person eats them, the liver can only excrete part of the toxins, and most of them will still stay in the body. Therefore, eating cigarettes and other foods regularly will also increase the burden on the liver. , affecting normal liver function.

Liver killer three: barbecue and spicy hotpot

Experiments show that if the meat is grilled directly at high temperature, benzopyrene and nitrosamine will be produced. These two substances will increase the burden on the liver after consumption! At the same time, people who like to eat spicy food are more likely to damage the gastric mucosa, increase gastric acid secretion, and increase the burden on the liver. Especially for people who already have liver disease, they should eat less spicy food, such as pepper mustard , etc. They need to control the amount of food consumed, otherwise it will damage the liver.


Liver Killer Four: High-sugar Foods

" Pearl Milk Tea , Small Cake", the deliciousness depends entirely on "sugar"! However, eating too many foods with high sugar content is not only easily converted into fat and stored in the liver, but also increases the metabolic burden on the liver, affects liver health, and can even induce liver problems such as fatty liver. At the same time, frequent consumption of high-sugar foods is more likely to lead to weight gain, and fat accumulation can cause obesity and is the root cause of many diseases.

High-sugar foods


"It is better to prevent the disease than to cure it." Instead of waiting until the liver becomes diseased to seek medical treatment, it is better to strengthen daily prevention while the liver is healthy, control your mouth, and pay attention to your daily diet. It is more important to your own health.